GODHEAD GOD I. His Being II. His nature III. His character IV. His will V. His subsistence VI. His Fatherhood SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS
full background to this teaching is available online at this link
Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue
This week's teachings are extrapolated from the principles set out last week in the teaching on the personal application of the 'Power of 3' in our lives. Please refer back to last week's issue for the basic scriptures and guidelines upon which this teaching is based. This study is an outline only. See other teachings for more details.
God never intended His Church to be static! It is to continually evolve and develop until the day of our Saviour's return. While Jesus remains the same, yesterday, today and forever, we individually, and as a Church, cannot, until we too, attain perfection.
Colossians 3:5-15
Throughout the history of the Church, people have sought God and been given a new revelation. Unfortunately, in our humanness, this then becomes 'our doctrine' and we build a denomination or grouping upon it. Of course, when God wishes to give another revelation, we won't hear, for we already 'have it all'! So God will seek out a new group who are willing to listen. And the cycle gets repeated, again and again. It is a truism that those at the forefront of the last revival are the greatest critics of the next! Yes, pride so quickly permeates us. Therefore, let us be humble and understand that, no matter how great a revelation we receive, there is is still much more to come. And earnestly seek His face to find it. No revelation is ours! We have no ownership of it, for it is God's property alone!
Church development since the 16th century Reformation can be generally categorised into 3 parts or streams relating to the element/s of the Godhead upon which they are based. JESUS: Traditional & Evangelical (Non Charismatic) Churches JESUS + HOLY SPIRIT: Pentecostal & Charismatic Churches JESUS + HOLY SPIRIT + THE FATHER: The Bride
Hebrews 9:1-5
We are now going to take the teachings from last week and regroup them into categories based primarily upon Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Father. In doing this we will clearly see how the 'Power of 3' accurately describes the 3 categories of Churches, as well as our personal walk towards maturity.
Hebrews 6:1-3
<b>JESUS:</b> <i>Traditional and Evangelical (Non Charismatic) Churches</i> |
DEVELOPMENT IN GOD Hebrews 6:1 Salvation John 10:9 THE NEW COVENANT Jeremiah 31:33 The Sacrifice Hebrews 9:13-14, 10:9-10 3 PARTS OF MAN 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Body 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 3 PARTS OF THE SOUL Hebrews 8:10-11 Mind Romans 12:2 NEW TESTAMENT TRIAD 1 Corinthians 13:13 Hope 1 Thessalonians 5:8 THE 3 BIRDS Matthew 6:26, Revelation 19:17-21 Sparrow Psalm 84:3-4 THE MAGI’S GIFTS Matthew 2:1-12 Myrrh Mark 15:23 PARABLE OF THE TALENTS Matthew 25:14-30 One Talent Matthew 25:18 PARABLE OF THE 10 MINAS Luke 19:11-27 Kept 1 Mina Luke 19:20-24 BUILDING FAITH 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 Gifts 1 Corinthians 12:4 JESUS IS... John 14:6 The Way THE POWER OF 3 - David’s Revelation 3x1 = 3 Thus, in general terms, 'Traditional' churches such as the Lutheran, Anglican (Episcopal) and 'Evangelical' ones, e.g. Baptist, are founded on the principles of salvation, the sacrifice and person of Jesus. They share an intellectual faith based on hope, symbolised by the sparrow and myrrh (Speaking of 'natural good'). Many adherents relate to the one talent and mina. There is an emphasis on the non charismatic gifts, acknowledging Jesus as 'The Way', producing fruit at a factor of 3. This, of course, is a generalisation, but these characteristics, to a greater or lesser extent, typify these churches. And God loves all His people.
<b>JESUS + HOLY SPIRIT:</b> <i>Pentecostal & Charismatic Churches</i> |
DEVELOPMENT IN GOD Spirit Acts 9:17 THE NEW COVENANT The Seal Acts1:4-5,2:1-4,Eph.1:13-14 3 PARTS OF MAN Spirit 1 Corinthians 7:34 3 PARTS OF THE SOUL Emotions (Heart) Romans 10:9-10 NEW TESTAMENT TRIAD Faith Romans 1:17 THE 3 BIRDS Dove John 1:32-34 THE MAGI’S GIFTS (Frank)incense Exodus 30:34 PARABLE OF THE TALENTS Two Talents Matthew 25:16 PARABLE OF THE 10 MINAS Earned 5 Minas Luke 19:18-19 BUILDING FAITH Service 1 Corinthians 12:5 JESUS IS... The Truth John 14:6 THE POWER OF 3 - David’s Revelation 3x3 = 9 These churches, both from Pentecostal and Charismatic roots, are too numerous to mention. For on of their features is that they split, very easily! Sufficient to say, these are the churches who recognise an additional baptism, or infilling, of the Holy Spirit, very often confirmed by the ability to speak in other tongues. They embrace the same principles of Jesus as characterise the Traditional and Evangelical churches, but add the dimension of the power of the Holy Spirit. At least, theoretically! The Holy Spirit, the 'Seal' (signature) of the New Covenant, is celebrated with emotion and in faith. These churches are symbolised by the dove, while frankincense represents 'spiritual food.' Generally more committed, as indicated by the 2 talents and 5 minas. Likely to be more committed to service and to the more literal truth of The Word. With an effectiveness level of 9. Once again, remember that this is a generalisation only! We can all think of many individual exceptions! And God loves His people.
