A ‘RELIGIOUS PERSON’ follows rules to earn God’s favour.
The ‘CHRISTIAN’ delights in giving to God, in gratitude for what He has given us.
‘MAN’ delights in turning gifts to God, into rules. (Only fools make rules)
‘GOD’ seeks an ‘attitude of gratitude’ from the giver





The question of tithes and gifts is most challenging, both in the church and our individual lives. It's truly where 'the rubber meets the road'!

There are as many views as there are people. So this week you will simply get one man's view.

May you seek the Lord to discover His heart for you as you give your heart to Him!












The full background to this teaching is available online at this link
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Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue




Another area of testing! Parting a man from his money! Invisible glue! A real test of faith!

To me there are two simple tests of a genuine conversion to Christianity.
1. Putting matters right with people you have wronged prior to your conversion, and
2. A change in what you do with your money.
These two actions clearly show the true state of our heart, far more than any religious words that may pour forth from our mouths. I am a very practical person at heart and look for reality, both in my own and other people’s lives. I am my own worst critic too by the way, being harder on myself than on others, although my kids would probably disagree - but then most kids do, don’t they! But back to the point!

What we do with our money really shows the state of our heart towards God. Jesus knew it too! For Jesus talks more about money than he does any other subject! Considerably more actually!

Not that there is anything wrong with money in itself. Surprising though it may seem at times, money is nothing more than a very useful, inanimate means of exchange. Is far more convenient than carrying around 2 chickens in our pocket, ready to exchange for a sack of potatoes. The change could be quite messy if the potatoes were only worth 1½ chickens! Plus we would need bigger pockets! Blood and peck proof too! Stop it, David!

Why then, does such an inanimate item get us into so much trouble? Because of what it stands for. Wealth brings security, independence, comfort, power and luxury to name but a few attractions. I had better stop now before I convince myself! I am sure you can add many others. For ‘there is nothing wrong with money in itself, it is just the self in money that is wrong!’(I like that – it is original, although, no doubt, someone else will have thought of it too!) For the human benefits of money are all self centred. And we can so easily be lured by them, can’t we. Let’s be real! But in Luke 16:13 & 15 Jesus tells us,


Luke 16:13 & 15



Most interesting that “Money” is spelt with a capital “M”. I hadn’t noticed that before I came to type it out. The choice is ours. To serve God with a capital “G”, or Money with a capital “M”! God does not say that money is evil – it can’t be as it is inanimate - but it is our obsessive desire for it that causes the problem. 


1 Timothy 6:10



I just love how the bible is such a practical as well as a spiritual book. So what does the bible require of us, in practical terms, when it comes to money?

It amuses but sometimes saddens me, when I go to a Christian meeting, that the best prepared and presented ‘sermon-ettes’ are often given just prior to the collection, on the subject of giving. You are not going to get another one here!

For the biblical principles are clear and straightforward, when it comes to giving to God. Applying them is the problem! There are two forms of giving – in money and in kind.


1. THE TITHE: (meaning one-tenth)


The first 10% of what we are given by God (which is everything!) is to be given back to Him, to His storehouse (Your place of spiritual sustenance).

“But how can you be so dogmatic, David?” It is not just I. God is even more straightforward!


Malachi 8-10



Wow! No punches pulled here! “But it’s Old Testament, David.” Yes, but it is an established principle in God that the New Testament nowhere rescinds.

We are to give the first tenth, the very best to God, not what we happen to have left over at the end of the week. As a former flower grower, I know that the first flowers of a crop are the best, quality wise. ‘If we give the best, God will provide the rest!’ (Another original! Want it? You can have it!) I don’t need to say any more really.

We either believe God or we don’t. It can be hard at first to take the necessary step of faith. If you don’t currently tithe, all I ask is for you to give it a trial for a month, then see if God keeps His word. You can’t lose too much in that time anyway, can you? Look what you stand to win! Beats a lotto ticket any day!

The true difference between the Old and the New Testaments is that now we tithe by heart desire, not the earlier compulsion of the Law.

Nor are we to be 'religious' about it! In our family my wife Kathy works for wages while I work fulltime for the Lord for nothing, which is our tithe. Effectively 60+% of our earning potential.




Giving is to tithing, what fasting is to prayer – the icing on the cake! Notice the verses quoted from Malachi talked not only about tithes but also offerings. The tithes were to go to the storehouse, but what about the offerings? “Surely we don’t have to give more than 10%, David?” Well, yes actually!



Matthew 6:3-4


We are to give, as the church should also be doing too out of our tithes, to the needy, to missions, to all those who are looking after people and/or spreading the Word of God. The amount of giving is voluntary, and should be according to the Lord’s leading. My wife Kathy is a great giver and is blessed by it in many ways, although that is not why she/we give.




When it comes to tithing and giving, and everything else we give to God for that matter, it is our attitude that is important. Let’s take some human examples.

Who likes paying taxes? Not too many of us! That is reflected in our attitude to the Tax Department, and the Tax Department’s attitude towards us, however many public relations programmes they run! In New Zealand, the Inland Revenue Department has had a slogan, ‘It’s our job to be fair’, which has been the butt of many cruel jokes over the years. We all know we need to pay taxes to run community services, but none of us like doing it.

