Kingdom of God
full background to this teaching is available online at this link
For Serious Students
Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue
The problem we have with living the kingdom lifestyle now, I would suggest, is that we don't believe that it is possible to do. Like the Pharisees of Jesus time who prevented the people from entering into the 'present truth' of Jesus.......
Matthew 23:13
| the traditions of the church built up over the best part of 2 millennia have blinded us to the reality of establishing the kingdom now.
There is scripture in John 14 that we have been trained to understand as a future promise only.
John 14:1-4
This understanding has been perpetuated through ongoing mistranslation of the contents of the Father's house. It started with the 'many mansions' of the King James Version. How can there be many mansions within a house?
The NIV, quoted above, realised this, but has only marginally improved the translation to make it more logical, but still wrong.
The true translation of 'mansions' or 'rooms' is 'abiding places'. There is a spiritual principle of 'oneness' that we don't understand. We abide in God. How that works out physically, we don't understand.
There are numbers of references to us being in oneness with Christ and God - now. One is;
Colossians 3:2-3
This is a mystery to us, as is the Trinity - 3 in 1, 1 in 3. If we reach out, believe and grasp it, we have the opportunity to be one with Christ, in God, now! Heaven wont be a series of mansions, or a giant hotel with many rooms. Rather, accommodation aside, it will be a place of bonding, of unity of oneness, with a triune yet one God.
But more than that, the kingdom of God (or heaven) is attainable now, for as the Scripture says, we are now hidden with Christ. Now means now! It has been 'positionally' done for us when Jesus died for us. But we must reach out and 'experientially' grasp hold of this truth - now!
How do we do it?
I understand that this may seem really strange to you. For it is different to what we have always understood. But please, don't reject it out of hand. Seek the Lord about it. Study the Scriptures to find out for yourself.
There is a greater future available to us now than we could ever imagine!
So how do we enter the kingdom now?
How do we enter experientially, into the reality of the positional victory that Jesus attained for us on the cross?
This is the challenge of living the Christian life. Of holiness and righteousness. Of coming to maturity in Christ. Of becoming an overcomer. A part of the bride of Christ. Of living a kingdom lifestyle. Of being a participant in the building of the kingdom of God now. Yes, there are many expressions about, and many promises made in the Bible to, those who are prepared to go through the personal purification process necessary to live a Christ like life.
Acts 14:21-2
But how do we do it?
I don't have all the answers, for I have not reached this state yet (ask my wife Kathy!) but am learning some lessons as I pass down life's path.
My personality is one of an achiever. I give of myself pretty fully to what I am committed to, in many areas of my life.
When I finally became a follower of Jesus at age 42, I wanted to be the best I could be for Him. And I still do, even if my initial enthusiasm has been tempered by the ups and downs of my spiritual walk over the past 20 years.
Being a generally disciplined person, my first attempts to become more like Jesus were those of self improvement. While this was reasonably effective in many of the 'thou shalt not' areas of life, it did not take me long to realise that there was a lot more to becoming like Jesus than purely physical behaviours. Of course it is important that we live by the principles contained in the 10 Commandments etc., set out as a foundation for a righteous and holy life. However, as I soon discovered, these could easily and quickly become very legalistic and, as with the rules the Pharisees and religious leaders of Jesus time had devised, well away from the true truth that Jesus came to bring. A selection of verses follows;
Matthew 23:13,23,27-8
It is obvious then from these words of Jesus, that simply keeping the outward law is insufficient to make us Christlike!
On a trip to Africa, I was asked to minister in a Holiness Church. This was a new experience for me. There were lots of rules and regulations, mainly as I soon found out, directed to the behaviour of the women in the congregation. eg. no makeup, no speaking in the service, etc. These people had a longing for holiness and righteousness, yet they had been sidetracked into trying to find it through rules and regulations.
I was in a difficult situation. I could see that the people had a huge desire to do what was right in order to become beacons of light for Jesus in the world, but it was clear that, instead, they had become bound up in religious rules that were having the opposite effect.
So what could I do? Upset there earnestness by undermining their beliefs? Destroy without having the time to rebuild? A real predicament!
But then the Lord came to the rescue! I didn't have to say anything! His Holy Spirit fell in power and literally set the people free. Religious stiffness turned into holy joy! The people celebrated a freedom in the Holy Spirit that they had not known before. Here were a people who wanted to truly live for Jesus who, suddenly were enabled to through the Holy Spirit! It was wonderful!
I will never forget the night, for as we went to leave, our car was mobbed by the newly changed, enthusiastic crowd. The only time I have experienced such a thing.
You see, holiness and righteousness cannot be achieved through living a life dictated by rules and regulations, but only through the freedom and empowering of the Holy Spirit.
One morning in bed, I was reading my Bible. I was in Acts, at chapter 6, and didn't really want to move on, as it was nearly time for the news on the radio! What a priority! However I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to read on into chapter 7, Stephen's speech before he was stoned.
I knew why when I read these words...
Acts 7:48-51
A real kingdom message! The kingdom is within us, not in a church building. To enter the kingdom now, we need to embrace the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Not just the manifestations, as is the common practice today, but His instruction, His guidance, His leading, in every aspect of our lives.
The perfect 'bride of Christ', making herself ready for the return of Jesus, will be formed by a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit, promised for the last days.
Joel 2:28-9
A real personal relationship with Jesus, guidance through the Holy Spirit to do the will of the Father for us as individuals, forms the basis of entering the kingdom now. Without the Holy Spirit fullness and guidance, joys and testings, we cannot live in the fullness of the kingdom that is available to us.
We will see how Holy Spirit living reflects in our outward actions, particularly in sacrificial love.
Too often, in the church, the Holy Spirit is misrepresented. In many churches He is basically ignored. In others, seen as an entertainment.
Yet the precious Holy Spirit provides the means to develop a personal, deep relationship with Jesus.
It is only through completely embracing the Holy Spirit to teach, and guide us, that we can reach the goal of maturity, to become like Jesus.
The Coins of Jesus' Time
Agrippa II, pre-royal coinage, mint of Caesarea Maritima, AE 19mm. Laureate bust of nero, Greek inscription (Nero Augustus Caesar)/Bust of Agrippina left, Greek inscription (Agrippina Augusta) It was under Agrippa II when the High Priest Ananus illegally executed Jesus' brother James, the Righteous (62 CE).
So until next week.......
His servant and yours
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925. Obedience and suffering are common bedfellows.
David Tait
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