PART 1 of 4




Today was a day for getting back to 'normal', after two special weeks during which the Lord had blessed me in amazing ways. Firstly through the visit of my friend, and our Ministry Representative in India, Asher Peri. Then, the Lord speaking to me through His prophets in a 'presbytery' at a conference Asher and I attended together. Confirming previous words He had spoken to me directly (Always a relief that one is hearing correctly!) and encouraging me along the path I have been taking, amidst certain scepticism and opposition.

Of course, the Lord is full of surprises! Today's 'normal' day became another memorable one as He gave me the outline of this revelation during my daily quiet time, reading the Word and talking with my Lord.

This means more work, as inspiration and perspiration are 'soul mates' if we are to fulfil the Lord's purposes! While the Lord doesn't need us to build His kingdom, He chooses to use His followers to do the work on His behalf. Not so He can have 'time off', but rather, to train us in His ways. To serve Him and others, as Jesus did.

My faith is increasingly strengthened as He shows me more and more 'previews' of the coming of Jesus through types and patterns in Scripture. In events that took place, often thousands of years before Jesus came, lived, died, and overcame death, on our behalf. For this was always to be the culmination of God's plan for His people.

I trust that you too, will be inspired and encouraged by the perfect plan of God to bring us both back into close and intimate relationship, through the ultimate sacrifice of 'a life for a life', yes, His only son, Jesus.






I. In the Old Testament
II. In the New Testament
III. Post-biblical developments


I. Miracles and the natural order
II. Miracles and revelation
III. Miracles in the New Testament


The full background to this teaching is available online at this link



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue




The procreation of the species is a hugely important drive in both the animal and human kingdoms. For when we are unable to have babies, our family line ceases in our generation. So, throughout history, producing heirs has been vital, in order to continue the species. In the case of humans too, to provide a 'superannuation policy' of children to look after us in our old age! A less important consideration now in some wealthier countries, with the introduction of the Welfare state, but one which was vital for future security during Biblical times, as indeed it still is in the majority of countries today.

Barrenness was regarded as a curse in ancient cultures, particularly amongst women, who always took the blame. Some things change only slowly! And were looked down upon, particularly by other women! (eg Sarai by Hagar)



The most detailed account of the implications of not having heirs is found in the story of Naomi in the Book of Ruth. Of course, Naomi did in fact have 2 sons, but they both died before producing offspring. The despair of Naomi upon her return home is graphically described. 


Ruth 1:19-21


Of course, Naomi (A type of Israel and the Jewish Church) finally found security and cultural fulfilment through her daughter-in-law Ruth's (The Gentile Church) marriage to Boaz.. (Representing Jesus) But that is another story! (See A REVELATION OF… THE BOOK OF RUTH)

While not strictly about a true 'barren woman', the story of Ruth accurately illustrates the problems involved. And will help us better understand the desperate position childless couples of biblical times faced.

Now, as we move on to look at these three specific families, I trust you will experience some of the emotion of the stressful situations these families faced. And their huge appreciation and cultural gratification, when God granted them their deepest desire, to produce a new generation.

However, this revelation is not really about the families themselves, wonderful though their stories may be. Instead, it shows the way God used each of these precious situations to illustrate aspects of His greatest outpouring of grace, the sacrifice of His son Jesus. Once again, we can experience a relationship with our Creator, lost on that day when Adam and Eve decided to go their own way. Which many still do today.

The first two of these joyous Family celebrations reveal aspects of the what Jesus was coming to do, while the third, reflects our required response in order to participate in the reconciliation God has made available to us.




Abraham was the greatest man of his time, both materially and spiritually. He was a nomad. Living in a tent, the family would remain in one place over the winter while there was sufficient rain to make pastures grow for his animals to feed upon and to grow a crop, likely barley, to maturity. However, the rest of the year, they would wander from place to place with their sheep, goats and cattle to find sufficient grazing over the long, hot, dry summer months.

Spiritually, Abraham had a relationship with God that set him apart from the people of his time, directly resulting in him becoming the founding father of the Jewish race, God's chosen people. Spiritually too, he is the one to whom we, as Christians today, trace our inheritance.

But, like us, Abraham was not perfect. While a man of tremendous faith, he still had his doubts when the physical reality didn't appear to match the spiritual promise. Some things never change! At this point we enter his story.




Abram (high father) and Sarai (likely meaning, contentious) had everything the world of the day could offer - except for a son and heir. Abram complained to God about it when speaking to the Lord! 


Genesis 15:1-4



God gave him an amazing promise.  


Genesis 15:4-5



This, the first time the Lord promised him an heir must have been at a time when the couple was still in their natural childbearing years, for even though they had had difficulties in conceiving so far, Abraham immediately believed. 


Genesis 15:6



However, nothing more happened for many years. So, in their humanity, Abram and Sarai 'helped' God out by coming up with a natural solution to their problem! In keeping with the tradition of the time, Sarai suggested that her servant Hagar could act as a surrogate mother. An idea Abram readily agreed with! So Ishmael was born. This caused a lot of problems in the family. Hagar despised Sarai. Sarai resented Hagar and Ishmael. Abraham loved Ishmael dearly. But eventually gave into Sarai's nagging and let her banish them from the camp.

Finally, when Abram was 99, the Lord appeared before him again and repeated the promise made many years earlier. This was accompanied by a name change, to Abraham (father of a multitude) and Sarah (a princess).


