The Lord has led me to go back to a sermon/prophecy I received in a group mailing, and filed, some time ago. It is by David Wilkerson.

David was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade.     

After the introduction, he gave 11 bullet points about THE GLORIOUS FUTURE JUST AHEAD. As the Lord leads, I will expand on these challenging but inspiring aspects.

Let us conclude…










Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue




At the heart of his insights was the reality that the church, as it exists now, has lost its way. While the church does many GOOD things, GOD things have been lost, as we have adapted more and more to the ways of the world. An 'O' has been added, which has fundamentally changed the character of the church and reduced its effectiveness in thecommunity.    

Interestingly, his first point of reference was to the ministry. For ever since the institutionalization of the church by Emperor Constantine in Rome during the 300's, the church has been operated for the benefit of the ministry, rather than to the glory of God. Effectively, God has been hijacked by the modern 'priesthood', setting themselves up once again as conduits, effectively barriers, between God and His people. The Reformation, first and foremost, was born over this issue, but soon fell back into similar habits with a different set of names and people. Regrettably leadership's heart, throughout the ages from the Old Testament Priesthood, the Roman Catholic Church and the 33,000+ plus denominations today has primarily been on perpetuating their hierarchy. Revelation comes, new movements are formed based on direct inter-relation between God and man, but inevitably, deteriorate into formality, rules, regulations, with theological doctrines promoted through colleges or seminaries issuing qualifications that replace God's calling in the ministry. This self-perpetuating process sets up formal organisations, builds buildings, institutes programmes, and collects money from its followers in order to maintain the system, so becoming integrated into society, rather than offering a radical alternative to it. 

Virtually all the great reformers down the ages have been rejected by the established churches of the time - from Wycliffe to Luther, from Wesley to Booth, from Finney to Tozer, from the early Pentecostals to David Wilkerson. That is the way of the church.   

The problems of the church, in the broader sense of the people, listed as ...

..... no repentance and holiness    
..... no righteous living
..... worldly addictions 
..... worldly or selfish prayers       
..... no discernment    
..... ignorance of the Word   
..... avoidance of trial and testing 
..... relegating Jesus   
..... Jesus as a stranger       
..... a lost power of Pentecost       

can to a large extent be attributed to an inward looking leadership, focused on survival through promotion of a ministry or grouping, rather than the outward focused, self-sacrificial example of the life and ministry of Jesus. 

And the people, the followers, have found it convenient to offload their 'religious responsibility' to the establishment. For that is comfortable, and does not disturb the status quo. 

But there is change coming!

From the problems we move on to.....






The primary solutions to many of the church's current problems are a refocusing of leadership to an outward focus, putting Jesus and others above themselves - plus a people prepared to sacrifice comfort to dedicate their lives to the ways of the Lord.   

Neither of these come through personal striving, for that will fail, but must arise through the power of the Holy Spirit, convicting leadership and people of the need to change, and the willingness to submit to His direction.

David Wilkerson along with others, could see that this is starting to happen. For there is arising today, a 'church' (in the widest sense) of people around the world who are setting aside the chains of religion for a close, deep, personal relationship with Jesus, in order to fulfill the purposes of the Lord in these last days before the return of Jesus.   

We are looking at a church, a people.....

..... led by humble, God-directed people, called to the ministry, not as a job,       but at the personal leading of the Holy Spirit.   

..... of people called to repentance and holy living  

..... of people washed in the blood of the Lamb, cleansed from worldly ways, walking in the ways of righteousness.   

..... setting an example to others, putting aside the strongholds of the world such as drugs, alcoholism, divorce, and many others, that corrupt people's lives.

..... turning back to prayer and intercession, to grow in God and discover His will for their lives.

..... who can discern between the holy and the unholy, through understanding the pattern of the Word and spending time with Jesus.   

..... a people dedicated to read and meditate upon the Word.   

..... prepared to walk through the valley of the shadow of death in order to be made into the likeness of Jesus.

..... unashamed of Jesus, lifting up His name before all mankind, not just in words, but through the example of their lives.     

..... willing to make Jesus No.1 in their lives, submitting their all to Him.     

..... of victory in Jesus, operating under Holy Spirit guidance and power.    

This is not a church living between four walls, but a powerful church witnessing to the world through the strength and power of Jesus operating in their lives. 

It is a church of individuals united in the Spirit, paving the way for the return of Jesus.

Do you want to belong? Then submit yourself 100% to Jesus. He will lead you and guide you into paths you could never have believed possible for you. HALLELUJAH!

Jesus is Lord!    JESUS IS LORD!!    JESUS IS LORD!!!     





So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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Previous parts of this Series (When applicable) are available to be read at:





305. The foolish can seek wisdom, the wise godliness, while the godly grow into the image of Christ.

David Tait         




Earlier Series of "Tuesday Teachings" can be read at:



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