DAVID - Easton's Bible Dictionary
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JERUSALEM - Easton's Bible Dictionary
JERUSALEM. - The new Bible Dictionary
full background to this teaching is available online at this link
Full Background Information on David's Tabernacle here
Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 1: A people seeking to do God's will.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 2: A people fearing the Lord now, conforming to Christ in holiness, in order to avoid judgement later.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 3: A people prepared to put aside their own methods in order to do things God's way.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 4: A people seeking the ultimate blessing of becoming like Jesus.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 5: A people moving in the will of the Lord who can rejoice in all situations.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 6: A sacrificial people, desperate to become 'sons of God'.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 7: A people of exuberant worship, putting Jesus in the highest place.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 8: A people who reject religious control in order to seek God for themselves.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 9: A people being as Christ to the community.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 10: A people with ongoing access to the presence of God.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 11: A people seeking the ultimate blessing of ruling and reigning with Christ.
END TIME CHURCH TRAIT 12: A people prepared to be rejected by the 'religious church' in order to fully serve their God.
The Holy Place contained three natural items of Furniture. The Ark itself, also contained three items, but these were supernatural. Remarkably, by matching like items from each place, we can build a picture of the differences between the church today and the church to come.
In the Holy Place of Moses Tabernacle, the 3 man made items of furniture were:
1. Table of Showbread: On this Table the priests placed 12 loaves of bread which were replaced weekly to keep them fresh. The bread represents the revelatory Word of God, revealed by the Holy Spirit to us. We need to keep reading the Word to receive the revelation and to prevent our lives becoming 'spiritually stale.
2. The Lampstand: The lamps of the candlestick needed to be trimmed and filled with oil twice daily. Spiritually, this represents the oil of anointing; the spiritual gifts that God gives us. Again, these need to 'trimmed' through repentance and 'topped up' with the Holy Spirit daily.
3. Altar of Incense: Incense was regularly burned on coals to make a heavenly smelling cloud of smoke. This represents the ways we reach out to God, primarily through praise, worship and prayer. Once again, it must be done on a regular basis.
The 3 items in the Ark however, were of supernatural origin, befitting the presence of God.
1. Gold Jar of Manna: God provided manna from heaven to feed His people during the 40 years they wandered the desert. Six days a week a new supply was given, one which would go moldy after 24 hours, except for the 'double portion' before the sabbath, which lasted 2 days.
2. Aaron's Budded Staff: When placed in God's presence, the Almond rod miraculously produced buds, blossoms and almonds, symbolizing the authority of the priesthood, of which Aaron was the first representative.
3. 2 Stone Tablets of the Covenant: The original stones were carved by God and written on by Him also. Being entirely perfect God, they couldn't exist in the presence of sin. So Moses had no option but to throw the tablets down, breaking them in the presence of the golden calf Aaron had had made during his absence. The second set of stones however, were prepared by Moses and inscribed by the finger of God.
The Holy Place and its furniture represented the pentecostal anointing of the Holy Spirit. In the Holy of Holies initially, and finally in David's Tabernacle, above the Ark, dwelled the very presence of the Father.
Moving through from the Holy Place to the presence of the Ark can therefore be likened to moving from the Pentecostal/Charismatic church age of the 20th century, in which the Holy Spirit was preeminent, to the Tabernacle church age, characterized by obedience to the will of the Father.
Let's now see how the items in the Holy Place and the items in the Ark interrelate and illustrate the change in the church God is bringing about in these end times for those prepared to follow Him exclusively.
1. The Living Word: From the Table of Showbread to the Jar of Manna.
As we move towards greater maturity, so our revelation of God, via His Word, grows. At the Table of Showbread we need to seek out revelation constantly. But as we move on into Tabernacles, God reveals Himself to us in a greater and greater way, through His Word. The full revelation of Him however, can only come with perfection. For then we can meet with Him face to face.
2. The Power of God: From the Lampstand to the Budded Staff
The call of most Christians is, "Give me more gifts!" But God says, "If you want more gifts, build a character that is capable of exercising them without going astray." Most prefer to ignore God's call! The harsh reality is, if we were given the ability to use Aaron's staff of authority to bring up plagues of frogs, the whole world would soon be overrun with frogs, for we would abuse the authority and power given us.
However, those prepared to conform to the image of Christ through absolute obedience to the Father's will, will receive the Power of God to do greater things than Jesus did. But the gift of God's power comes not from pleading, but instead, through submission.
3. The Image of Christ: From the Incense Altar to the 2 Stone Tablets of the Covenant.
Today, many of us enter into the presence of God through the Incense Altar of praise, worship and prayer. We do not remain in His presence over long periods of time as we are insufficiently holy so to do.
The first set of Tablets was absolutely perfect, being made and written on by God. Their destruction should be a sober reminder to us that God and sin are mutually exclusive!
The second set though, were made by Moses and written on by God. This speaks of God perfecting man as we allow Him to write on the 'tablets' of our life, until we become like Jesus, the perfect fulfilment of the Law. Ultimately, the most powerful witness we can make and be to the world is the Jesus living inside. As we submit ourselves to the working of God in our lives, however painful that might be, we will grow more and more into the image of our Savior and Lord. To be like Jesus is the ultimate sign of maturity in our individual lives and the over riding characteristic of the end time, Tabernacle of David church.
This series finally ends with both a warning and a promise. For me, moving from a heavy heart to a glad heart.
Let's investigate!
The simple, yet so difficult to implement, key to moving into all that God has to offer in these final days, is to discard all that we are to become like Jesus.
The more we submit to the Father's will, as Jesus did, the more of our own nature we leave behind, the more like Jesus we will become.
This is the challenge of Christian maturity. And the call to us all in these end times.
New Testament Olive Press
These items are olive and wine presses.
So until next week.......
His servant and yours
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939. As I die, so God grows in me. There is only room for one of us!
David Tait
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