Part 6 of 7




We are now entering the area that most of us don't really want to deal with. That of putting aside our own ideas and plans for those that form God's 'best' will for our life.

This is the ultimate calling of the follower of Jesus. "to love not your life so much as to shrink from death."

Let's seek it out, shall we?








The full background to this teaching is available online at this link



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue




"They overcame him (ie satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; THEY DID NOT LOVE THEIR LIVES SO MUCH AS TO SHRINK FROM DEATH."

This week considering points a. to d.




Congratulations for sticking with us this far! For you to keep reading this far you must surely

a. be a tiger for punishment,

b. understand and accept the necessity to experience both the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit and

c. DESIRE EVEN MORE OF GOD. Join the club! For my hearts desire is to experience as much of Him as I can too!

While it has been important to establish a firm foundation of where we are coming from, what follows is the real heart of the world that God is starting to open up to us in these amazing days in which we live. We live in a hugely exciting time, the approaching end of this spiritual age. We are not going to approach them from a negative ‘woe what is happening in the world (all bad, get me out!)’ viewpoint. But rather a positive, ‘what is God preparing for His people (in the end all good!)’, perspective. For what is of most importance to God is our personal relationship with Him.

For this third part of Revelation 12:11 is of particular relevance to us in these end times in which we live.



a. The Martyrs:


We can rely on God to look after us in all situations if we truly trust Him. Do you really believe this? Easily said I know! But, if we are very honest with ourselves, I suggest we would all have that wee bit of doubt as to whether we would really be prepared to pay that ultimate earthly price of martyrdom if given the option, until the situation arose. However over the past 20 centuries, and interestingly, in greater numbers in the 20th century than in any other, millions of martyrs have done just this, literally fulfilling the third part of Revelation 12:11 “…... they loved not their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

Our preparedness to pay this ultimate price (which of course Jesus did for us) is a condition of attaining maturity in Christ. Sorry about that! No, this is not a road to be travelled by the faint-hearted of the faith. If this is not for you, that is okay. Please don’t feel condemned or rejected. This walk is not for everyone, the reasons for which we shall see as we continue. Need to stress again that we are all at different places in our walk, as it is a journey and not an event. A journey we start at different times, proceed along at different speeds, and rest or even stop, at differing points on the way. A walk that can be exciting and rewarding, both on earth and in heaven (that will upset the “spiritual democrats” who see all Christians as being equal in reward - I used to be one until I started reading my bible more and found out the truth!). Or we can limit our exposure, both as to commitment and blessings.

A top sportsman requires both ability and commitment, a top Christian requires no special abilities (all God given) but 100% commitment (submission to God’s will, even unto death) to attain to what God has promised.



b. Is There a Spiritual Meaning Too?


Is this verse talking only of literal death? We're still alive, aren’t we! Well, I think I am anyway! May be those who wish I wasn’t though! And you probably, are alive too! I hope so anyway. For I don’t think spirit beings would need to read this teaching. They should know it all already. Not too certain of my theology here though! Someone is bound to tell me, however.

So we don’t actually wash ourselves in lamb’s blood do we? No, at least I hope not, as it would now be considered a satanic ritual if we did. Be messy too! Sometimes in dark moments of deep penance, I imagine being swirled about in an automatic washing machine full of blood to clean me out! Then comes the spin cycle! Ever known what being “wrung out” feels like? Sorry – I will move on.

For most of us then, the real meaning of these words is spiritual. And it is a meaning we generally prefer to ignore! That is why the third part of the verse is so often left out when the rest is quoted. If you inhabit pentecostal/charismatic circles, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you thought the verse ended at the word “testimony”. For almost invariably, that is where quotations of it stop. Why? Let’s be honest. Just as we don’t want to die in the natural, (while we have our health anyway), so we are equally unwilling to set aside our own desires for those of God, which is death in the spiritual.

You like doing your own thing, don’t you? I certainly do! You may ask, what is wrong with that? Well even if you didn’t want to ask, I am still going to give an answer, because someone, somewhere will want to know, I hope!



c. Moving in God’s Will:


Our nature is contrary to God’s nature. Full stop. To re-establish the best relationship with God, the one Adam had, before his foray into the tempting delights of the forbidden fruit, we have to discard our own inherently sinful human desires. We must submit (what a horrible ‘s’ word!) to God’s perfect desires (His – not what we see them as being!) for our life. Unnecessary? Too Hard? Let’s see what Paul had to say in his letter to the Romans 8:6-8,16.

