Changes God requires in His church today in order to produce the perfected 'bride of Christ'




One day, while in the shower, (that is, from a bucket) in Nairobi, Kenya, the Lord gave me a revelation.

I had just seen the amazing new TBN broadcasting auditorium on TV, filled with beautiful people (it seems compulsory for preachers to have glamorous wives, generally much younger than themselves!), fantastic choirs, singers and setting, all broadcast over 47 satellites.

In the shower the Lord showed me a picture of the Pentecostal church. How it started in storefronts and homes, of how rejected these first weird ‘pentes’ were. But these early pentecostals remained fully committed to the cause, staying close to God, for they were then at the forefront of God’s revelation and indeed, presence.

Gradually however, Pentecostalism (now with a capital ‘P’,) has become mainstream. Pastors (and now Bishops) have become elevated beyond a job description or a calling, to positions above the people – a new priesthood. In the west, new pastors must be seminary trained, and are likely receive a reasonable salary from the beginning of their ministry. No longer is their real sacrifice in being ‘called’ to ministry.

In our services, the emphasis has changed from listening to the Holy Spirit and following His desires, to a concentration on excellence and good order, to the near exclusion of the Holy Spirit leading us. Worship times, unlike the days of the storefront believers, are based on a proven formula of thanksgiving, praise, then worship, followed by (maybe) a prophecy, then the Word and finally ministry – until we all go home after exactly 2 hours.

Next comes an emphasis on building buildings ‘for the glory of God’, as so grandiosely epitomized by TBN. I have been involved in three different pentecostal churches over the years and have seen this process in practice. All churches that started meeting in homes, then storefronts or halls, before being ‘called’ to build or buy a church. The church then has to be rebuilt to be bigger, or ancillary buildings added, so that a ‘church complex’ is created.

Often too, we hear the statement, ‘God is in the house’. Wow! Fantastic! But is it true? Is God really in these beautiful structures man has created? Or rather, is He in the hearts of the people who inhabit the house? Or again, has He departed altogether, to allow us to ‘play church’ in the beautiful temples we have built.

The process of ‘monument building’ that started in the fourth century AD with the Roman Catholic Church, and which continued after the Reformation once those churches became mainstream, continues today as Pentecostalism enters the mainstream also. This seems to be the process of a ‘maturing church’.

The Lord showed me that the people He calls on to impart the next revelation are those with the kingdom within, those dissatisfied with the established status quo, those hungering for more of Him. Those whose emphasis remains on the spiritual, who have not been seduced by the inevitable physical emphasis of the ‘maturing’ church.

Today God is calling out another new generation, as He has in times past. It is a new generation desiring to move forward into the new (but old!) truths of submission and obedience to the Father’s will, of servanthood and sacrifice, a simple people with hearts sold our to God, those who will finally fulfil the Great Commission. A Church not of Pastors, Programmes and Property, but of ‘kingdom people’, who, through their sacrifice, will usher in the return of Jesus.







The full background to this teaching is available online at this link
DEFINITIONS (For serious students only)



Online links to scriptures (New International Version [NIV] unless otherwise stated) are shown in blue




As we proceed through this teaching, some are going to be challenged, others offended.

I simply ask that if this is you, place what is said 'on the shelf' and leave it for another day. For the Lord reveals truth to us one step at a time. What we do not understand today, we may well be ready to receive later. Our walk with Jesus is very much a journey of discovery, not a single event.

Everything we discuss has the ultimate aim of bringing both our congregations (if applicable) and ourselves closer to Jesus.

Nearly everybody agrees, in theory, that this is a good thing. Indeed, more than that, it is the real role of ministry. Unfortunately however, much of what we do in church, in reality, is not oriented towards this goal. Sometimes this is deliberate, but very often, we follow traditions or create new ones, that serve to draw us away from God towards man, or structures, or..... The list goes on.

We all too easily become 'Old Testament' 'Christians', two things which are actually mutually exclusive. We cannot be the believers Jesus intended us to be, finding fullness in Him, if we go back to Old Testament ways. For Jesus came to bring a new way.



Romans 7:6



The 'new way of the Spirit' is actually very hard to follow, for it involves training, testing, and waiting upon His timing, which invariably, is longer than our own.

An example of this is found in the poem, 'Waiting'. It is the story of our wait for a building to lease in order to open a large store for africa arise, our project to help in a practical way the poor of Africa. (See our website http://www.africaarise.org.nz) It shows a greater ability to rest from my own endeavours, learning to relax in Him, shows as a progression through the poem, as each week I recorded that week's happenings and my reactions, as honestly as I could. I know that He taught me and built my faith through this. I trust it comes through to you too.





