No Background on Fairy Tales!
Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue
Part 4 of 4 |
To make understanding easier and quicker, a brief summary interpretation is given here. Please takse the time to consider the many detailed spiritual meanings and messages contained within each section. The story was given by the Lord first, the interpretation after the ‘fairy tale’ was completed!
The Dream: The witness of others into our life.
The Journey: Making the decision for Christ.
‘Tweet Tweet’: Fulfilment of the Feast of Passover, as reflected in the Traditional/Evangelical Church
‘Coo Coo’: Fulfilment of the Feast of Pentecost, as reflected in the Pentecostal/Charismatic Church
‘Soar Soar’: Individuals throughout history, living their lives in full submission to the Father’s will.
Trumpet Call: Symbolising the Feast of Trumpets, now in progress.
Bird Cries: Symbolising the Day of Atonement. Now starting to be fulfilled by the growing Tabernacle (end time church) Army.
Last Trumpet: Symbolising the Feast of Tabernacles itself. To be fulfilled in the 1000 year reign year reign of Christ and His 'overcomers'.
As the sound of the trumpets faded, the wind came up, a gentle zephyr at first, much loved by the doves but ignored by the sparrows. Gradually the puffs of wind increased in intensity, penetrating every nook and cranny and every bird on the mountain. There was no way to avoid its effects. All the old hiding places where smart birds would go to get out of the wind when it blew too strongly for their liking, were penetrated by this new wind. A wind of repentance from which there was no escape.
As the wind grew in intensity, so a new noise arose from the mountain. Almost imperceptible at first, the cries of the birds gathered in strength as a wave forming on the ocean, increasing in size and power before inevitably crashing on the shore in a thunderous cacophony of conviction and repentance. Plaintive sparrow cries intermingled with the louder grief of the doves. There were even a few screams from the eagles, as all remaining impurities were expelled from their bodies. For the eagles had already partially experienced this phenomenon, before being awarded their eaglewings. As the wind penetrated feathers, right into the very bodies and hearts of the mountain’s birdlife, multitudes of bird tears flooded to the ground and streams of repentance flowed down the mountain into the Blood Red River of Sacrifice that the cross-shaped bridge spanned. A more powerful intermingling of the blood of sacrifice with the water of sanctification had never been witnessed throughout all history. The birds were being purified, as was required by the Lord of the Mountain.
However this cleansing windstorm was not welcomed by many of the sparrows and doves. The wind was too strong and there was no longer anywhere to hide. Large numbers now looked longingly back to the plains from whence they had come, for they had had enough of this strange land. The pleasures of the plains now seemed so much more attractive. So these birdsliders flew back over the river, upon landing on the plains, to become humans once again. The Guide was very sad to see this exodus, for he had given his very life for each one of them. But he also realised that the sounding of the trumpet heralded a time of great upheaval, a time when the strength and penetration of the wind would cause many doves and sparrows to leave the mountain. Returning to the cities from whence they had originally come, many became the bitterest critics of the ever-increasing birdlife on the mountain.
And as usual, there were those who toughed it out, digging in their claws, determined not to lose that which they had, but too fearful to let the wind change them. What a sorry sight they made, indeed.
At the mountaintop however, the scenario was completely the opposite. For John and the other eagles, having adapted to the new intensity of the wind, were perfectly equipped to take advantage of these new conditions. For they were able to go with the flow, joyfully taking advantage of all the many eddies and currents, making use of the wind rather than being blown round by it, as were the other birds. John too, quickly observed that the air was now becoming thick with ‘Taberneagle Squadrons,’ for the windstorm had caused many sparrows and doves to desire eaglehood, to join the Taberneagle Army and fly high in the sky.
