full background to this teaching is available online at this link
Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue
Before we start I want to emphasize that we are not setting out here a set of rules which need to be followed in a specific way in order to receive salvation.
Sadly, people, particularly men, like to formalize rules in this as well as many other theological areas. As I have discovered in my own walk with Jesus, God is not bound by man's rules!
For example, reciting the 'sinners prayer' is not, as many evangelists would try to convince us, the be all and end all of determining whether a person is 'saved'.
For true salvation is a living commitment to the way of Jesus, a relationship reflected in the spiritual fruit produced in our lives. Salvation is not simply a prayer, but a Jesus lifestyle. "By their fruit you shall know them".
The 3 keys detailed here should help point you in the right direction. May Jesus do His work in both you and me.
1. REPENTANCE OF SIN (The basic message of the Gospel) |
a. What Repentance is NOT!
1. Not just conviction of sin.
You can realise you are a sinner without repenting of your sin!
A classic example is found in the story of the rich young man who was not prepared to make the sacrifice necessary to receive salvation.
Mark 10:17-22
2. Not just worldly sorrow.
It is neither sorrow for the consequences of your sins on others, or yourself, neither is it sorrow at being caught!
2 Corinthians 7:10
4. Not simply becoming religious.
eg. Attending church on Sundays without repenting. The Pharisees fasted and prayed without repenting and were condemned.
Matthew 23:27-8
5. Not just mental acceptance of the truth.
You have to live, not just know, the truth.
James 2:19-20
6. Not merely a fire escape from hell.
Just in case God and hell do really exist!
b. What Repentance IS!
Repentance is a complete acknowledgement of sin without excuse, of admitting that Christ is always right and we are always wrong in every matter. To hear, to believe and to obey God.
Repentance involves:
1. God's Spirit visiting us to awaken our conscience.
Revelation 3:19-20
2. Our awakened conscience reminding us of our sin and making us want to do something about it.
2 Corinthians 5:11
3. A conviction bringing about humility, a genuine Godly sorrow for what we have done.
2 Corinthians 7:10
The true sign of repentance is 'restitution' - the putting right of the wrong things we have done to others. (Luke 19:8) This is a continuing process as the Holy Spirit chooses to reveal new areas of repentance required of us at various stages of our Christian walk. If we are not prepared to put things right with those we have wronged, we are not genuinely saved. True faith (belief) must be accompanied by a genuine and continuing repentance to God and to others who are, or have previously been, affected by our sinful acts. Repentance runs contrary to our human nature and can only be accomplished with the prompting and help of the Holy Spirit.
Luke 19:8
Repentance is the most obvious sign of a true Christian |
2. FAITH (Belief) in the deity and saving grace of Jesus.
To obtain salvation we must believe in the essential truths of the Bible:
1. That Jesus is the Son of God
Of heavenly, not earthly origin.
Matthew 3:17
2. The Virgin Birth.
That Jesus came from God and not the semen of a man.
Matthew 1:20
3. The Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins.
In doing so He substitutes His life for ours, doing all that was necessary to reconcile us, as sinners, with God.
Colossians 1:20
4. That Jesus rose again from the dead
By overcoming death (caused by sin) He has enabled us to receive God's promise of the New Covenant (Testament) - eternal life.
Romans 6:21-3
5. That salvation is obtained through God's grace
Not by our own efforts.
Ephesians 2:9-10
7. That Jesus is coming again
In final judgment of all men and to rule over the world He created.
2 Corinthians 5:10
True faith results in the submission of our lives to the will and direction of the Lord Jesus Christ for each one of us. It is reflected in the 'fruits of the Spirit' (Godly attributes) progressively being developed in our lives through the total submission to the will of Christ for us. God's will is revealed in His Word, the Bible, and through the personal guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Salvation is a gift from God by His grace through:
1. Repentance of your sins and
2. Faith in Jesus reflected in your
3. Submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in your life.
Nothing less is acceptable to God to receive His gift of eternal life.
Are you ready to make the commitment necessary to receive the ultimate reward of eternal life, today?
To receive God's ultimate gift you need to ask Him for it, in prayer. You must ask Him to:
1. Forgive your sins.
2. Save you by His grace.
3. Genuinely commit to allowing Jesus to take full control of your life.
You may wish to pray your own prayer or you may prefer to use the following sinners prayer, if it truly reflects your confession.
Lord Jesus
I know I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I know you died on the cross for me. I now turn away from my sins and ask you to forgive me. I invite you into my heart and life. I trust you as Saviour and will follow you as Lord, Thank you for saving me, Lord of my life.
Amen. (So be it)
Welcome to the Eternal Kingdom of the Lord!
Congratulations on taking the first step of your Christian walk. Please ask us or another Christian for support and help in developing your new found faith.
May God bless you richly.
We will start a new series on us - men and women! Drawn primarily from the Walking With Jesus discipleship course, the series will cover practical subjects such as who and what is man and how God desires us to live.
Something for everyone!
Until I was in my 40's I knew all about salvation, but hadn't taken the crucial step of wholeheartedly committing my life to Jesus.
You too, can read and understand all that is written with your mind, without taking that final decision of the heart and will.
Going to church may teach you about Jesus, but it does not bring you into a living, vital, personal relationship with Him. That is simply between you and Jesus.
I pray that you won't be as stubborn and blind as I was for so long.
Of course, most reading this will already have experienced that personal relationship. May I encourage you to share your experience with others, remembering that our best witness is our life rather than our words.
Background to the Silent Years
With the silence of Malachi and the voice of John the Baptist there is a period of some 400 years. This period has sometimes been called the Silent Years. But that can be misleading because there was much going on during this time. The Silence was with God's inspired writers, not with God's work.
With the Edict of Cyrus granting the Jews permission to return there was a good number who remained in Babylon. Still others had fled to Egypt years earlier and so there was a scattering of the Jewish people. This is called the 'Diaspora', or dispersion. But among these scattered Jews there was a remnant who had not abandoned their hope of the Messiah.
So until next week.......
His servant and yours
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720. The Cross of Jesus was designed to take life, but ironically served to give life to all who believe.
David Tait
out the WWJ website for….
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