Genesis 17:15-16



By this time Abraham had lost his faith in Sarah's fertility, having pinned his faith on Ishmael receiving the promised inheritance. 


Genesis 17:17-18



But God simply confirmed that Sarah was indeed to become a mother. And the Ishmael would have a spiritual inheritance too. This turned out to be those of the Moslem faith, for they trace their ancestry back to Abraham, through Ishmael.

(Hagar and Ishmael banished to the desert)


Genesis 17:19-22



I suspect that Abraham didn't mention this to Sarah at the time, for it was not until the Lord came a third time that we hear of Sarah's reaction. This time she overheard the Lord speaking to her husband. And her reaction was similar to his! She was immediately ashamed of it.


Genesis 18:9-15



But the date was now set. So in due course, Isaac was born.  


Genesis 21:1-3



Sarah, in particular, was very happy, even after going through labor at the age of 90! For she had attained cultural fulfilment and respect amongst the people. 


Genesis 21:6-7


This was a supernatural birth to a woman past the age of menopause!

We now need to move on in the life of Isaac to see the revelation of Jesus to come.




Abraham, contrary to all human rational thought of promised succession, was instructed to sacrifice Isaac.  


Genesis 22:2



How could this be? After waiting all the years for Isaac to be born, finally seeing the line of succession God promised as possible, Abraham was told to kill off his heir! But Abraham was obedient to the Lord.

After walking for 3 days he told the servants to stay with the donkey, which presumably he had been riding, while Isaac and he walked on and made the sacrifice.


Genesis 22:4-5



But even more remarkable than Abraham's reaction, was that of Isaac! For he had now grown into a strapping young man, somewhere between 16 and 25. Having all his life ahead of him, no doubt secure in the knowledge of God's promise for a nation of people to be birthed through his line. Yet, in spite of all this, he obeyed his father. Physically, he need not have!

Naturally though, he did question him!


Genesis 22:6-7



Abraham gave a cryptic reply! 


Genesis 22:8



Isaac allowed himself to be tied up by his father and placed on the altar. Was he just being obedient? Or did he believe that God would do something, in order that his destiny might be fulfilled. That a substitute would be provided? Or perhaps that he would be resurrected? Whatever were his thoughts, he allowed it to happen. 


Genesis 22:9



Abraham steeled himself to do that which went against both logic and emotion. 


Genesis 22:10



The Angel of the Lord came to their joint rescue! 


Genesis 22:11-12



Imagine their relief when the substitute was provided! 


Genesis 22:13



The promise of succession was then renewed. 


Genesis 22:15-18



They returned to the servants, who had been looking after the donkey and their possessions while they were away. 


Genesis 22:19







The Father…….Abraham
Holy Spirit…….Servants

1. Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his only son, in obedience to the Father.
The Father was prepared to sacrifice His only son, Jesus, for us.
2. Isaac, conceived supernaturally, submitted to Abraham's will. For his life a substitute sacrifice was provided.
Jesus, conceived supernaturally, submitted to the Father's will and became (remains) a substitute sacrifice for us.
3. The servants looked after Abraham and Isaac.
The Holy Spirit teaches and guides us today.
4. Both Abraham and Sarah believed the miracle birth impossible, even when told by God.
Many people still disbelieve the Gospel message of reconciliation to the Father through the sacrifice of Jesus.


<i>NEXT WEEK</i>


I just love it when I find Old Testament typology that foreshadows the coming of Jesus.

The story of the Schunammites son is one of these. A biological story of sadness, happiness, sadness and happiness! Of infertility, of supernatural healing and birth, of death and finally resurrection. Sound at all familiar? Yes and yes again!

A short study but a real faith builder!

I trust you find it as encouraging as I have done.




I never cease to be amazed by the faith of Abraham (and Isaac!). I am sure, not too many of us would be prepared to do what they did. Imagine if Sarah had found out beforehand! Could see a big family argument there!

But their faith was rewarded, as is ours, here, in the kingdom, or both.

Through this series we are taking a brief look at the desert areas of Israel, per courtesy of 'Follow The Rabbi'.

The Judean Wilderness occupies the area from the eastern slopes of the Judea Mountains down to the Great Rift Valley, and runs along the western shore of the Dead Sea.

Very little rain falls here, so there are very few plants or animals. Many deep wadis, formed by centuries of rain runoff, penetrate this wilderness. Because it borders fertile mountains ridges for more than fifty miles, villages like Bethlehem were able to support both shepherds and farmers. The shepherds lived on the desert’s fringes, while farmers worked the soil of the mountains.

Because the wilderness was so close to settled areas, it became a refuge for those who sought solitude or safety from the authorities. Here David hid from Saul (1 Sam. 24:1), and John the Baptist isolated himself from the religious practices of the day (Matt. 3). It was also here that the Essenes labored over their scrolls, and early Christians built monasteries, some of which still function today.

Source: http://www.followtherabbi.com


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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Previous parts of this Series (When applicable) are available to be read at:





263. Faith is one of the few things in life where the more you take, the more you get given.

David Tait         




Earlier Series of "Tuesday Teachings" can be read at:



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God Facts (A mine of information): http://www.wwj.org.nz/gfacts.php
Facts for Fun: http://www.wwj.org.nz/facts.php
Marriage and Family Facts: http://www.wwj.org.nz/maffacts.php
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