This series finally ends with both a warning and a promise. For me, moving from a heavy heart to a glad heart.

Let's investigate!





DAVID - Easton's Bible Dictionary

DAVID, CITY OF - Easton's Bible Dictionary

DAVID - The new Bible Dictionary

JERUSALEM - Easton's Bible Dictionary

JERUSALEM. - The new Bible Dictionary


The full background to this teaching is available online at this link
Full Background Information on David's Tabernacle here



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue




It is with both a heavy and glad heart that I write.

Many people are unaware of the Tabernacle of David. Neither as a temporary tent for the Ark of the Covenant, nor for its end time truths.

Even fewer people are aware that for these short 40 years there were actually two tabernacles in existence. David's political reason for bringing the Ark back to Jerusalem was to eliminate a potential threat to his monarchy. Had the Ark been returned to the original Tabernacle of Moses, now permanently stationed in Gibeon, about 9km (5 1/2 miles) from Jerusalem, it could have been used as a power base by a potential usurper of David's throne, through claiming the Lord's blessing. So David stationed his staunch supporter Zadok as High Priest in Gibeon rather than in Jerusalem, as a further protection.


1 Chronicles 16:37-40



Moses Tabernacle had now been in continual use for nearly 500 years, amazing in itself. The cloth used must have been both strong and weather resistant! But by now, it would have been weather beaten, to say the least.

The furniture, built by Bezalel, Oholiab and their team to the designs given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, remained at Gibeon with the exception of the Ark of the Covenant itself.




I have a heavy heart as the Lord showed me that the Tabernacle of Moses at Gibeon is a picture of much of the church today. The church has

* The Altar of Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins
* The Washing Basin of baptism and the washing of the Word.
* The Table of Showbread of the revelatory Word
* The Candlesticks of spiritual gifts
* The Altar of Incense of worship which has been taken through the torn veil into the Holy of Holies (Hebrews 9:3)



But the Ark of the Covenant above which the presence of God dwelled, is no longer there. The power has gone. The fear of God has gone. The glory of God has departed. It is a church of form but without substance, going through the motions but not seeing the presence of God.

A church rooted in the past. A church focused on buildings, (i.e. the Tabernacle), a church focused on programmes (i.e. the daily religious rites), and a church focused on status and titles, one effectively reintroducing an intermediary between the people and God (i.e. the Priesthood). A church without substance or power, for the presence of God has departed with the Ark to a new home.




But my heart is glad, for God has not deserted His people! Rather, He has called out a new people, a people with the heart of King David, a heart for the Lord (Acts 13:22), to join Him face to face in the simple tent which is the Tabernacle of David. A humble but powerful people not seeking status or position, buildings or religious programmes, but preferring simply to be Jesus to others.

It is not another church in the conventional sense of the word, but individuals and informal groups of disciples 100% sold out to their God, ones willing to sacrifice everything they have and are, for their Lord.

They are called by many names in the Bible. The 'sons of God', the 'overcomers', the 'Bride of Christ', the 'martyrs', both literal and spiritual. All receive the 'double portion' of God s blessing that Elisha requested of Elijah.


2 Kings 2:9-10



As Elijah indicated, this is not an easy thing, nor an easy life to live, but reserved by God for those fully committed to making the necessary sacrifice. It was not something that Elisha knew at the time. He had to walk in faith. His receipt of the double portion was reflected in his life where finally, he did twice the number of miracles that Elijah did. It is all about the walk, not the talk! 



This 'tabernacle church' will last but for a short time, until the return of Jesus. David's Tabernacle was sandwiched for only 40 years between the Tabernacle of Moses (the church as we know it) and the Temple of Solomon (a type of the kingdom reign of Jesus).

For those who attain the high calling there is the reward of taking part in the first resurrection, of ruling and reigning with Christ for 1000 years.


Revelation 20:4-6


To which resurrection, to which 'Tabernacle', do you choose to belong?




You never know where God is going to take you!

Our family is about to be 'taken' to a new place in the natural, (written in 2005) shifting to another, nearby city. It will be a new challenge for us, living in a different socio-economic area and assisting in looking after children who have had severe problems in life.

In the spiritual too, I was wondering what to do next, as I came to the end of correcting and editing my final draft of the preceding work in this series, 'A Revelation of … The 3 Kingdom Ages of God'. As I was finalising the last 5 of 155 pages, the Lord just put into my mind this revelation about the Lamb. So now I have my next task!

Here in New Zealand, we have 40 million sheep but only 4 million people! Or 10 sheep per person! Once upon a time we had 60 million sheep and 3 million people. But the prices, particularly for wool have deteriorated over the years. So now, we have increased numbers of cows and fewer sheep.

This aside, sheep, therefore lambs too, play an important part in our economy. As they do in that of God. For the lovely, innocent, fluffy, white, playful lamb, that naturally attracts us humans to it, is used in the Bible as a picture, or type of Jesus. Before He came, while He was here, and after He departed to be again with His father, the lamb is used as a simile or description of Him.

In our country, as there are so many lambs, they tend to become commonplace and undervalued, through familiarity. I pray that this may never be the case with Jesus, the Lamb of God who died to save the world.




I trust that this series has both challenged and excited you as much as it has me!

Yes, we can go on walking in the same way as we always have - or we can determine to truly walk with Jesus, by fully submitting to the Father's will for our life. Putting aside our King Saul religiosity and transplanting a 'David heart' of completely sold out love for God into our life.

Yes, the cost is great, for sacrifice of self is never easy, but the reward of ruling and reigning with Christ, is unsurpassable!

What will your decision be?

Jerusalem - Theatre

A semicircular building located on the Western Hill. Its existence is described in written sources but the precise location is not known. The reconstruction is based on a similar structure in Orange, France.

Source: http://www.inisrael.com/holyland/tour/


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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Previous parts of this Series (When applicable) are available to be read at:





484. The foolish man lusts after instant pleasure, the wise man seeks knowledge, but the godly man yearns for God's truth.

David Tait         




Earlier Series of "Tuesday Teachings" can be read at:



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Till Death do us Part!: http://www.wwj.org.nz/tddup.php
Pets Rule!: http://www.wwj.org.nz/pets.php
The World's Greatest Groans: http://www.wwj.org.nz/groans.php




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