Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue
This message is possibly, indeed probably, the most important message you can receive, and act upon, both personally, and to share with those to whom you relate.
3 In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.†(John 3:3)
Greek (Western) |
Greek thinkers consider the so-called 'Sinners Prayer' as the requirement for non-believers to be 'born again'. Salvation is related primarily to a decision of the mind, requiring minimal evidence of changed behaviour.
This position is justified primarily through Galatians 5:1.....
Galatians 5:1
Unfortunately the verses later in the same passage are ignored.....
Galatians 5:13-15
Eastern (Hebrew) |
Hebrew thinkers understand being 'born again' as a complete lifestyle change. This involves a full commitment of mind, emotions and will, which will be reflected in behavioural change and obedience to God's will.
Words have different meanings, or nuances of meaning, in different cultures. Nicodemus, who asked the original question of Jesus as to the requirement for salvation, made the same mistake we do, in relating being born again to a physical experience.
John 3:4
However, the word 'born' in the Hebrew of the time of Jesus was 'yalad', meaning 'bring forth'. So Jesus was not talking about a physical birthing experience, but rather, 'bringing forth a choice of action' by the hearer. The results of the two alternative behavioural decisions are clearly set out in John 3:16-21. It is particularly clear in the Amplified Version.
Firstly, making the behavioural decision to follow Jesus.....
John 3:16-18
And the result for the true follower of Christ.....
John 3:21 AMP
This change in lifestyle is also proclaimed by Paul in Romans. It is through holiness that eternal life is obtained.....
Romans 6:22-3
The 'gift of God' most often refers to the Holy Spirit, and it is through Him that our life is to be transformed. The Bible confirms, in the final chapter of Revelation, the free gift of salvation, resulting in the life changing work of the Holy Spirit, leads to holiness, and the inheritance of eternal life. The words of Jesus, followed by the Spirit and the bride, through John, say.....
Revelation 22:12-16
The church today views salvation as a decision of the mind, but Jesus taught the necessity of a total life transformation.
1. The church must move from the 'easy Christianity' teaching of the sufficiency of the (unbiblical) 'sinners prayer' to a call for true repentance, resulting in a changed life.
2. Discipleship, to help the new believer deal with the huge upheaval of leaving the old for the transformed new life in Jesus, must truly become a prime role of the church.
3. To witness effectively to Jews and Muslims, our actions and lives must reflect the words we speak.
3. Finally, from a father of the faith.....
“Christ will be master of the heart, and sin must be mortified. If your life is unholy, then your heart is unchanged, and you are an unsaved person. The Savior will sanctify His people, renew them, give them a hatred of sin, and a love of holiness. The grace that does not make a man better than others is a worthless counterfeit. Christ saves His people, not IN their sins, but FROM their sins. Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.†C.H. Spurgeon
<i>NEXT WEEK:</i> THINKING GREEK OR HEBREW continues..... |
..... as we look at the contentious area of DOCTRINE.
As I have said, this message is possibly, indeed probably, the most important message you can receive, and act upon, both personally, and to share with those to whom you relate.
It's true application would transform the church and open the way for the return of Jesus.
Change church change.
Come Jesus, come.
Church of the Holy Sepulcher
The Edicule
This structure preserves the location of Christ's tomb. Though the cave here was carved away by a Muslim ruler 1000 years ago, a clear history remains that this has been the revered location of the tomb. Al-Hakim's efforts to destroy the tomb (and Christianity) in 1009 were not the first.
Earlier the Roman emperor Hadrian erected a large platform of earth over the whole area for the construction of a temple to Venus. Jerome adds to Eusebius' statement that a statue of Jupiter was on the site for 180 years (140-320 A.D.) When Constantine converted the empire to Christianity, he had the pagan temples dismantled, the earth removed and a church built over the spot.
So until next week.......
His servant and yours
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430. A believer knows, but the disciple does.
David Tait
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