Jesus' recorded sermon/s.




The Sermon on the Mount concludes as we consider the authority of Jesus.





Sermon on the mount.




Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue


28 When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, 29 because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law. (Matthew 7:15-21)





In the two last verses, we are told what impressions Christ’s discourse made upon the auditory. It was an excellent sermon; and it is probable that he said more than is here recorded; and doubtless the delivery of it from the mouth of him, into whose lips grace was poured, did mightily set if off. Now, 1. They were astonished at this doctrine; it is to be feared that few of them were brought by it to follow him: but for the present, they were filled with wonder. Note, It is possible for people to admire good preaching, and yet to remain in ignorance and unbelief; to be astonished, and yet not sanctified. 2. The reason was because he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. The scribes pretended to as much authority as any teachers whatsoever, and were supported by all the external advantages that could be obtained, but their preaching was mean, and flat, and jejune: they spake as those what were not themselves masters of what they preached: the word did not come from them with any life or force; they delivered it as a school-boy says his lesson; but Christ delivered his discourse, as a judge gives his charge. He did indeed, dominari in conscionibus—deliver his discourses with a tone of authority; his lessons were law; his word a word of command. Christ, upon the mountain, showed more true authority, than the scribes in Moses’s seat. Thus when Christ teaches by his Spirit in the soul, he teaches with authority. He says, Let there be light, and there is light. Henry, Matthew, Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Bible, (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers) 1997. 




Jesus taught with authority. He practised what He taught. Of course, He had an advantage as He knew the Word sdrawkcab and forwards, as He was, and is, the Word!

We have likely all heard many, many sermons and teachings. A few great, some good, many ordinary and a few, downright bad.

I am sure that all who have been 'up the front' have asked themselves the question, "How do I give an inspired sermon/teaching that will help the people - every time!" This is a problem that seems insoluble! And it is! In fact our 'good days' are often very rare!

Yet the system is such that the preacher or teacher is expected to produce 'a gem' every week, every time they preach/teach. This is impossible - unless we are Jesus! And He has not yet returned!



The simple answer is that if we cannot change people to be continually inspired, then we need to change the system to one where we only speak when we truly do have inspiration from God.

You see, my friend, this principle is at the heart of the difference between 'kings' and 'kingdom'. Under the current church system the leader, the king, by whatever title he or she is known, is required to bring a kingly dissertation to his or her subjects, the congregation, every 7 days. So we have seminaries preparing people in the art of giving a good sermon. A joke to start, 3 good points, repeated for emphasis, followed by a punchy conclusion. Okay, I may be exaggerating, but you get the picture!

I remember once, in my pre Jesus days, being asked by a 'degree-d' minister friend what Scripture he could use to justify a point, a conclusion, that he wished to get across to his people. Don't know why He asked me! But the point is, no matter how good and relevant the point may have been, even I, in my pre-Jesus state, could see that it was the wrong way round of doing things. The cart before the horse.



In the kingdom, where our leader is Jesus, unless we inspired to bring a message through the leading of the Holy Spirit, there is no pressure to bring one at all. Someone amongst those attending may have the message for today, or we need not have a message at all, as the Holy Spirit leads. Maybe today, we are to pray for and encourage one another, or simply worship, or even help a person in need in the community. Flexibility to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit is the key.

If the Holy Spirit truly inspires us in what to say, we will indeed have the authority of Jesus as we speak.



However, the greatest difference between Jesus and the Rabbis was that He practised what He preached. Ultimately our lives are our greatest and most effective sermon. This is, and has always been, our greatest challenge. As we conclude our series on the 'Sermon on the Mount' I will leave you with both the example and the words of Jesus; 


John 13:12-17




This is a step of faith as it is only partly written at this stage! Will get me off my backside (figuratively speaking, as I will write it sitting down at my computer!) to get the series completed.

A look at the 3 priesthoods in the Bible so that we can better understand the priesthood we live in today.




I believe we finish very much as we begun with this series.

The real message of the Sermon on the Mount is about living a lifestyle dedicated to, and in the image of, Jesus.

While it might be nice to say, 'I hope you enjoyed this series of teachings', that would be against what Jesus was wanting to achieve through His sermon.

To be truthful, I hope you have been challenged and have made life changes as the Holy Spirit has worked in you through the words of Jesus. If my words have helped a little to explain and emphasise what Jesus has said, I will rest content.

May the Lord be with the both of us as we endeavour to become like Him.


Place of Trumpeting Inscription

Does this stone provide evidence that the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD?

The stone containing the Place of Trumpeting Inscription was discovered by archaeologists excavating the Temple Mount area.

It is inscribed with the words "To the place of trumpeting." The Place of Trumpeting Inscription is a remarkable discovery in Biblical Archaeology and an awesome testimony of what once was, the Temple in Jerusalem.

"Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and His disciples came up to show Him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said to them, "Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down." Matthew 24:1-2

"Josephus records that "the point where it was custom for one of the priests to stand and to give notice, by sound of trumpet, in the afternoon of the approach, and on the following evening of the close, of every seventh day" (The Jewish War, IV, ix, 12).

Source: http://www.bible-history.com


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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880. Believers believe, while disciples live what they believe.

David Tait         




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