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Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue
There are numerous examples Biblical patterns of three that relate to our lives. However we are going to limit ourselves to one that succinctly and beautifully sums up the basis of God's plan of how we should walk with Him, how to attain holiness. It's found in one, small, 29 word verse, tucked away in the middle of the last 'Book of Revelation'. Incidentally it's the verse on which Walking With Jesus Ministries is based, defining the pathway leading to holiness.
Revelation 12:11
Here we are given a cumulative three-step process as the means by which we can attain holiness. To become fully reconciled with the Father! To become reflections of Jesus! As taught by the Holy Spirit! What Jesus did 'positionally', spiritually, for us on the cross, we still have to apply 'experientially', practically, to our lives. This dilemma of the ongoing battle within us between our old earthly and new heavenly natures, is described vividly by the Apostle Paul.
Romans 7:15-20
So let's now have a look at the 3 steps towards holiness.
Belief in Jesus, is the first and foundational step in our Christian experience. The words used by John the Baptist in announcing the ministry of Jesus were:
John 1:29
And of course we are forgiven through the blood that represents life. His life for our life, as God requires.
Ephesians 1:7-8
So we take the first step on our walk through believing and personally accepting that Jesus died for us, as 'the blood of the Lamb'. We cannot earn our salvation through living a good life, but are accepted back into relationship with God the Father through the blood of Jesus. Jesus is our one and only 'hope' of salvation.
Receiving forgiveness for our sins though, is just the beginning of our Christian walk. We next have to grow into the likeness of Jesus, not physically, (fortunately ladies!) but spiritually. To help us do this, Jesus promised that the Father would send the Holy Spirit. He arrived 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead, having overcome satan and sin on our behalf, on the day of the Jewish 'Feast of Weeks', which we call the Day of Pentecost. ('Pente' meaning 50)
John 14:25-26
The Holy Spirit empowers us to make the necessary adjustments and changes in our lives required to become more and more like Jesus. As Paul said:
Romans 15:17-19
"But how do we relate, 'the word of their testimony' to the Holy Spirit," I can hear you asking? Well, that was my question of the Lord too, when he first stopped me at this verse. And as usual, He had the answer! He took me to Matthew 12:34.
Matthew 12:34
The book of James similarly tells us that “no man can tame the tongue (James 3:7)”. Yes, in the end, no matter how we try to cover things up, when tested, the words we speak reflect our heart attitude. And our heart, the symbolic seat of our emotions or feelings, is the realm of the Holy Spirit. That is why, when we are baptized in or released into the power of the Holy Spirit, our ability to express our emotions in our worship, in the adoration of our God, increases amazingly.
Romans 15:6
The power of 3 once again! The Holy Spirit builds the reality of Jesus into our life. He increases our level of 'faith'. I have found this to be reality, when looking at individual Christians and churches. For those empowered by the release of the Holy Spirit, while still having lots of faults, are usually more open to allowing Him to change them, generally showing a greater dedication towards the expansion of God's Kingdom.
The ultimate goal of the mature Christian is holiness, becoming like Jesus. The key difference in His life to ours was his 100%, absolute obedience to the will of God the Father - even though it would ultimately cost Him his life. This is perfectly illustrated in the hours before His death.
Matthew 26:36-39
Yes, Jesus was literally prepared to sacrifice His life for the Fathers will. So too, we are to deny our own human desires, to do His will. For most of us this, at least until now, has not required literal martyrdom. However, it's equally difficult living a life of total obedience as it is facing death for the cause. So for most of us, the death talked about in this verse is 'death to self.' It is hard and it is painful, but it reaps the richest of rewards.
Hebrews 12:7-11
And which forms the basis of the Golden Rule, the 'new commandment' of Jesus.
Mark 12:30-31
Yes, the precious ones throughout the ages who have sought holiness, those who have been prepared to commit their all to Jesus by doing the Fathers will as revealed by the Holy Spirit, are those whom truly display God's 'love.' These are the hearts that God truly desires. For 'love' is the greatest of all.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Holiness is built upon love. And true love is the sacrifice of self to God's will, serving the needs of others.
Holiness cannot be attained in an instant, but grows within us as we truly learn to submit our will to God the Father, as Jesus did. It isn't a matter of following rules, but rather, reflecting Jesus. He sacrificed His life for others while living, and was obedient to His Father, unto death. He overcame satan, and we are to follow experientially in His footsteps. Truly learning to walk in holiness.
The Lord speaks to us in many ways, the most frequent being through Scripture. Occasionally though, He will use a dream. As this doesn't happen very often to me, it is something special. Particularly as I don't normally remember them! Only when they are from the Lord! This dream had a real application to our walk of holiness, hence why I have included it. Something a little different.
Scripture can be detailed, as in the description of Moses Tabernacle, or succinct, as in Revelation 12:11. Yet through each of these, god has pointed to the way of holiness. What a marvellous, surprising God we have! INSIDE THE HERODIAN This view is from the outer wall of the upper fortress of the Herodion. You can see the astonishing magnitude of this palace. Herod’s workers began with a natural hill considerably higher than other hills in the area. They constructed double cyndrical walls nearly 220 feet in diameter, the inside of which can be seen here. The finished cylinder was more than 90 feet high. Between the two walls, seven stories contained apartments, chambers, and storage rooms. The top three stories have been destroyed over time, so you must imagine that the wall the picture was taken from was more than 40 feet higher. On each of the compass points were defensive towers. Those on the south, north, and west extended outside the cylinder but not inside, so they are not visible in this photo. The massive eastern tower was 55 feet in diameter and more than 120 feet high. The view from the tower was spectacular. Inside the upper stories of this tower were the royal apartments of Herod and his family. During the First Jewish Revolt, well after Herod’s death, the reception hall was turned into a synagogue by the religious zealots who defended it against the Romans. Beyond the ramp into the fortress (left behind by the archaeological team and not part of Herod’s structure) is the bath complex. It included a vaulted caldarium (hot bath), a small, round tepidarium (warm bath), and a small frigidarium (cold bath). One can imagine Herod enjoying the luxurious warmth of his bath while Jesus was born in a cold stable nearby. In the distance, in the top center of the photo, looking northeast, is the city of Bethlehem. Today it is a large town of more than 25,000 people. In Jesus’ day it was a small town of, at most, a few hundred. The proximity between the massive fortress of Herod and the place where the Messiah was born is a graphic picture of the way the lives of these two Jewish kings were both intertwined and in stark contrast. Source:
So until next week.......
His servant and yours
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