An 3-part allegory of 2 men and a marathon. The decision to race. The training. And finally, the race itself.




Too often we try to put God into a two dimensional, 'religious' box! Yet He is the most creative being of all. For he created the Universe and everything in it!

He desires His people to be creative too, and He trys to reach us creatively too. For example, through the Parables, which are allegories requiring our imagination to apply the ir principles to our lives. But all too often we resist.

As we get into the 'hard yards' of our story today, for training and perseverance should typify our walk with Jesus, lets see how this 'story' applies to our life too.

Let the training commence!





ALLEGORY: Dictionary Definition.

ALLEGORY: Biblical use.

HISTORY OF THE MARATHON: 2,500 Years of Heroic Running...


The full background to this teaching is available online at this link
Full Background Here



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue





As Detailed in Part 1




Note: The gaps between the brackets (___________1) are there for you to write in the underlying ‘spiritual’ meanings of the CAPITALISED words that proceed them. The letters and numbers in Italics refer you to the answers that are found, along with the interpretation, are interspersed throughout and summarised at the end of each of the 3 parts. The first two are given for free, so you can get the idea. Have fun – and get the Lord’s message too! 




Two friends, Jeremy Jogger and Roger Runner, have made the decision to run a marathon. Next time they meet will be race day.

That is the easy part! Now for the training!


Part 2: The Training (_________________b)



<b>JEREMY JOGGER:</b>(____________________17)


Jeremy went home that night feeling just great. The next morning, as he was reading the newspaper in bed, he saw an advertisement for a SELF MOTIVATION (_________________18) seminar. “What a good idea,” he thought. “This will help me become a really good MARATHONER.” (____________________2) Jeremy went along to the course and was full of enthusiasm for the SPEAKER (_________________19) and for the marathon he was going to run.  


Allegorical Explanations b, 2, 17-19



In his enthusiasm, the day after the course concluded he went along to the MARATHON CLINIC, (_______________20) a group of SERIOUS MARATHONERS. (_______________21) He came home deflated. “These girls and guys were so serious! All they talked about was running their marathon. They really seemed to enjoy it but I didn’t find it any fun at all. I won’t go back there again!”

One evening a few days later, over an ALE (_________________1) at his local pub – and a very convivial atmosphere it had too – one of the other PATRONS (_________________22) suggested, “Why don’t you go and join the HASHHOUSE HARRIERS. (__________________23) They don’t take their RUNNING (___________________24) too seriously. They really enjoy a few beers and I am sure they will make you really welcome. I have heard that they can do with new members.”


Allegorical Explanations 1, 20-24



Jeremy went along and found it was just what he wanted. After a GENTLE RUN (________________25) the members came back, had an ALE
(_____________________1) or 2 and reminisced about past days of glory. They also spent time ruminating over what they had DONE WITH THEIR DAY (_____________________26) and debating heatedly amongst themselves which were the most successful TRAINING METHODS. (__________________27) There was a small group of SERIOUS RUNNERS, (____________________21) but they tended to keep to themselves and were basically ignored by the majority. The TRAINING (_________________27) wasn’t too hard and the social side was great. It really suited Jeremy and he was very happy there.

Waking up the morning after clubnights with a little bit of a HANGOVER, (___________________28) “Nothing to worry about you know, nothing a COUPLE OF ASPRINS (___________________29) can’t fix,” Jeremy occasionally did have his doubts. However he always remembered back to what the CHAMPIONS FRIEND (__________________7) had said. “Just BELIEVE (___________________11) that you can do it and you will!” “Yes, that’s right,” Jeremy thought, “HE (___________________7) told me so.” Sometimes, in the minutes of throbbing before the ASPRINS (__________________29) started working, his BELIEF IN HIMSELF (___________________30) did waver a little, but as the Asprins took affect, his self confidence returned and he knew – well he almost knew – that because he BELIEVED (___________________11) he was a MARATHONER, (____________________2) he was one. That was what the CHAMPIONS FRIEND (___________________7) had said, wasn’t it – wasn’t it?


