Jesus' recorded sermon/s.




We commence our look at the detail of the instructions of Jesus.

Keeping it short this week as everyone is either busy or relaxing!





Sermon on the mount.




Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue




Forgot to change the ezine from 'draft' to 'scheduled'! Sorry.




<i>Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them, saying: <b>3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. </b>(Matthew 5:1-3)</i>





Jesus gave this sermon, having been driven out into the desert, on a common mountain. Unlike the Rabbis He had no adornments of ministry. He did not even have a place to lay His head.

The Beatitudes, which start the 'Sermon on the Mount', are all about living life in the opposite way to the values of the world. The world believes it is blessed to be rich and powerful. On the physical level Jesus is saying it is blessed to be poor, if that is what we are called to be.

However, on a deeper level, there is a place in Christian maturity that we are all called to. As Matthew Henry in his Bible commentary says;

It is to acknowledge that God is great, and we are mean; that he is holy and we are sinful; that he is all and we are nothing, less than nothing, worse than nothing; and to humble ourselves before him, and under his mighty hand....Now, (1.) This poverty in spirit is put first among the Christian graces. The philosophers did not reckon humility among their moral virtues, but Christ puts it first. Self-denial is the first lesson to be learned in his school, and poverty of spirit entitled to the first beatitude. The foundation of all other graces is laid in humility. Those who would build high must begin low; and it is an excellent preparative for the entrance of gospel-grace into the soul; it fits the soil to receive the seed. Those who are weary and heavy laden, are the poor in spirit, and they shall find rest with Christ. (Regarding Matthew 5:3)




My upbringing and early life was one of confidence and success. Then... I went bankrupt in the 1987 share market crash! Financially, I was brought down with a thud! I met Jesus. He built me up again, restored my business fortunes, gave a ministry that was successful - very successful. He brought the ministry to a virtual standstill through criticism, because the Holy Spirit was working through me. Both Kathy and I were devastated. Then I went bankrupt again. I was at both a financial and spiritual low, but this time had Jesus in my life. Pride was being ground out of my life.

A deeper understanding and ministry began to develop. I have foresworn personal earthly possessions. We own only our household furniture. We really do have to trust in the Lord to provide for the future and am often told that this is wrong and irresponsible.

Spiritually, I have deliberately avoided the titles and honorary degrees that have been offered. From Bishop to Apostle, to Pastor, to Doctor, titles come with pride attached, no matter how good the motivation of both the giver and receiver.

Without 'reverse humility', which some automatically prescribe to these situations, I, like Paul, am simply happy to be known as a servant of Jesus.


Philippians 1:1



The deeper we get into Jesus, the greater the trials and temptations we face. The greater the revelation received, the greater the cost in terms of a comfortable life. For pride is always but one step away. If you aren't prepared to pay the price, don't desire the (wrongly) perceived glory!

Godly humility only comes at a price - the price of brokenness.

It is an ongoing battle within each one of us. One not always won, as I know. Every compliment, and they of course help motivate us, has the potential to foster pride in our life. To truly give all the glory to Jesus (not just in words!) is the only antidote to the poison of pride.

Lord, you have my permission to break me, so that I may be transformed into your image.

Do not pray this unless you really mean it, for it will cost you everything. But if you do make this sacrifice, you will be blessed in ways beyond human comprehension and will inherit the kingdom of heaven!




....with a look at the (surprising ?!) blessing given to those who mourn. 




This 'sermon' of Jesus teaches principles that are far removed from those of the world and even those of much of the church.

We need to take time to digest them and, after likely suffering indigestion, apply them to our lives!

Help us Lord to follow in your ways.


Historical Overview

The Fortress of Antonia

Along the northern side of the temple courtyard stood the massive palace - fortress of Antonia, another of Herod's landmarks. A stairway and an underground passageway connected the Antonia with the Court of the Gentiles, and the 600 soldiers stationed there were always on the alert for disturbances in the temple precincts. The precious ceremonial robes of the high priest were kept in one of its four guard towers and were released only on important religious feast days.


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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565. True servants add their own desires to the end of the queue.

David Tait         




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