The power of the wind removed all the remaining weaknesses and impurities from John’s eagle body, so he and his eagle mates could now soar to the very mountaintop, into the presence of the Lord of the Mountain himself. It was a place that until now, no bird had been able to reach, for the uplifting wind of the Spirit had not blown to these heights before. Yet, as he reached the summit, John saw that one had been there before him and was now waiting for him to land on the mountain peak. Yes, it was the Guide who welcomed John as he landed. He was the one who made this journey possible, who had pioneered the way. “Well done, my good and faithful eagleservant,†the Guide said lovingly, “for you have made my return journey to be with the Lord of the Mountain worthwhile.†And he revealed his name as being ‘Jesus’. John’s white eagle body glistened, a heavenly, perfected, pure white, for he was now one with the Lord of the Mountain. His life dream had been fulfilled.
But there was still work to be done! For the wind so enraged the black vultures that they all took to the air in furious frenzy. They knew that this was their last chance to do battle with the doves and even the sparrows. The Guide saw all that was happening and ordered his Taberneagle Force into action. With a mighty roar, the eagles descended to take on the vultures one last time. The vultures concentrated their attacks on the doves and fought the sparrows too, for they knew they could not defeat the eagles. The battle raged over the entire mountain, claiming many sparrow and dove casualties.
The eagles spearheaded the fight. Inevitably though, through the preparation the Guide had done on their behalf, turning them into lean, mean, eagle machines, every last vulture was either slaughtered or captured, including the Field Marshal of the vulture forces himself, one satan by name. Satan’s forces were an-eagle-ated. There was a huge victory party on the mountaintop as the wind stilled, having fulfilled its task. The Taberneagle Army finally reigned supreme on the mountain.
On the seventh day there was a new trumpet call – the trumpet call of victory, blown by the Guide - by Jesus himself! The sound of the victory trumpet resounded throughout all the land, from the top of the mountain to the furthest reaches of the plains. Doves, sparrows and plain dwellers alike - all were stopped in their tracks, mesmerised by the incredible sound. Their attention was drawn to the top of the mountain from where there was a mighty reverberation of wings as the victorious Taberneagle Army, John and Jill amongst them, took to the air with their Supreme Commander, the Guide Jesus at their head. As one, the Taberneagle Army flew off the mountain, spreading out over the plains below. A mixture of fear and wonder overcame the plain dwellers as the eagle army approached.
Passing over the river of blood and water called Salvation, the eagles underwent a bodily transformation. John saw that his body had once again taken on human form. He could still recognise himself, even though he now radiated the glory of God. Looking around, he saw that his body was perfect in every detail. He couldn’t believe it. Yes, this body would never again get sick or grow old. It was his, perfect and unchangeable, forever. And what is more he realised with a start, he was still up in the air, flying without wings! Around him too, he saw that the army was now surrounded by hosts of angels, who did need wings to fly! Among them he spotted his angelic friend, the one who had originally guided him to the mountain. John waved out to him vigorously, doing a summersault (for summer had now arrived) in the air, not quite yet having refined the piloting skills necessary for human flight! His angel friend arrived in a flash, to steady him. Yes, his Guardian Angel was still there. John now understood that he too, had been with him all the time he had been on the mountain, keeping him out of trouble when he flew faster than his wings had been designed for. For John had always been a speedfreak, pushing his wings beyond their birdynamic limits! But he was healed of that now!
Yet, the most exciting thing about his body was the glory of the light that shone out of it. Enough to turn night into day! The glory of the Lord of the Mountain was his forever!
Looking down, he could see the people running for cover, for the light was too bright to bear. Jesus gave the order and the victorious army landed on their feet, right through the land. The people now came out of cover, attracted to the light of the individual overcomer arriving to govern their area. The whole Taberneagle Army moved about the land seemingly as one, with automatic communications. No radio transmitters or receivers required here!
Taking a moment or two to get his bearings, John looked out into the distance, momentarily blinking, unable to believe what he saw! For he was still getting used to his new 20/20 vision. He remembered his earlier short-sightedness and could hardly believe the difference! But it was what he saw that truly amazed him. For the fields and deserts that he had remembered were now beautiful gardens, as they had been at the very beginning of time. One vast Garden of Eden! As the people realised what had happened, they too were delighted, for living in a garden paradise is attractive to all.
Equally surprising to the people of the plains was how they all now started to get along well together, no longer having the desire to fight one another. While the people themselves did not understand this new phenomenon, John knew that it was because satan and his vultures had been defeated, the survivors having been bound and thrown into a bottomless pit from which there was no escape. The ultimate black hole!
