Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue
Greek (Western) |
We view the ultimate in truth as being scientific and rational. We focus on how things are done, both in Scripture and in life. We come to believe in truth as we think things logically through.
In the natural, arguments such as creation versus evolution are hugely important to us. Logic and reason are generally the foundation of our faith.
We also analyse revival. When it occurs we work out what God is doing and proceed do it for Him! The revival dies.
Men are particularly susceptible to the tyranny of logic.
Eastern (Hebrew) |
Hebrews see the ultimate in truth as being religious and experiential. When looking at Scripture they focus on what was done and who did it. They come to believe truth as they experience it.
Hence the great interest and importance the Jewish people place on history and inheritance, on genealogy. Matthew, as a Jew understood this and included the genealogy of Jesus in his Epistle, which was primarily targeted to the Jewish people. It was so important that it was the first thing he wrote about.....
Matthew 1:1-16
Jesus quoted the sins and unrighteous deeds of their forefathers in His teachings. For example.....
Luke 11:45-51
Faith is enhanced by the experience of the great men of yesteryear.....
Hebrews 11:17-24
A TESTIMONY FROM DAVID As the people experience truth, so their faith is built up. I remember a time in Nigeria when a lame man got up his bed and walked. I can't understand it logically. But I did experience God's power moving through my hands and into him. It certainly increased my faith in a greater way than any than any theological belief I have ever had!
1. Just do it! We can spend a lot of time learning about Jesus but real faith is built through experiencing the power of Jesus in our lives.
2. We are not to get so entranced by minor points of theology that we miss the point of truly 'walking with Jesus'.
3. We must let Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, lead and guide us in our daily walk, growing in faith as we experience more of Him in our life.
4. Do not try to out think God!
Greek (Western) |
Greek thinkers see truth as static and unchanging. With our scientific approach, we believe that, although we may not fully understand all truth, it is out there, just waiting to be discovered.
Eastern (Hebrew) |
Hebrew thinkers see truth as unfolding. Truth is revealed layer upon layer, over time.
Psalm 43:3, 86:11
A classic example of this difference in thinking is found in the different cultures attitudes towards prophecy. We look at prophecy as having a single fulfilment while in Jewish culture prophecy has ongoing applications through the ages.
The most important failure of Greek, or Western, thought in the area of unfolding truth is in our understanding of the kingdom of God.
Similarly, we view the kingdom as being in one place, which is found in heaven, up in the sky, once we die. What we fail to understand is that this is only one aspect of the truth. For the kingdom of God is multi-dimensional. If it were not so, how could we pray in the 'Lord's Prayer'.....
Matthew 6:10b
The truth that the Lord is revealing today is that His kingdom is indeed here, on earth, as well as there, in heaven! As Greek thinkers, we have great difficulty in getting our heads around this concept. Also, it is 'inconvenient', for the excuse for living a less than holy life here on the 'devil's earth', suddenly disappears!
The reality is, as disciples, we are in the kingdom, and are to live a kingdom lifestyle from the moment in time we commit ourselves to Jesus.
Romans 12:1-2
We need to understand that this reality of the kingdom is for us in the here and now.
Luke 17:20-21
but is to become physical in the way we live our lives.....
Ephesians 5:1-5
1. We are God's kingdom in the world.
2. Is His kingdom light shining out of us?
3. A kingdom lifestyle is required of all true followers of Jesus.
So until next week.......
His servant and yours
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440. The more of God in us, the greater our potential to reveal His truth.
David Tait
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