Allegorical Explanations 7, 11, 25-30



As RM DAY (________________15) approached he tried a few LONGER RUNS. (________________31) They didn’t go too well, but he thought to himself, “I know I’m in REASONABLE SHAPE. (_________________32) It will be okay on THE DAY, (_________________15) won’t it? The CHAMPIONS FRIEND (_________________7) told me so didn’t he? While I may still have some excess FLAB (_________________13) round that mystical middle area and I might be a LITTLE SLOWER (_________________33) than I could have been had I done more TRAINING, (__________________24) I am sure I will make the FINISH, (_________________34) won’t I? Won’t I! The champions friend did tell me so! I heard him! 


Allegorical Explanations 7, 13, 15, 24, 31-34


<b>ROGER RUNNER:</b>(_______________35)


Roger, on the other hand, got home that night from being with his friend Jeremy Jogger and thought to himself, “Hey, what is this I have committed myself to? I don’t look like a MARATHONER,” (________________2) as he felt those surplus ROLLS OF FAT (__________________13) round that mystical middle area! “While I know it is important that I believe I am becoming a MARATHONER,
(_________________2) I guess as a first step, I had better go on a DIET (________________36) so that others will also be able to see that I am one. I’ve known for a while that I’ve been unhappy being a COUCH POTATO(_______________10) but until hearing the CHAMPIONS FRIEND (_________________7) I just didn’t know what to do about it. I don’t want to LIVE THAT LIFESTYLE (_________________37) any more. I now know I don’t have to. The OLYMPIC CHAMPION (_______________5) SHOWED ME THAT (_______________38) by the way in which HE WON THE RACE. (_________________39) HIS FRIEND, (__________________7) I remember, did say that as well as BELIEVING, (__________________11) you still have to do the TRAINING, (_________________24) to succeed. I have to admit that I don’t know too much at all about it really, but I have said I WILL DO IT,
(________________14) so I had better get some help. But how? The champions friend didn’t tell me that.


Allegorical Explanations 5, 10, 14, 35-39



The picture of the CHAMPION (________________5) WINNING THE RACE (_________________39) inspired him though. Roger really wanted to be like him. With his dedication and determination, the answers to his problems soon sorted themselves out. Roger wrote them down so that they would be there for future reference.
1. I will buy the BEST BOOK ON RUNNING. (_________________40) It will show me WHAT MAKES ME TICK, (__________________41) how to prepare myself so I can FINISH (___________________34) the race safely, and show me the right TRAINING PROGRAMME (_________________24) to ensure I run the BEST TIME (___________________46)
possible for me.
2. I will ask my friend MONTY MARATHONER (________________43) who has completed TWELVE (________________44) marathons, if he would mind guiding me, advising me on a one to one basis, about applying the TRAINING PROGRAMME (________________24) to my special needs, and to give me encouragement and support when I need it.
3. I will go out and join the local MARATHON CLINIC (_________________20) to enable me to train with other MARATHONERS (________________2) so that we can MOTIVATE (_________________45) each other.
4. I will take notice of what I read and am told and I WILL DO IT. (_______________46)


Allegorical Explanations 41-46



Roger was true to his word. He ate BETTER (______________47) food, he studied his RUNNING BOOK (________________40) regularly, and kept in touch with his friend MONTY MARATHONER. (_______________43) Under their GUIDANCE (_______________46) he steadily built up his TRAINING (________________24) until he was running 100 kilometres a week. He felt just great!

One day however, he PULLED A HAMSTRING. (________________48) His world came to an end. He couldn’t train – what could he do! He looked up his running book and sure enough,it told him WHAT TO DO (_______________49) about the INJURY. (_________________48) He spoke to his friend MONTY MARATHONER (________________43) who put him in touch with the best physiotherapist in town. He also shared his woes with his friends at the MARATHON CLINIC. (______________20) They quickly reassured him that they too had had similar injuries, but had come through them with no ill affect. In fact, they would feel refreshed, and keener than before, once the INJURY (________________41) had healed. It would just take time and patience. And so it was. After 10 days Roger was back training with more enthusiasm than ever, but also a little wiser. He now made sure he did his HAMSTRING STRETCHING EXERCISES (________________50) thoroughly before each workout.


