Tuesday Teachings is a weekly ezine of revelatory teachings, designed to give you a spiritual boost and deepen your relationship with God. All past issues are freely downloadable. Click on the subject titles in blue to access the individual teachings in those series of interest to you.

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Resting in the river of God.

A summary of the features of the end time kingdom 'Tabernacle' church, as set out in the book 'Eagles Fly High!', followed by a vision the Lord gave me around the time of the Millennium.


A short, 2 part study on THE POWER OF INTERCESSION.

Relationship and intimacy is built through communication, one with another. This relationship building with God is called 'intercession'.

Let's see how it works.


The Lord is serious about wanting His church and people to change and
embrace the full potential of all that He has made available. And requires
to be fully embraced before Jesus returns.

Most believers will pay ‘lip service’ to how to grow in spiritual maturity. The challenge for each one of us, me included, is to make them realities in our life. If it were easy, it would be of little value, either to God or us!

But the call of Jesus is not simply to belief, but to maturity, to commitment, to obedience, even unto death. For Jesus provided the example, even to death on the cross, that we are to follow! The kingdom of God is to be found within!

And satan will finally meet his doom!


The 'overcomers' of the 7 churches of Revelation - a spiritual journey.
A look at the spiritual promises of the 7 levels of heavenly reward promised to those 'overcomers' who are prepared to fully sacrifice their lives to become 'sold out' disciples of Jesus.


God created gardens and used them as a setting for key events in His interaction with mankind.
Having spent much of my life involved in the gardening industry, as a grower, wholesaler of flowers, bulbs and plants and finally as a mail order seller of the same, this revelation has reached into my 'gardeners' heart!

Gardens and nature have a special place in God's heart too. This is not
surprising, for He was their creator! Nor is it surprising then, that He
should choose garden settings for key events in His interaction with man to
take place.

When given this revelation, I was busy (our eternal excuse!), so I put it to
one side until now. But as I start to meditate upon it again, my initial
excitement is returning.

I trust you will share my enthusiasm as together, we explore the ramifications of the crucial events that took place in these beautiful garden settings.


The progressive revelation of God's kingdom through the Ages - and of the one to come.
Very often we get trapped, by taking for granted what we superficially see. So it was for me with the Bible. I saw the Old Testament and the New. "Well, that must be it," I thought. The Old Covenant followed by the New. It's simple, it's obvious, but it doesn't fit in with God's pattern, as I understand it.

For those who have read other of my writings will know that God works in threes. As He manifests Himself in three ways, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, (exactly how depends on whether you are a Oneness, Two-ness or Trinitarian believer!) so He normally operates in patterns of three in His dealings with us, His people. Therefore I have always had a difficulty accepting the two Testaments as reflecting God's pattern as such.

One day however, the Lord showed me that the Old Testament is not really a single entity, but can be split into two at an unexpected but logical place, as we will see shortly.

Today, as I was reading the Word, He started to show me many patterns reflecting the development of His kingdom through these three stages of His Word. It is helping me understand the whole in a way that I have not appreciated previously.

So let's embark on a journey together and see what we can find out about what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do in the future. Each step forms a logical progression in His plan that has been in existence from before time began.


The progressive revelation of the character and role of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.
You never know where God is going to take you!

Our family is about to be 'taken' to a new place in the natural, (written in 2005) shifting to another, nearby city. It will be a new challenge for us, living in a different socio-economic area and assisting in looking after children who have had severe problems in life.

In the spiritual too, I was wondering what to do next, as I came to the end of correcting and editing my final draft of the preceding work in this series, 'A Revelation of … The 3 Kingdom Ages of God'. As I was finalising the last 5 of 155 pages, the Lord just put into my mind this revelation about the Lamb. So now I have my next task!

Here in New Zealand, we have 40 million sheep but only 4 million people! Or 10 sheep per person! Once upon a time we had 60 million sheep and 3 million people. But the prices, particularly for wool have deteriorated over the years. So now, we have increased numbers of cows and fewer sheep.

