A description of the 7 major covenants God gave to the human race.




We conclude our look at the covenant that God made with Abraham, a covenant that set the foundations for the relationship we have with our Maker even today.








The full background to this teaching is available online at this link



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue





3. THE SACRIFICEa. For the Land


A sacrifice of animals

Five animals were sacrificed:

The first 3 were divided in 2.
* 1 Heifer (3 years old)
* 1 She Goat (3 years old)
* 1 Ram (3 years old)

This made a total of 6 pieces. 3 animals of 3 pieces, (A picture of the godhead) divided to become 6. (A picture of man.)

* 1 Turtle - dove
* 1 Pigeon

Making a total of 5 offerings, signifying atonement.

The Godhead was divided so that Jesus could become man. The offering of Jesus, symbolised by the 6 piece offering, together with the poor man's offering of the turtle-dove and the pigeon (Leviticus 14:21-3) totals 8, which is the number of resurrection life.

Nothing is by chance in God!



Genesis 15:7-21, Leviticus 14:21-3



Jesus as a man was tempted in all areas, but was without sin. So He knows our weaknesses. The part of Him that was man could have sinned, but He chose not to. Therefore, His life lived in us will help us resist sin.  


b. For the Seed (Nation)


Sacrifice of Isaac (Picture of Jesus)

The offering of Isaac, Abraham's promised son and heir.

This is an amazing picture of Jesus and His offering up at Calvary for the sins of the world.

There are at least 5 comparisons.

1. The son carried the father's wood on his back (Verse 6)

2. The total submission of the son to the father. (Verse 9)

3. God provides Himself with a lamb. (Verse 8,13)

4. Three days and 3 nights (Verse 3-4)

5. The sacrifice was an act of worship. (Verse 5)



Genesis 22:1-18



There is also a picture of the Resurrection here.

For Abraham (and Isaac) would have expected Isaac to be resurrected so that the promise of the being the seed of the nation would be fulfilled.



Hebrews 11:17-19


4. THE SEAL (Actual)





Genesis 17:9-14



There are 3 factors involved with the seal of circumcision, each with an Old Testament (actual) and New Testament (spiritual) application.

1. Cutting off the flesh.

Circumcision is the cutting off of the flesh from the bodily member that brings forth life. This is the seal that God decreed as the sign for Abraham and his seed to inherit the 'land'.

Those who refused to participate were cut off from the people and were unable to participate in this covenant.


Genesis 17:14



2. Called by a new name.

At circumcision a child was named. Names at the time, spoke of the person's nature. (See the example of Jesus in Luke 2:21)

God changed Abram and Sarai's names to Abraham and Sarah at the time of the first circumcision.



Genesis 17:5-7, Genesis 17:15-16, Luke 2:21



3. The eighth day.

Circumcision was to be made on the 8th day after a male baby was born.



Genesis 17:12-13


5. THE SEAL (Spiritual)


1. Cutting off the flesh.

New Covenant (Testament) spiritual circumcision is found in both water and Holy Spirit baptism.

Water baptism speaks of a cutting off of the flesh.



Romans 2:25-9, Romans 4:9-13, Colossians 2:9-13, Galatians 6:12-16



Through Holy Spirit baptism God marks the bodily member that brings forth spiritual life, that is, the tongue.



James 3:1-12, Proverbs 15:4, 18:21



2. Called by a new name.

At baptism, the believer takes on the name of the new nature that has been given - the Lord Jesus Christ.



Acts 2:38, Romans 13:14, Galatians 3:27-9, Revelation 14:1-5, 3:12



3. The eighth day.

The number 8 in the Bible means numerically speaking, 'resurrection life'.

This begins at baptism as we 'put off' the old man (Adam) and 'put on' the new man, who is Christ.



Romans 6:1-7, Colossians 3:1-17




Deterioration of Abraham's descendants.

Bringing back memories of Noah? The natural human condition!




The Jewish people were led into Egypt where they came under the domination and control of the Egyptians for 400 years. 




After breaking the Abrahamic Covenant, Moses, the one God chose to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, was given a replacement covenant, appropriate to the situation the people were now in.





God's dealings with the people of Israel was a series of ups and downs - ups when the covenants were first given, and downs, as the people walked away from God's ways.

Nothing has changed today. For our human nature takes us away from God so very easily. "Lord forgive us, we pray for moving away from you. Today we commit to following your Word and instructions in your New Covenant."

Ancient Babylonia - The Aramaeans and The Culture

Toward the end of the millennium Babylonia was raided continuously by a group of nomads called the Aramaeans. Gradually the Aramaeans created so much chaos and confusion across the Babylonian plain that Babylonia entered into another dark phase in her history. Their effects were felt for a long time to come.

Though information regarding the period of the second dynasty of Isin is rather scarce, evidence from later Babylonian history indicates that the time of Nebuchadnezzar I was a very important period culturally. There were major religious developments in connection with the god Marduk, and in literature there was a movement to almost canonize the writings that had been passed on from the Old Babylonian and earlier periods.



So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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7. The foolish reject God, the wise respect God, while the godly live for their God.

David Tait         




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