Allegorical Explanations 47-50



Then came the CHRISTMAS SEASON. (______________51) Roger was just so busy at work. Everyone wanted everything yesterday. He also had go to his wife’s work Christmas party, to the children’s school breakups, to buy presents and do the 1002 other things we all inevitably get involved with at Christmas. There just weren’t enough hours in the day. Something had to give. Yes, you’ve guessed it. It was Roger’s training. It soon showed. The KILOS (________________13) started going back on again as the DIET (_________________36) was put to one side – just for a while! “We all have to share in Christmas cheer don’t we – just to make others happy,” Roger thought to himself. “The CHRISTMAS SPIRIT, (___________________1) you know!” Roger got so involved with the spirit of Christmas that he remembered his TRAINING (_________________24) less and less, until, when Christmas Day came, he had just about forgotten it altogether. After Christmas, he took the family for a holiday and they enjoyed themselves so much that he never gave his training a second thought.

Roger had been back home for a couple of days and things were beginning to settle back to normal again. He went to the fridge, grabbed himself an ALE, (______________1) then went to sit down in his FAVOURITE ARMCHAIR. (________________52) Just as he sat down however, the phone rang. It was his friend and guide, MONTY MARATHONER. (_______________43)

“Haven’t heard from you for a while, Roger. How is the TRAINING (________________24) going?” “Training? What training? Oh, I remember now, my marathon training. Look Monty, I have just been so busy with Christmas and doing things with my family, I haven’t had any time to train,” Roger said in a terse voice. “That’s okay Roger, it’ your MARATHON. (_______________15) Just thought I would give you A CALL. (_________________55) If I can be of any help you know how to get hold of me.” Monty hung up.


Allegorical Explanations 1, 51-55



Roger glared down the ear piece of the phone as if expecting his ‘ex-friend’ Monty to jump out, grab him, and force him back into TRAINING (________________24) again, all against his will. “How dare he!” Roger muttered to himself.

But nothing happened. After what seemed an eternity of silence, a now more pensive Roger thought to himself, “Can’t really blame Monty for how you are feeling, Roger. He did say the CHOICE WAS MINE.” (________________54)

Roger hung up the phone in quiet despair. “What am I doing?” he thought to himself as he picked up his ALE (______________1) and sat back down in his ARMCHAIR. (_______________52) He just couldn’t relax. He looked down at that unmentionable middle area and saw how the ROLLS OF FLAB (________________13) had reappeared over recent weeks. “I will never be able to run the ROTORUA MARATHON (_______________15) now,” he thought sadly. But I HAVE TO, (_________________55) I’m committed! What have I done? What can I do?” He sat silently and pondered. Gradually, he came to accept the inevitable. He thought aloud. “I’ve no alternative but to ring Monty back, apologise for my behaviour and ask him to help me get back into training. Otherwise I will never be able to COMPLETE THE COURSE.” (_________________34) Slowly he pushed himself up, out of his armchair, dragged himself over to the phone and rang his friend, MONTY. (_________________43) “I am sorry,” he said when Monty picked up the phone on the first ring, “I was COMPLETELY WRONG (________________56) to give up my TRAINING. (_________________24) I am so sorry for being rude to you. What can I do now? I really NEED YOUR HELP.” (______________57)


Allegorical Explanations 15, 56-57



Monty accepted his apology gracefully, told him ALL WAS FORGOTTEN, (_______________58) but suggested he would be wise to learn from his experience, because if it happened again he might not have time to PUT THINGS RIGHT (_______________56) before RM DAY. (_______________15)

Monty then suggested he go back and re-read his RUNNING BOOK. (______________40) Then he, Monty, would help him devise a new training programme to get him back into shape for the big day. He also suggested that Roger go back to the MARATHON CLINIC, (__________________20) in spite of Roger’s obvious reluctance to do so. Roger thanked Monty and agreed to DO (__________________46) as he had suggested.

He was surprised, when he returned to the Marathon Clinic, to find that his FRIENDS (________________47) welcomed him back with open arms. A good number of them had also been through the same experience.

Roger settled back into his training, his MILEAGE (__________________31) quickly returned to normal, the FLAB (________________13) disappeared even more quickly than it had come, and he got fitter and fitter.

Several times over the next few months he let himself down by MISSING A DAY”S TRAINING, (_________________59) but he now knew that he could confide in his friend and guide, MONTY MARATHONER, (________________43) who would gently counsel and encourage him back into his training programme.