This aside, sheep, therefore lambs too, play an important part in our economy. As they do in that of God. For the lovely, innocent, fluffy, white, playful lamb, that naturally attracts us humans to it, is used in the Bible as a picture, or type of Jesus. Before He came, while He was here, and after He departed to be again with His father, the lamb is used as a simile or description of Him.

In our country, as there are so many lambs, they tend to become commonplace and undervalued, through familiarity. I pray that this may never be the case with Jesus, the Lamb of God who died to save the world.


A 7 part series on the amazing single verse that so succinctly sums up our walk with Jesus.

What to write about this amazing verse! Where do I start? When the Lord first gave me the verse to start this ministry, I had only the 29 words it contains. A very limited ministry in prospect!

But I am happy, or sorry, to say, depending upon your perspective, that the problem I now have is what to leave out! For the Holy Spirit, over a period of 18 months, gave me a 12 tape, 3 booklet, 30-hour course all based on this one verse. You may well think that I am verbose. Believe me, I am generally a man of few words, so no one was more surprised than I was, with the end result. Fortunately, it can’t have all been bad, as many thousands of people have had their understanding grow and life change through this course.

For our purposes here, I promise you I will try and confine myself to a brief summary. This verse is so exciting though, it is really hard to! Discipline yourself David! But by grasping the basic principles of this amazing verse we will better understand what the Bible is all about. For its purpose is effectively summed up in these brief, 29 words!

Let's find out how!


Looking from a scriptural viewpoint, at the deception of rapture teaching in today's church.
The Pentecostal and Charismatic streams of the church have 'invaded' by teachings on the rapture. This has led not only to division within, but also to a lack of true discipleship, as believers are looking for an 'easy way out', of being 'taken away' before tribulation arises.

We will see what the Bible says about this.


A look at the 3 priesthoods of the Bible and what their progressive development means for us today.
To truly know where we stand in our relationship with God now, on a personal basis, it is extremely helpful if we understand the development of the 3 priesthoods of the Bible.

It will open your eyes to the amazing priesthood of the believer we share in today.




The Lord has led me to go back to a sermon/prophecy I received in a group mailing, and filed, some time ago. It is by David Wilkerson.

David was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade.       

After the introduction, he gave 11 bullet points about THE GLORIOUS FUTURE JUST AHEAD. As the Lord leads, I will expand on these challenging but inspiring aspects.

Let us begin…..


A 9 part series on living a holy life today. Practical and inspirational.

The pursuit of holiness is at the centre of the Christian faith, yet it is also one of its least understood principles.

Over the years I have struggled with its meaning, and more importantly, its life application! Like us all!

The interesting thing is that it can't be laid out simply in points 1 through 10, as many people make the mistake of trying to do. Rather, holiness is a life learning and development process during which the individual grows more into the image of Jesus.

This is not a theological presentation of 'the principles of holiness', for I am not a theologian, and would not attempt it. Nor would it likely do much good! For the real problem is in living it!

Rather, this is a revelation of some of the principles the Lord has shown me and which I am doing my best to apply to my own life. I am not presenting them as the super secret of, "do this and you will be holy!" The purpose is that you will take the principles and apply the lessons they contain, to help you deepen your 'walk with Jesus'.

The Lord has given me a large number of sayings, which I call 'David's Doodlings'. As you can see, I like alliteration! One doodling, in particular, seems to sum up the mystery, the dichotomy, and the experience of our pursuit of this ultimate goal.

"The closer I get to God, the further away I find I really am."

Yes, the pursuit of holiness is a lifetime walk, a journey that our Lord so much desires each pilgrim to take. I trust that this may help us a little as we seek to walk with Jesus.


A 3 part series on THE PATTERN OF GOD.

In walking further with Jesus, I increasingly appreciate that this particular revelation of 'threes in God' has been hugely important in developing my understanding of God and how He works both in the church and in our lives.

It matters not whether you are a 'oneness', 'twoness', or 'trinitarian' believer. The concept still applies.

If you can grasp this simple, yet profound concept, I'm sure it will open up new realms of understanding for you too about God and His plans for His people in these end days.

Today's teaching is an introduction. It will be followed in coming weeks by examples of this principle's application to the church and us as individuals.

