Jesus' recorded sermon/s.




The Sermon on the Mount' is a comprehensive description of how we are to live the kingdom lifestyle.





Sermon on the mount.



The full background to this teaching is available online at this link
Background Here



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue


Christmas greetings to you and yours from Kathy and me.





I thank God I have been saved, am being saved, and will be saved, by grace! For otherwise I would be lost to the kingdom.

I see lots of ministers and ministries write and say great things. I hear, then wonder if it is only me who has struggles in my walk with Jesus!

The Lord has inspired me to do a series on the Sermon on the Mount. How inadequate I feel! And you probably know it all (in theory!) anyway!

So what I am going to do is something a little - or a lot - different. After a brief 'exposition' (a high and mighty sounding word) I will give testimony about my progress in living the kingdom way, as set out by Jesus.

When we are 'saved', that is, come into relationship with Jesus, we are 'spiritual babes', as described by Paul...


1 Corinthians 3:1



We first need spiritual milk. Peter says... 


1 Peter 2:2-3



And then solid food. Paul again. 


1 Corinthians 3:2-3



The reality is that 'solid food' comes not from more and more teaching but rather, from conforming our lives to live by Christ's example. Put simply, becoming more like Jesus.

This takes a lifetime! Even for someone as dedicated as Paul.


Romans 7:14-17



I can relate to Paul. 


Romans 7:18



But we can be rescued - through the Holy Spirit. 


Romans 8:5-6



When we are first saved we mostly think we are better than we are! We make changes in our life. Great! Wonderful! Many, indeed most of us, remain at that level throughout our Christian walk.

Yet there is more. More change required. Indeed, a lifetime of change, in order to overcome our natural sinful nature.

How to describe this in the natural? We offer a front, one side of our nature to the world. However, in our homes, our spouses and families see more of who we really are, for we cannot continually continue to cover many of our weaknesses to them.

God however, knows everything that we are! For He reads our mind, and He knows our motives. In His sight we are laid bare. We cannot hide anything. This is a horrifying reality - to me anyway! But maybe you are perfect and don't have a problem!

Yet we continue in ministry to ignore the reality of who and what we really are by putting forth a spiritual facade that covers the real person underneath. It is no wonder that God is exposing so many ministries today as He seeks a group of 'overcomers' who will become the pure and perfect 'bride' for whom Jesus is to return.

In the time ahead I will share some of my challenges and experiences as I have endeavored to come more to live the principles Jesus shared in the Sermon on the Mount. I will be as honest as I can, and I hope that my sharing will help you in the challenges you face in your life in becoming more like our Saviour And Lord.



The kingdom is not centered round teaching and preaching, but rather, living out the Word of God. 


<i>NEXT WEEK:</i> SERMON ON THE MOUNT continues...


We will commence our look at the detail of the instructions of Jesus. 




How many sermons have you listened to? If you are like me, it is many!

A very little goes in one ear and sticks but 99.9% goes out the other ear!

The Sermon on the Mount however, was delivered by Jesus and needs to be obeyed!

'Lord, may I not only hear, but do, also.'


Historical Overview

The Essenes

The Essenes are not mentioned in the New Testament, or the Talmud, but they are well known in other sources like Philo, Josephus, and the elder Pliny. The Essenes have been described as " primarily nothing but a more emphatic Pharisaism." In the time of our Lord, there were apparently only about 4,000 of them.


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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Previous parts of this Series (When applicable) are available to be read at:





430. A believer knows, but the disciple does.

David Tait         




Earlier Series of "Tuesday Teachings" can be read at:



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