If that is the attitude that we take towards God’s simple tax system, the tithe, (one flat rate of 10% on net income – Like GST or VAT!), it is hard to imagine God being too happy with us either.

Even worse of course, are those “tithe evaders” who don’t bother tithing at all! They think they can get away with it because there are no earthly “Tithe Investigators” to enforce God’s tithe system. However we will all be called to account at the time of our judgement, a ‘going over’ which will be more thorough than any earthly tax investigation!

Similarly with giving. If I give my wife a bunch of flowers because I feel guilty or feel I ought to, her reaction is going to be vastly different than if I buy them just because I love her, and tell her so. As long as she believes me! Which she does!

These words about giving from 2 Corinthians 9:6-9 summarise well, God’s views on giving.


2 Corinthians 9:6-9


Who are we to disagree with Him?




VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The following are not rules or requirements but simply one person's testimony. Obviously we are all in different situations and mine has changed in the years since this was first written. At the time, I was working in my business whereas now I have no income, but work fulltime for the Lord. Obviously adjustments have been made. Please seek the Lord's face as to His desire for you in your situation.

These are guidelines that I have worked out for my own life and I believe the Lord would have me share them with you. For I believe that, if we are sold out to God, the tithe, the 10% principle, should extend beyond mere money, and apply to all areas of our personal lives. As with the principle of giving being on top of tithing, I see these ‘10%’s’ as being a minimum rather than a maximum for me. And I again stress the ‘for me’ bit. I am not saying that the same has to apply to you.

I see 3 areas in my personal life where this 10%+ principle should apply.


1.TITHING MY TIME: (1½ hours + Daily)


Building any relationship takes time. Time is the most valuable gift we can give our spouse and family. Time is also the most valuable gift we can give God. I therefore believe that I should spend at least 10% of my waking day (1½ hours +) seeking to build my personal relationship with Him and doing His work as He leads. (Apply the same criteria to my marriage and family too? You need to remember this, David!) This time doesn’t include church or church type meetings – they are extra. For it’s not easy to develop a personal relationship in a group situation.

We can, and must, if at all possible, meet with our fellow believers for praise and worship, giving and receiving teaching, mutual encouragement and support, etc., etc., all things we cannot easily do by ourselves. But if we are foolish enough, we can do all those “meeting things” without ever being mates with Jesus. It is called religion. How very sad. Bible study, personal praise and worship, prayer, (including time just listening for what God has to say to me), helping people out and doing whatever the Lord leads me to do for Him. e.g. writing this book. Worth considering?


2.TITHING MY MONEY: (10% + Gifts)


As I have testified previously, this has been an amazing blessing in my life. For I started my Christian walk with nothing, as a bankrupt, and God has faithfully looked after me over the past 10 years. He has enabled us to give lots away, as well as having sufficient left for ourselves.  




(3 Days Fasting per Month) I have talked about the difficulties I, and everyone I know who fasts actually, have in relation to fasting. Submission, particularly for men, is not easy. I do find it easier to fast on a regular basis, rather than intermittently. But that is just me. 10% fasting requires one day a week, for 3 weeks of the month. It is not so difficult when you look at it that way – so I kid myself anyway!

An interesting and sometimes more convenient alternative, the one which I generally follow, was instituted by John Wesley for his Methodist ministers. They were required to fast 2 days a week until 4pm. A similar approach to the above time-wise. I do this each week. Fasting is not just very old or very new!

If you don’t feel able to do either of these, you could try starting by fasting for just one meal. You will soon find you can extend to two, and so on. Worth considering?


Well, that’s it! God has given us everything. Surely we should return the compliment. For giving, in whatever form, is a practical measure of our commitment to our Lord. Our giving of time, money and ourselves is a practical yardstick of the depth of our commitment to our God. Let’s show Him then, shall we, how much we really love Him.




The first modern revelation of the importance of Moses Tabernacle as the pattern of a godly walk, and of church development and life, came out of the Latter Rain Movement, after World War 2.

In recent times the teaching has been neglected but it is still applicable today and the Lord is giving new revelation about it as we move even closer to the end of the age.

An understanding of Moses Tabernacle is vital for every Christian who has a heart to know God and His plans more deeply.




We must be careful not to become religious over all these gifts to God. For what God seeks is hearts that are submitted to Him, not rule followers!

So let's make sure our heart is in the right place and seek His will for us personally in these areas.


After the rainy season and floods have passed, pools of water remain in the wadis, providing life to wilderness inhabitants.

This pool in Wadi Zin in the Negev is a beautiful illustration of the still waters to which the shepherd guides his sheep. Sheep are undiscerning and will choose water that can be quite dangerous. That is why the shepherd must lead the sheep.

It is the same with God and us human sheep. We are thirsty for fulfillment in our lives, and only God can guide us safely to that which will satisfy us. As the psalmist said: “He leads me beside quiet waters” (Ps. 23:2).

Source: http://www.followtherabbi.com


So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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318. Any gift given by us, pales into insignificance when compared to the gift given for us.

David Tait         




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