Looking at the Bible from the perspective of Jesus.




Today we look at the KINGDOM OF GOD (ETERNAL LIFE) and possibly also the COMMUNITY v INDIVIDUAL.

Acknowledgements: http://www.followtherabbi.com and http://hethathasanear.com and http://www.wildbranch.org






The full background to this teaching is available online at this link



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue





Greek (Western)


We view the kingdom of God (eternal life) as being separated from this world, a place to go to when earthly life ends. Hence, particularly amongst Pentecostal Christians, there is an (unbiblical) preoccupation with the (unbiblical) rapture. 'Zap me out of here before the Tribulation Lord!' is a common prayer. Much heated discussion arises in theological circles about whether the rapture will be 'pre', 'mid' or 'post-trib' (tribulation). This even splits churches and denominations, causing division in the body. How sad! Jesus weeps! All because we are bound up by our Greek understanding, through which we separate the natural from the spiritual.

The Rapture Doctrine originated in 1830, the result of a vision experienced by a Scottish lady, Miss Margaret Macdonald, who was ill at the time. It was unknown in the church before then. This 'feel good' idea of people being rescued from end time tribulation was promoted by Rev Edward Irving of the Catholic Apostolic Church before being theologically developed by John Darby, founder of the Plymouth Brethren. It has now spread to become widely accepted in many areas of the church.

Again, the foundation of the rapture is based on the Greek thought premise that eternal life, the kingdom of God, is separate from the natural world and is inherited only upon death.


Eastern (Hebrew)


Hebrew thought however, sees eternal life and God's kingdom as beginning in this life. Eternal life therefore, is a life lived in harmony with God during our present, earthly existence.  


John 5:24



Eternal life is knowing God and believing in Jesus. Jesus prayed at Gethsemane.....



John 17:3



And Paul to Timothy.....



1 Timothy 6:12



For Jesus is eternal life! The eternal life of Jesus lives in us!



1 John 5:20



Our Greek based translations do not convey this present oneness with God adequately. For the Jews, this just comes naturally, for thoughts, beliefs and actions are intertwined as one. We are to become one with Him - now.



1 Corinthians 6:17



This understanding adds new meaning to the Lord's Prayer, which has been spoken billions of times, but rarely understood.



Matthew 6:10


God's kingdom is being built on earth - now! What a revelation. Thank you Lord!




1. The understanding of this 'kingdom now' principle is the basis of the apostolic/kingdom movement that is arising throughout the world today. Unlike previous movements of God, which have moved out from one place, person or group, the revelation of the kingdom is now being given through the Holy Spirit to people all round the world. It is essentially a personal revelation, for personal conviction is necessary to live the kingdom lifestyle in a generally disbelieving church, and secular, world.

2. We are being called to live and work out our faith in practical ways, to demonstrate the kingdom to others. Indeed, to be His kingdom representatives in the world!

3. To be kingdom, present as well as future, centred.

4. To desire holiness and righteousness, allowing Jesus to change us, in order to become a member of the 'bride of Christ' for whom Jesus is returning.....


Revelation 19:9





Greek (Western)


The Greek focus is on the individual.

Let's face it, in our society, 'I' is the most important letter in the alphabet! 'What’s in it for me?'

In the church too, our focus is on what Jesus will do for us...... Jesus loves you. (true) 'Jesus saves' you. (true) Jesus will make you happy. (not true) Onward to the ultimate 'I'..... Jesus will make you rich! (not true) For our natural mind is focused on 'taking', not giving.


Eastern (Hebrew)


The Hebrew focus, on the other hand, is on the community in relationship with God.

This is the pattern of the Old Testament, with God choosing to work firstly through the families of the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc).....


Genesis 21:8-13



We find this difficult to understand and accept, but the interests of the community, of the continuation of the godly line, was put ahead of the interests of the individual. Ironically, the rejected Esau then became the spiritual root of today's Muslim faith!

This sense of community continued through the checkered history of the nation of Israel, where effectively, the King represented the people before God, either for good or for evil.....


2 Kings 21:19-22, 26-22:2



Moving on to New Testament times, it is easy now to understand the confusion of Nicodemus, a celebrated elder, who naturally thought the spiritual state of the nation was in the ruling council’s hands. Then Jesus turned this world on its head by proclaiming that salvation was now a personal choice.....  


John 3:1-18



However, the sense of community was not lost in the early church, where the good of the group as a whole was put ahead of the interests of the individual..... 


Acts 4:32-5


Jesus would have approved.




While salvation is now a personal decision, our ongoing community response is to be one of giving rather than taking.....



Mark 12:33



2. 'Community' is focused on caring and sharing, of putting other's needs ahead of our own.

3. Religious form is superfluous. It is how we live in our community that truly reflects the genuineness of our salvation.




..... as we look at ERROR/SIN and the EXISTENCE OF GOD  




This understanding of Jewish understanding, rather than the Greek based interpretations we think and are taught has been a revelation to me and changed my life.

For you too?


Masada is a large rock plateau that creates a desert stronghold in the Judea Wilderness. In Old Testament times, David hid from King Saul in this area. We don’t know that David ever stayed in Masada, but David had surely seen or heard of its huge size and steep cliffs.

During his hiding, David wrote, “The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer” (Ps. 18:2). In this Psalm, he used the Hebrew word that literally means “masada”—providing a fitting picture of the unshakeable protection and strength of God.

Later, Herod the Great fortified Masada with towers and a high wall. The top of Masada could be cultivated to provide supplies for the defenders. Herod also built a system of cisterns to store water and storehouses to contain necessary supplies.

When Jerusalem during the Jewish Revolts against Rome, the Jewish patriot Eliezer Ben Yair and 960 people with him escaped to the top of the mountain. The Romans spent two years laying siege to the mountain. According to Josephus, when the Romans reached the top, all but five of the people had taken their own lives rather than surrender to the Romans.

Remembering the ancient defeat of these Jews, modern Israeli army recruits swear their oath of allegiance at Masada. They are given a gun and a Hebrew Bible, and they swear to never let Masada fall again.

Source: http://www.followtherabbi.com


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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1017. The kingdom of God is built upon relationship, not organisation.

David Tait         




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