The Lord is serious about wanting His church and people to change and
embrace the full potential of all that He has made available. And requires to be fully embraced before Jesus returns.




The week before Christmas, the year before writing this teaching, the Lord asked me read the whole New Testament over the week. A challenge for any week, but particularly the busy one just before Christmas! So I read, and found it wonderful. To get an overall view of the whole New Covenant was enlightening.

Particularly apparent was the theme of ‘sacrifice’, firstly of Jesus, then the disciples and finally, the challenge for us to walk the same path.

For me, it took 2½ to3 hours a day. Including the odd time I dozed off or
was distracted and had to repeat bits! Sometimes just happens, when you read the Bible, doesn’t it? I would highly recommend this to you too. The reading, not the sleeping, of course!

This inspired me, at my own volition, to start reading the Old Testament in the same way. Without the same time pressure, It took a little longer – about a month at a couple of hours a day.

As I was reading through the Book of 2 Kings the Lord stopped me, and gave this revelation which I am now sharing with you. It slowed down my reading programme for a day, but I hope you will agree that it’s worth it! Even if it has ended up 4 times the anticipated size!

The Lord is serious about wanting His church and people to change and embrace the full potential of all that He has made available. And requires to be fully embraced before Jesus returns.

My prayer, hope and encouragement is that each of us may fulfil our full potential in Him so that ‘the Church’, the sum of us all, will become the glorious witness and reflection of Jesus that God so desires it to be.

His servant and yours,

David Tait





I. The Bitter Lakes region
II. The Gulfs of Suez and Aqabah
I. Archaeological sites
II. Topographical features


The full background to this teaching is available online at this link
FULL BACKGROUND HERE (For serious students)



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue




One of the most striking things about God and His mode of operation, is the way He works in ‘threes’. This is revealed in His form, i.e. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three apply, whether you are a oneness, ‘twoness’ or Trinitarian believer. (We keep trying to do the impossible by putting God into a box!) For in each theology, the ‘essence’ of God is revealed in 3 ways.

Moving right on through to the New Testament ‘triad’ to faith, hope and love, God continues to reveal himself in threes.

Our personal walk is one of salvation through Jesus, release of the power of the Holy Spirit, and obedience to the will of the Father, as revealed in the words given to John the Revelator, the friend of Jesus;


Revelation 12:11



The pattern of Church development too, can be viewed in a similar way.

This lines up with the design of God’s first church, the Tabernacle of Moses.

You enter through the gate into the Outer Court, which contains the Brazen Altar, upon which the sacrifices were made. And the Washing Basin or Laver, where the priests washed (purified) themselves before performing their priestly duties. The Outer Court typifies the Traditional and Evangelical Church traditions with their focus on the Altar of ‘salvation by faith’, (Traditional) then with baptism added, symbolised by the Laver. (Evangelical)



The Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches relate to the Holy Place, found in the Tent. The tent itself symbolises the Holy Spirit. The three pieces of furniture in the Holy Place relate to key aspects of these traditions. The Table of Shewbread symbolises the revelation of the Word, the Golden Candlestick the Gifts of the Spirit, and the Incense Altar, praise, worship and prayer, all features of these churches. 



The third and final area of the Tabernacle is the Holy of Holies, representing the End Time Church, the Bride of Christ. Here the presence of God dwelled between the wings of the Cherubim, above the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant. This room was only entered once a year by the High Priest on the most holy day of the Jewish religious year, the Day of Atonement. Then only after first making purification sacrifices both for himself and then the people. For sin cannot exist in God’s presence. And like us all, the High priest valued his life! Of course, Jesus opened the way for us individually to enter, when the curtain of the Temple (the ‘permanent’ tabernacle) was supernaturally ripped in two, from top to bottom. So now we may enter through the cleansing of the blood of Jesus.

Jesus did this for us ‘positionally’, on the cross, but it is up to each of us to live holy lives ‘experientially’ as the fulfillment of what He has done for us.

So the call of the end time ‘third church’ is to purity, to maturity, to obedience and submission to the will of God the Father, as characterised by Jesus. To become the pure, righteous Bride of Christ, for whom Jesus is to return.



Yes, the ‘power of three’ is a powerful aid in both understanding God and His purposes for us. It is likely not by chance then, that what now follows, is a further reflection of these patterns of three, as God reveals more of His will for His Church in these final days. 







To understand the application of this incredible event to today, we need to see who and what the three major players in the story represent to us now.

For the Scriptures are full of patterns and types that relate to today’s world.

1. EGYPTIANS: Throughout Scripture the country of Egypt is commonly regarded as being a type of the ‘world’. A world of unbelievers, of independence, of those who follow their own desires and place self before God.

This can be understood from Scriptures such as this one where Egypt is cast in the typical worldly role of military self-reliance.


Isaiah 31:1



And as among those in the world who will be punished ‘on the day of the Lord.’ 


Ezekiel 30:1-5



And where God’s two witnesses will die, before coming back to life after 3½ days. 


Revelation 11:3-12



2. ISRAEL: The Israelites are well known to be God’s chosen people: 


2 Samuel 7:22-24



Of course, they rejected Jesus, and we, the gentiles have been incorporated into the ‘vine’ of God’s chosen, when we accept Him as Saviour.


Romans 11:11



For all who believe in Jesus are one body in Him. 


Ephesians 3:6


Therefore Old Testament Israel can be looked at as being a type or pattern of the Church today.



3. MOSES: Moses is a colossus, sitting astride the Old Testament. He was of course, God’s chosen vessel as deliverer of the Israelites from captivity. 


Exodus 7:1-5


To the Jews today, he remains the most important human figure in their history.

So now, the deliverer the Jews are looking for is another Moses. As Christians, we understand that the deliverer of the New Testament, for both us and the Jews, was Jesus. Moses is the Old Testament type of Jesus, the deliverer.




We commence our look at the crossing of the Red Sea and its application to today's church. 




One of the wonderful things about God is how He confirms His Word in many different ways.

It is dangerous, and unnecessary, to base a belief or theology on a single phrase, verse or even a passage, as the true themes and understandings of God are revealed again and again throughout Scripture.

So it is, with the principles to be revealed in this teaching.


Herod the great built this fortification in the desert in 37 BCE. Looking like a volcano, the Herodium is one of several fortress-palaces built by Herod the Great. It was artificially shaped, with everything placed inside its protected craterlike top.

Josephus wrote of this astounding complex, the Herodium: "Herod built round towers all about the top, and filled the remaining space with costly palaces...he brought a mighty quantity of water from a great distance, and raised an ascent of two hundred steps of purest white marble that led up to it. Its top was crowned with circular towers; its courtyard contained splendid structures."

Source: http://www.bible-history.com


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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Previous parts of this Series (When applicable) are available to be read at:





2. The foolish need wisdom, the wise godliness, the godly the character of Christ.

David Tait         




Earlier Series of "Tuesday Teachings" can be read at:



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