Wait for a time,
Then a little more,
Seeking a rhyme,
What's it all for!

I want it now!
Not next week!
You do know how!
To me now speak!

God, all is in your power,
Don't let my life go sour!
I already know what is the best!
No need to put me to the test!

Still nothing happens this week!
"Just wait for Me my son,
Rest in Me, let Me to you speak,
One day, all will be done."

Tuesday comes around,
A new deal awaits.
Found common ground,
With Christian mates.

Full of promise,
Full of hope.
Surely can't miss!
Nope! Nope! Nope!

Wednesday now,
Sign a deal!
We know how!
It's a steal!

Then get a call,
Deal does fall!
Lord I give up!
Hand You the cup.

Agony is inside,
It I can't hide.
What now can I do?
But give it to you.

It's Friday afternoon,
Speak to another man,
Another deal soon?
Yes God, you can!

Wait, wait; wait, wait,
No more, bull at a gate.
God, your will be done,
I'm at peace - your son.

Another deal done,
Contract written.
End of the fun.
End of the mission.

Given to his lawyer,
We're nearly there!
Need go no further,
No need to despair.

The lawyer says no,
No place now to go!
It has fallen over,
Home again Rover!

This time peace does reign,
Getting upset is no gain.
It's in the Lord's hands now,
Just needs to show us how!

Monday comes, another deal.
Great rent, it's a steal!
At last, something now, to us to show,
But is it the best, must wait to know.

Two weeks more,
Before we hear,
A deal in store,
Or a bum steer?

But now peace reigns,
God makes the gains.
It's all up to Him,
The battle to win.

Nothing to do but only wait.
Easier now for David Tait.
As I trust Him even more,
For what He has in store.

Wednesday, a call out of the blue,
Sounds too good, to be true.
New on the market that very day.
Maybe for this, has been the delay.

An offer on Friday,
Now wait some more,
Hear on Tuesday,
If not before.

'Just rest in me, my son,
In my time, it is done.
Trust me more and more,
I will open the door.'

The days pass.
Am at peace.
Nothings fast,
With a lease!

Late Thursday afternoon,
Could it be so soon?
An agreement comes,
Have done their sums.

It is all we requested,
Bar one point or two.
Our prayer is answered,
'It's God's gift to you!'

Friday morning,
Points included,
No more waiting,
Signature added.

Deal is done!
Now the fun!
Getting started,
Waiting departed.

Thank you so much Lord!
We are in one accord.
It surely has to be of you,
Deal's too good to be true!

Lord, as I now muse on what I've learned,
I see that more of you, I have discerned.
Now know I can always rely upon You in all You ask me I do,
Just need to wait, to rest, to fully trust, yes, it's true.

It is my prayer that as we share in this study, we will all learn together what the Lord desires of us as His people, in today's world.





The Holy Spirit is the first key to transforming the church. Let's find out why and how.





Wait, wait, wait; that is what we hate!

While waiting can be an excuse for inaction, more often it is Gods training of us. Discerning the Holy Spirits voice is a matter of experience, sometimes trial and error, and maturity in God.

"Holy Spirit, may we listen to you at all times. Amen."


According to tradition (going back only to the 10th century), this is the place where Jesus celebrated the Passover feast with his disciples before he was arrested. Also according to tradition he appeared here after his resurrection. The hall was constructed by the Crusaders. The Fransciscans who bought it in 1335 introduced some changes in it. At the beginning of the 15th century, the Jews sought to buy the site because the Tomb of David is located on the lower floor. This attempt entailed a conflict between Jews and Christians. Eventually in 1551, the Muslims took possession of the site and transformed it into a mosque with "prayer niches" which can still be seen today.



So until next week.......

His servant and yours

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Previous parts of this Series (When applicable) are available to be read at:





121. Easy success breeds arrogance, but success hard-earned, builds character.

David Tait         




Earlier Series of "Tuesday Teachings" can be read at:



Check out the WWJ website for….

More David's Doodlings: www.wwj.org.nz/dd.php
Life's a Laugh: http://www.wwj.org.nz/lifelaugh.php
Links to other sites of interest: http://www.wwj.org.nz/links.php
Till Death do us Part!: http://www.wwj.org.nz/tddup.php
Pets Rule!: http://www.wwj.org.nz/pets.php




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