JESUS + HOLY SPIRIT + THE FATHER:The Bride - The Kingdom Church |
DEVELOPMENT IN GOD Submission Colossians 4:12 THE NEW COVENANT The Promise Hebrews 8:10 3 PARTS OF MAN Soul Matthew 10:28,16:26 3 PARTS OF THE SOUL Will 1 Corinthians 7:37 NEW TESTAMENT TRIAD Love 1 Corinthians 16:14 THE 3 BIRDS Eagle Revelation 12:14 THE MAGI’S GIFTS Gold Exodus 25:10-22 PARABLE OF THE TALENTS Five Talents Matthew 25:17 PARABLE OF THE 10 MINAS Earned 10 Minas Luke 19:16-17 BUILDING FAITH Working 1 Corinthians 12:6 JESUS IS... The Life John 14:6 THE POWER OF 3 - David’s Revelation 3x3x3 = 27 The kingdom church is not a traditional church in the way we know it. For there is no human measure of 'submission' to the will of God. It is uniquely personal. We can commit to salvation through a prayer and join a church. We can be baptised in the Spirit, speak in other tongues and join a church. But one cannot measure the inner state of another's heart. It is between you and God. However, we can expect to see the following characteristics becoming apparent in our lives. It is a faith based around submission to God's (not the pastor's) will for our life. Of being sold out to the Promise of the New Covenant. (“This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,” declares the LORD. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.(Jeremiah 31:33)) Fully committed in soul (our unique personality)we 'will' love (agape) others, even the unlovely. Represented by the eagle and the gift of gold, (celestial good) using 5 talents and earning 10 minas. A total commitment to working for the enhancement of the Kingdom, (but not necessarily full time!) walking in love. With an effectiveness level of 27. The Bride will be drawn from those Christians prepared to pay the price, irrespective of affiliation, or non-affiliation, for that matter. These are the ones the Lord is seeking today.
Exodus 25:8-9
In the key verse of Walking With Jesus Ministries. Revelation 12:11. It talks about the way that satan will finally be overcome. They overcame him by..... JESUS: the blood of the Lamb HOLY SPIRIT: and by the word of their testimony; THE FATHER: they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Yes, 'The Power of Three', the number of God, the way He works, permeates the Scriptures. Are we prepared to fully submit our lives to Him?
Revelation 12:10-12
The pursuit of holiness is at the centre of the Christian faith, yet it is also one of its least understood principles. Over the years I have struggled with its meaning, and more importantly, its life application! Like us all! The interesting thing is that it can't be laid out simply in points 1 through 10, as many people make the mistake of trying to do. Rather, holiness is a life learning and development process during which the individual grows more into the image of Jesus. This is not a theological presentation of 'the principles of holiness', for I am not a theologian, and would not attempt it. Nor would it likely do much good! For the real problem is in living it! Rather, this is a revelation of some of the principles the Lord has shown me and which I am doing my best to apply to my own life. I am not presenting them as the super secret of, "do this and you will be holy!" The purpose is that you will take the principles and apply the lessons they contain, to help you deepen your 'walk with Jesus'. The Lord has given me a large number of sayings, which I call 'David's Doodlings'. As you can see, I like alliteration! One doodling, in particular, seems to sum up the mystery, the dichotomy, and the experience of our pursuit of this ultimate goal. "The closer I get to God, the further away I find I really am." Yes, the pursuit of holiness is a lifetime walk, a journey that our Lord so much desires each pilgrim to take. I trust that this may help us a little as we seek to walk with Jesus.
Difficult though it may be at times to understand, given the fragmentation of the Church, God does have a 'master plan' for His people. One that He will see come to fruition, through those who listen to and act upon His voice. I want to be one who hears! You too? THE INDIAN CHURCH This picture shows a more typical layout that could be found in many countries. Throughout India, and some places in Africa, there is a tradition of presenting visitors with garlands of flowers. As a former flower grower, I appreciate this custom. Only problem is that the garlands get heavy round your neck after a time. So usually they are taken off after formalities are completed.
PS: A black haired me! Menories! LOL!
So until next week.......
His servant and yours
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9. The foolish man is satisfied with reading the Word, a wise man follows the Word, but the godly man is as one with the Word.
David Tait
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