Allegorical Explanations 58-59




b. The Training.....The Christian walk
1. Ale, Christmas spirit.....Worldly pleasure, Satan’s deceit
2. Runners, Marathoners, Friends, Others.....Christians
5. Winner, Olympic Champion, Champion, Victor, President, Him.....Jesus
7. Champions friend, His friend, he.....The evangelist, pastor or teacher
10. Couch Potato.....Worldly
11. Belief & derivatives, Knew.....Faith and derivatives
13. Rolls of fat, Flab, Kilos.....Worldly pleasures
14. The Decision, Will do it.....Decision for Christ
15. Rotorua Marathon, RM Day.....Judgement Day
17. Jeremy Jogger.....Worldly minded, Uncommitted Christian
18. Self-motivation.....Worldly success, New Age thought
19. Speaker.....New Age philosopher
20. Marathon Clinic.....Spiritual church
21. Serious marathoners (runners).....Spiritual Christians
22. Patrons.....Demons
23. Hashhouse Harriers.....Spiritually dead church
24. Running, Training (programme).....Christian walk of obedience
25. Gentle run.....Self generated good works
26. Done with their day.....Worldly pursuits
27. Training (methods).....Theologies
28. Hangover.....Sin’s reward
29. Asprins.....Worldly justification
30. Belief in himself.....Mans striving
31. Runs, Longer runs, Striving.....Good works
32. Reasonable shape.....Living a good life
33. Little slower.....‘skin of teeth’ salvation
34. Finish & derivatives, victory, goal.....Eternal Life
35. Roger Runner Spiritual (obedient) Christian
36. Diet.....Leading a new life
37. Live that lifestyle.....Worldly life
38. Showed me that.....Way of Salvation
39. Won (Winning) the race.....By/on the Cross
40. (Best) Running Book, Book.....The Bible
41. What makes me tick.....Fallen man
42. Best time.....Best salvation
43. Monty Marathoner, Me.....The Holy Spirit
44. Twelve.....Hebrew number means ‘Divine’
45. Motivate.....Support of Christians
46. Will do it, guidance, do.....Obedience
47. Better.....Spiritual
48. Pulled hamstring, injury, mountain.....Trial and testing
49. What to do.....Perseverance
50. Hamstring stretching routine.....Spiritual warfare
51 Christmas season.....Backsliding experience
52. Favourite armchair, Armchair.....Self satisfaction
53. Give you a call.....Pricking of conscience
54. Choice was mine.....Man’s freewill
55. I have to.....Everyone faces judgement
56. Completely wrong, Put things right.....Repentance
57. Need your help.....Submission
58. All was forgotten.....Forgiveness of sin
59. Missing a day’s training.....Sinned

There are others too, not listed here. Can you find them?


INTERPRETATION OF ‘The Training’ (of the Christian Walk)


The story compares the walk of 2 types of ‘Christians’ and/or 2 types of churches.

The first, Jeremy Jogger, views the walk from a human religious perspective, motivated essentially by self. It is an easy walk, as it requires little commitment. Satan basically leaves it alone as it is serving his purpose just fine the way it is.

The second lives the walk. Christ becomes the centre of life, the reason for living. This walk requires commitment and obedience to bring about the promised rewards. God tests this commitment and satan attacks it with vigour.Overcoming through submission to God's power and purpose leads to spiritual growth.




The aim of training is to 'run the race', whether it is a marathon or the race of life.

Next week we will see how our two friends get on in their big challenge.




Sometimes training, both in the natural and the spiritual, can be a real grind, while at other times, it's a pleasure.

The difference in both sport and life, between those who are successful and those who are not, is perseverance during the hard times. Not a surprise then, that perseverance is an important characteristic we are required to develop. It differentiates between a 'believer' and a 'disciple'. And Jesus is looking for disciples, isn't He!


In New Zealand, 75% of our population lives in the smaller but warmer (on average) North Island. Our largest city is Auckland, towards the north. Although it only has a population of 1 million people, (25% of our total! But we do have 40 million sheep!) in land area it is one of the largest cities in the world, for most of us live in houses with land attached.

At the bottom of the island, in the middle of the country, is Wellington, our capital city.


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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321. Time is like the air we breathe. We don't appreciate it until it runs out!

David Tait         




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