Some of the people came to John wanting to know about Jesus and the army, before setting off on their own journey to climb the mountain. But, as usual, most were quite happy to enjoy the gardens and their new, harmonious environment, carrying on with their lives, just as they had always done. Some things, some people, never change!
After a few days had passed, John heard a great groaning and gnashing of beaks coming from the direction of the mountain. For the remaining sparrows and the doves had finally comprehended what was happening. The eagles had flown! The vultures had gone! All was peaceful and pleasant on the mountain. While enjoyable for a few days, this relaxed state of affairs had soon got pretty boring really! In desperation, the doves and even some of the sparrows that normally enjoyed the quiet life, asked their Friend Inside what had happened. They were told, “The eagles have flown to the top of the mountain where you all were encouraged to go. But you did not choose to leave your home comforts to fly high. The eagles have now attained their reward. To rule and reign on the earth with Jesus for 1000 years. Your reward will come too, but you will have to wait until the end of that time.â€
The enormity of the situation hit them squarely in the eyes. For they had missed out on the very best that the Lord of the Mountain had to offer. They would live most pleasantly, for the vultures had been defeated, but would have to make do with barley or wheat until the end. Their reward was delayed because of their own actions. “Why didn’t we climb the mountain while we had the opportunity†they cried out to each other. For this was the weeping and gnashing of beaks that John heard, as he reigned and ruled with Jesus in the cities far away.
And so John lived happily ever after, as his Grandma had promised all those years ago, when he sat upon her knee.
We hear an awful lot about what God has done for us, but much less of what He desires from us in return!
This series of studies is an attempt to redress the balance a little.
Just a simple, short introduction.
Exciting times are ahead for those who are prepared to fully submit themselves to the Lord. Will it include me? Will it include you? The choice is ours.
Decapolis means “10 cities.†Though the number of cities changed from time to time, the Decapolis was a group of independent city-states that were thoroughly pagan and Hellenistic. Veterans of Alexander the Great’s army founded several of these city-states in the fourth century BC. And when Pompey and his Roman legions took control of the area in 63 BC, they kept it separate from the Jewish territory to the west.
Several of the Decapolis city-states are mentioned in the Bible, including Gerasa (Mark 5:1; (Luke 8:26), Beth Shean (then called Scythopolis—1 Sam. 31:10), and Gadara (Matt. 8:28). These towns typically had Hellenistic designs, with theaters where lewd plays were performed, temples where sacrifices were offered to pagan gods, and coliseums where nude athletic games and gladiatorial contests took place. Each city controlled the areas surrounding it, spreading their Hellenistic philosophy and religion.
The farmers of Galilee could see the sophisticated Gentile world barely eight miles away, and the steep cliffs of the Eastern Shore must have seemed evil and menacing to them. But the Gentiles’ culture was probably alluring to the faithful Jews as well. Some scholars believe the “far country†mentioned in Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son referred to the Decapolis. It was barely a day’s walk from Galilee and the riotous lifestyle and pigs could certainly be found there.
Many people in New Testament times believed that the inhabitants of the Decapolis were those whom Joshua had driven from the Promised Land—the seven pagan nations (Josh. 3:10; Acts 13:19). They viewed the land as the place of the “expelled ones,†the worshipers of Baal.
In this context, Jesus’ ministry in the Decapolis is remarkable. His disciples probably hesitated when he suggested they row there (“the other sideâ€â€” Mark 4:35). Once they arrived, they were greeted by a man possessed by a legion of demons, and there was a Roman legion stationed nearby (Mark 5:1—20).
Uncharacteristically, Jesus did not ask the man to be quiet after he was healed. Instead sent him to share the good news with the people of his town (possibly Susita, which was close by). Apparently, the man’s message was blessed before the next time Jesus visited, because there were new believers there by that time (Mark 7:31—37).
So until next week.......
His servant and yours
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15. Satan loves the foolish, attacks the wise, but fears the godly.
David Tait
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