The relationship between God and mankind.




Having considered 'What is Man', we will now look at who man (non gender) is. Sums up in a different way what we have been looking at over the past 2 weeks.






I. His Being
II. His nature
III. His character
IV. His will
V. His subsistence
VI. His Fatherhood




a. Man in nature
b. Man’s destiny
c. Man ‘s structure
d. Man’s sin
e. Man in God’s image



The full background to this teaching is available online at this link
DEFINITIONS (For serious students)



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue





God created a 3 part man with a 3 part soul.


The scriptures relating to this diagram were given in the past 2 studies on 'What is Man?' 




Man's perfect body at creation became subject to sickness, pain and death at the fall of man. 


Genesis 3:16-19



Unlike the way the world views it, the body is merely a container for the 2 most important parts of our being, our spirit and soul.





At the fall of man God withdrew His Spirit but left us with a conscience so that we could exercise our freewill - to choose between satan and God. Without a conscience there would only be one choice - sin.

By removing His Spirit, God created a vacuum at the very core of our lives.

A vacuum will draw air towards itself. Satan inhabits the atmosphere:


Ephesians 2:1-2



Therefore the natural tendency in us is to draw satan's influence into our lives, to fill the vacuum left by the departure of God's Spirit.

At conversion, God gives us back His Holy Spirit to fill the vacuum. Therefore our sin level reduces as there is no longer a vacuum to attract it. Sin does not disappear however


Romans 7:15-20



Satan is still bombarding us with sin from outside our body and sin is still entrenched in our soul. The only way we can rid ourselves of sin is to RELEASE the Holy Spirit within us to work on our soul. 


The Battle of the Spirits


1. A demon is a spirit being who may invade the body and/or soul. They are spiritual beings that seek to possess and oppress people by inhabiting us. Even after a person becomes a Christian and has the Holy Spirit residing within, a demon is still able to inhabit a part of that person's soul or body and influence their life. However it is most important to note that most sin in our lives is caused by the conscious decisions of our soul, not by demons.

The battle of the spirits is illustrated in the diagram.




God wants our soul, not our spirit, as the Spirit belongs to Him anyway. He gave Him to us! To be effective, the Spirit of the Lord must be released into all 3 parts of our soul.

a. MIND: Through the study of God's Word (the Bible) and prayer, saturating our minds in The Word (God).

This is reflected in the Traditional and Evangelical church tradition.

b. EMOTIONS: Through praise and worship, joyfulness and the application of the Gifts of the Spirit.

This is reflected in the Pentecostal and Charismatic church tradition.

c. WILL: The will forms the barrier between the total soul and sin. It is only by releasing the Holy Spirit into our will that we can resist sin effectively and move on to maturity (perfection) in Christ.

This will be reflected in the final Mature church the bride of Christ, yet to come.

It is being starting to be expressed today in concepts such a s 'holiness' and 'the Lordship of Christ'.


Both people and the church are developing from a MIND ORIENTATION (Traditional/Evangelical Church) adding an EMOTIONS ORIENTATION (Pentecostal/Charismatic Church) towards a SUBMISSION of WILL ORIENTATION (Mature Church) at the end of the age.



<i>NEXT WEEK:</i> GOD AND MAN continues


With a look at the essence of our being, the human soul. 




It is very important that we understand our human makeup from God's perspective and what it is that he desires of us.

This understanding then can be translated into action, so that we may fully fulfill our potential in God and become the people that He wants us to be.


The same kindness which was shown to the Jews by the Ptolemies in Egypt was also extended to the Jews by the Seleucids of Syria. Seleucus Nicator granted to many Jews privileges of citizenship equal to those enjoyed by the rest of the empire. The capital of the Seleucids was Antioch in Syria. From here Antiochus III waged war against the Ptolemies and took Palestine in 198 B.C. This began the most difficult period in Jewish History.

In 175 B.C. Antiochus IV Epiphanes came to the throne and imposed a radical Hellenism on the Jews in hopes of strengthening his empire against the encroaching Romans. The term Epiphanes means 'God is manifest', and stirred up the Jews against this self appointed Deity. There was great resistance against the advancement of Greek culture. Antiochus' final resolve was to eradicate Judaism, by making it a crime of death to observe the Sabbath, observe circumcision and by burning their holy Scriptures. Offering were to be made to the Greek God Zeus whose image had been erected in the temple and in a further action of desecration of the Holy place, pigs were sacrificed in the temple in Jerusalem. 167 B.C.

Picture: Zeus.

Source: http://www.bible-history.com


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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Previous parts of this Series (When applicable) are available to be read at:





32. To believe in God is good, to hear from God is great, but to obey God reaps the ultimate reward.

David Tait         




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