“The mind controlled by the spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. (v16) Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey – whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness?”



Romans 8:1-17



Jesus himself confirmed this in John 8:34….

“I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.”



John 8:31-8



But Jesus set us free from our sins on the cross, didn’t He? So we don’t sin then? Oh, well…..! So what is happening? I wondered about this until I was shown that we have two natures battling against each other inside us. Paul realised this and his submission to God is well documented – literally unto death! We can see it by reading Romans 7:7-25. The last sentence summarises.

“So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.”



Romans 7:7-25


And what a battle it is sometimes too! For our new, perfect nature in Jesus, still battles the remains of the old sinful nature that continues to rear its ugly head within us. Far too often in me for my liking! Dealing with the remnants of this old sinful nature is what dying to self is ultimately all about.


d. What is Sin?


What a stupid question, David! Everyone knows what sin is. The 10 commandments and all that! You should have dealt with it under “the blood of the Lamb” anyway, for Jesus dealt with our sin on the cross. Well, I am going to make a radical suggestion to you. It isn’t as simple as that! For there are 2 types of sin that stop us entering into the deepest possible relationship with God.

You see my practical definition of “sin” is “separation from God”. Short and sweet! You may argue that separation from God is really the consequence of sin. Technically you are probably correct. But my argument is that anything that separates us from God is sin. So there are 2 types of sin.



i. Sins of Commission:


Things we do that are wrong. These are identified in the laws of the Old Testament. “Thou shalt not……”, to use the classic King James idiom. Plus a few “Thou shalts” for good measure to balance things up a bit. Interestingly the focus of the Sin Offering in the Old Testament was on unintentional sins. Unpremeditated sin. Even in those times, it was assumed that genuine followers of God would not sin deliberately.

”‘But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or alien, blasphemes the LORD, and that person must be cut off from his people. 31 Because he has despised the LORD’s word and broken his commands, that person must surely be cut off; his guilt remains on him.’” (Numbers 15:30-31)



Numbers 15:22-31


This runs very much against the ‘be saved and do what you like’ theology, so prevalent in certain circles.

As we grow spiritually, the Lord shows us things in our life that we have not previously recognised as being sin. Things we now, with an increased level of understanding, need to repent of. This is a positive step, showing we are making spiritual progress, part of the cleansing of sin from within, not something to feel condemned about. For we didn’t realise it was sin at the time we did it!


ii. Sins of Omission:


Things we don’t do that we should do! For God’s positive requirements are identified in the single New Testament commandment of Jesus, as set out in Mark 12:30-31.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”




Yes! Yes! My Aunty Ina was a great example of this. She loved the Lord with all her being. Her Bible was always at her side. My favourite memory is of her sitting at her kitchen bench on a high stool. She couldn’t stand there because of the pain of the arthritis. She would make what we in New Zealand call ‘cheese cakes’. Not American style ones, which is really confusing! Instead, they are round, open cases of puff pastry with a dollop of raspberry jam in the bottom, filled with a sponge type mixture, topped with a small squiggle of puff pastry. Cooked in the oven for a few minutes, they smelled, looked and tasted delicious! Love my food! Making these for me - and others.

And of course, she was always so interested in everyone and so encouraging of what we were doing, much rather talking about us than the obvious pain she was in. Through her beloved God, she rose above her circumstances. Can you now see what I am getting at? Of course Auntie Ina wasn’t perfect, but her relationship with the Lord was so close because she was living out the New Testament commandment, rather than merely the Old. Most Christians are content to live by the Old Testament ‘thou shalt nots’, with a few of the New “affirmative actions” thrown in when it suits us. But that is not God’s heart for us. For that is what Revelation 12:11 is really saying. God wants all of us. And the more of ourselves we give Him, the more of Himself He gives us!





Finally, we come to the conclusion of our studies on this key verse of Scripture.

Twenty-nine simple words that sum up the Word of God. And show us the way to win the battle with satan.





Now we are really seeking the deep heart of God. For submission to His will is what our Father desires of all his 'sons', yet so few are obedient to His call.

Come and have a walk in New Zealand's beautiful native bush. My mother-in-law (Kathy's mother), did a similar 3 day walk with Kathy, when she was nearly 80! No excuse then?

Subject: Nature Walk
Location: Hawke's Bay



So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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Previous parts of this Series (When applicable) are available to be read at:





305. A foolish man can seek wisdom, the wise man godliness, while the godly man grows into the image of Christ.

David Tait         




Earlier Series of "Tuesday Teachings" can be read at:



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