SEA SEA, THE RIVER RIVER RED SEA RED SEA, PASSAGE OF EXODUS RED SEA I. The Bitter Lakes region II. The Gulfs of Suez and Aqabah JORDAN I. Archaeological sites II. Topographical features
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Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue
b. BELIEVERS The first requirement to enter the kingdom is to be ‘born again’. It is a spiritual, not a physical rebirth.
John 3:3-7 Amplified Version
It is through the difficulty we have in separating the physical from the spiritual that we do not understand that, in the spiritual, we have eternal life now.
1 John 5:13 Amplified Version
The problem is, in our humanity, we tend to see the kingdom as being a tangible, future place of existence, but in truth, it is spiritual, not physical. Yes, we still retain a perishable body, but it is not our body that inherits the kingdom.
1 Corinthians 15:50
So in the kingdom, we are to live to please the Spirit, not our old sinful natures.
Galatians 6:8
In the kingdom we are to develop the spiritual attributes in our life.
Romans 14:17
This is not easy, for the ‘world’ does not appreciate or understand spiritual values and may well persecute us because of them.
2 Thessalonians 1:4-5
For they cannot understand our spiritual motives.
James 2:5
The lure and acquisition of worldly riches, in fact, has a hugely negative impact on our ability to inherit the kingdom. The results of this are particularly apparent in the Western world today.
Matthew 19:23-
Including the so-called ‘religious’ people who say one thing but do another.
Matthew 21:43
While we continue to live in an age of God’s grace, a final day of judgement will inevitably come. People scoff at this, for grace has abided with us for so long. Even biblical teachers have become captured by false, human based doctrine. But we are to stand true to kingdom principles until the end.
2 Timothy 4:1-8
At the time of God’s judgement we will receive our ‘just desserts’ of reward or punishment.
Romans 2:5-8
Each one, Christian and unbeliever alike, will be required to account for their actions before God.
Romans 14:8-12
It is best for us to live a godly life now, for we too will be called to account.
2 Corinthians 5:6-10
This particularly applies to Christians. For once we have had the truth revealed to us, we are 100% accountable for the way we live and any ongoing, deliberate sin in our lives!
Hebrews 10:26-31
But if we are prepared to judge ourselves now, seeking forgiveness, accepting God’s discipline and living a righteous life, the life of the kingdom, we can avoid judgement later.
1 Corinthians 11:29-32
Yes, judgement begins with the family of God! While it may well be painful now, the outcome is well worth it.
1 Peter 4:16-19
For God’s mercy triumphs over His judgement for those who act in accordance with His will.
James 2:12
This truth of kingdom living is not well understood by today’s believers. But if we truly possess God now, living by His Word and following His will for us, we will avoid judgement and enjoy the eternal life we have already inherited.
John 5:24 Amplified Bible
Primarily we do this by living in love, to both God and others. In this way we become like Jesus. As we live in love, so the fear of judgement and punishment is removed from our life.
1 John 4:16-18
For we will inherit the glorious kingdom that Peter, James and John got a glimpse of during the transfiguration of Jesus.
Matthew 16:28-17:3
The kingdom that Jesus spoke about in the Garden of Gethsemene just before He died on the cross, for you and for me.
John 17:1-5
For we will have victory over the world, even if at present it seems far away.
Revelation 11:15
And we will inherit the final, New Kingdom of Jesus upon the earth. Hallelujah!
Revelation 21:1-8
For the Kingdom of Jesus has conquered, is conquering and will conquer, the kingdom of the world.
Revelation 11:15
Grasping the vision and living the reality of the kingdom within leads us down the path to spiritual maturity.
as we move into the final 2 weeks of our study, looking at 'Winning the War'.
The concept of inheriting the kingdom NOW, is one of the major, maybe the major, revelation that is forming the foundation for the church of today and tomorrow! While the Lord's Prayer has fallen out of favour in many churches today, the basic truth that it contains Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven is at the very heart of the future church. God's kingdom is being built on earth inside every genuine believer. His will, will be done on earth, as He has promised! Hallelujah! Amen! ASSYRIAN OFFICERS Of the 8th century BC. A bas relief from the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, Germany.
So until next week.......
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1024. God's kingdom is visionary, religion, managed. ....... placing other's needs before my own.
David Tait
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