The relationship between God and mankind.




Today we look at the very practical subject of how the Holy Spirit communicates with us.






I. His Being
II. His nature
III. His character
IV. His will
V. His subsistence
VI. His Fatherhood




a. Man in nature
b. Man’s destiny
c. Man ‘s structure
d. Man’s sin
e. Man in God’s image



The full background to this teaching is available online at this link
DEFINITIONS (For serious students)



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue







How real is the Holy Spirit to you?

How would you answer these questions?

a. Do you believe He lives in you because your church tells you so, but you have not had any real personal communication with Him.

Biblical response...


Matthew 15:7-9, Matthew 7:13-14



b. Do you know He exists because you have been given one or more spiritual gifts, which you can utilise as and when you wish?

Biblical response...


Matthew 25:1-13, Matthew 7:21-3, Matthew 24:45-51



c. Do you know the Holy Spirit as your personal guide, friend and teacher and rely on Him to lead you through life day by day? 


John 14:26, John 15:26-7




The Holy Spirit's communication with us is dependant upon our willingness to be open with Him. Many Christians erect a barrier between themselves and the Holy Spirit - a barrier of FEAR.

Why fear? Because, deep down, most of us don't want to be challenged, don't want to change the way we live our lives. We are afraid of what we might hear, what might be requested (not commanded) of us if we opened ourselves fully up to His leading.

Most of us don't like stepping into the unknown, to let another guide our lives. This is particularly so for men, who by nature, generally seek a dominant position in their relationships with others. A woman's natural subservience


Genesis 3:16


gives her a giant head start in forming this relationship, perhaps explaining why women are generally considered to be the more spiritual and why there are twice as many women in church as men. In general a woman is more open to placing her faith and trust in the Holy Spirit.




Our personal relationship with the Holy Spirit is an individual thing. Just as we all communicate differently within marriage, so we all have differing relationships with the Holy Spirit. In my natural nature I am not an empathetic person (ask my wife Kathy!0, nor one who is willing to be subservient to authority or respecting of it! To be open to the Holy Spirit therefore, has meant big changes in my life and has been a real step of faith for me.

I am sharing some of the ways He communicates with me, not because they will all necessarily apply to you, but as an indication of the methods the Holy Spirit uses to lead those who are open to His guidance.

Are you prepared to knock down that 'barrier of fear' that protects your life?


a. Dreams and Visions.


I do not remember dreams! Yet, one night, I was given 4 dreams, relating to different areas of my life that remained with me for a long time. That's how clear they were! Something special. Not day dreams, not wishful thinking but specific encouragement, (1, given first) and specific guidance (3) on areas of my life that required dealing with at the time.

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


b. Word of Knowledge.


A word for someone that you just know is not of your imagination but is of God for them. These words are to be factual and of encouragement, not critical or condemnatory.

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


c. Direct Inspiration.


For example, the words of a song, 'Lord Be With Me', were given to me (I'm not a musician) at the conclusion of a phone call one morning, a good number of years ago, as I was getting our kids ready to go to school. The words were written down in 10 minutes, and the tune placed in my head for later penning by a friend who could convert it into written musical form.

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


d. Direct Instruction.


By the audible voice of the Holy Spirit, I was given the outline of a message I was to present to a church. It was given at a communion service and filled out over the hour following the service. This message was confirmed in several ways before it was given.

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


e. Through Another Person.


Near the end of the preparation of this message I was given a verse by another person, that had been given to her to give to me. She didn't know what I was saying or why she was to give it to me. It completed the message perfectly!

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


f. Through Opening Doors.


The pastor involved confirmed the message and allowed his pulpit to be used for its presentation.

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


g. Placing Matters On My Mind.


The Walking With Jesus course was placed on my mind over a period of time. It is extremely important however, to be able to discern what is of the Spirit and what is of ones self. We are experts in deluding ourselves into thinking that what we would like for ourselves is what God wants for us!

We are great at telling God what we would like to do for Him, rather than waiting on Him to tell us what He wants to do with us! Usually the two are quite different!

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


h. Waiting On The Lord.


The Lord clearly told me, as I was working in the fields growing flowers, that He wanted me to do ministry. But I didn't have a clue where to start! I got desperate enough for inspiration to just place it in His hands and then sit and wait, in silence, for the Holy Spirit to instruct me. The story of the 'Two Marathon Runners' resulted. The story came the first day, the interpretation the next. DOWNLOADABLE HERE

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


i. Prophecy On My Life.


Initially, difficult for me to subject myself to. Scared of what might be said! Had to put myself right with others before doing it! Was it worth it? Definitely yes!

Prophecy however, has to be lived out. The promises will not be fulfilled without obedience on our part and need the continuing guidance of the Holy Spirit.

My first prophecy was received under the controlled conditions of a 'presbytery' by 2 prophets unknown to me, each giving a similar message (agreement is necessary for the prophecy to be valid) and later confirmed elsewhere. Genuine prophecies are always encouraging, very often not spectacular, but always helpful and never critical.

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


j. The Holy Spirit Quickening a Prophecy To Me.


A prophecy was given by a pastor at a service relating to one person present, that the Holy Spirit told me was for me.

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


k. My Conscience. (Now Spirit)


Telling me what I should do in a situation, when that old human nature tries to tell me to do something else!

But most of the time He speaks to me through the Bible.


The way to develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit is through reading the Bible and listening. He uses the Word to speak to us. If you earnestly seek Him, He will find you!



<i>NEXT WEEK:</i> GOD AND MAN continues...


as we look at the 5 things we need to understand in order to build a meaningful relationship with the Holy Spirit. 




I trust that this has been helpful to you in understanding and developing your relationship with the Holy Spirit.

As in marriage, relationship building with the Holy Spirit takes time. Until, as they say in marriage, you grow to look like each other!

ANCIENT ROME: Flavian Amphitheatre

The Colosseum was the largest and most famous of all Roman amphitheaters. It was originally constructed by the Emperor Vespasian just after 70 AD., and was dedicated by his son Titus in 80 AD. It was known in ancient Rome as the Flavian Amphitheatre, and was completed by Titus' younger son Domitian. The Colosseum was built in the valley between the Palatine, Caelian and Esquiline hills. It could accommodate 70,000 people, who came to watch the games. Many Christians were thrown to the wild beasts in the arena.


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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1245. My desire is that God says about me, "David is a man after my own heart."

David Tait         




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