Let's start, shall we.


The principle of the 'river' in scripture and how it applies to our lives and the church today.

It’s amazing how God works! A number of years ago now, as I was reading the last chapter of the Bible, He showed me that the river flowing from the throne of God was symbolic of the End Time Church – the ‘River Church’. But that is another story.

But it is only now, these many years later, that He is revealing the principles of the river. Revealing its source way back at the beginning of time in the Garden of Eden, flowing through Ezekiel’s Temple and culminating with the final promise of God’s Kingdom on earth contained in the last chapter of Revelation.

Once again, my faith is built up as I see yet another aspect of God’s logical plan; a plan put in place from the very foundation of the world. And likely well before! Being a (usually logical) male, logic and reason, together with experiential love, work hand in hand as faith builders in my life.

The river I initially saw supernaturally flowed up towards the Throne of God as we fully entered His rest and were taken up to Him, rather than the more natural, gravity obedient one mentioned in Revelation 22:1. I still don’t have the full revelation of that, but God hasn’t finished with me yet. And wont, until I go to join Him.

So let’s take a journey through time and see what surprises our God has in store for us.

07/04/22 THE FIRST MIRACLE OF JESUS Turning the Water into Wine PLUS THE LORD’S SUPPER

A 4 part series revealing the amazing underlying, spirirual meanings of the miracle itself and its relevance to the Lord's Supper that we celebrate today.

One day when I was reading the Book of John, my favourite gospel as it is written primarily to Christians, I came to the description of the first miracle of Jesus.

“Lord, there just has to be more to it than a great story of Jesus displaying His supernatural power for the first time.”

For in my experience, there is a purpose, a specific reason, behind virtually every recorded action of Jesus. Yet in this case, considering the importance of this, the first display of His supernatural power, the general explanations I have heard, did not satisfy me. Sure, it displays His miraculous abilities to alter nature to His earliest followers, and shows Him helping others too. It shows us that we can do great things in God, although I have yet to learn of anyone who has been able to repeat this particular feat! Likewise it illustrates God’s love to people, although some might wonder whether providing what most likely was an alcoholic beverage, was a particularly good expression of it! And you too, may well have other lessons or examples that can be learned from it.

But for me the very first miracle had to have a greater meaning, a real significance far beyond the ordinary, beyond the extraordinary even. And it has! For through this first miracle Jesus revealed both His person and His ministry.

Now that satisfies me! I hope will inspire you too, for our Lord Jesus came to radically change the world. Amazingly, the way He would do it was revealed here, in this, His first miracle. It showed who He was, who He is, and whom He is to come! Thank you Lord.


A revelation helping us to understand God's character.
Part 1 of 1.


A 4 part series 'Revealing The End Time Church'
I have always been interested in the Book of Ruth and have had some understanding of it. However, on the day I started into full time ministry, the Lord sat me down and proceeded to reveal the meaning of this amazing story as an allegory of the relationship of Jews and Gentiles in the End Time Church. This is not so surprising, although it was to me at the time, when you consider that the ministry role He has given me, along with others, is to join with Jesus in 'building His end time church.'

If you are really busy, (aren't we all!) you may wish to split the study into sections, returning as time allows.

But please make sure you read all 4 parts to get the full understanding of today's application of this amazing story.


How are we to live? Jesus tells us in a very practical way.
Many of us good at the talk, but our lives are far from what we preach. God is calling us to live a kingdom lifestyle in these end days.

But how?

Jesus showed as the way with some very practical examples.


A 7 Part series on 'Walking With Jesus', through 'servanthood'. Orientated particularly towards those in leadership.

Approximately 4 years after becoming a Christian, one memorable day the Lord stopped me as I was reading the Bible, at Revelation 12:11. It was a day that changed my life! For the Lord told me to base my life and build a ministry, upon this verse. He proceeded to explain to me the full meaning and implications of these amazing 29 words hidden away in the Bible's last book, the final book to be opened to mans understanding.

The verse is quite well known in Spirit filled churches - well at least the first two parts are. But the third, and most vital section, is so often ignored. You will now see why! It talks about a people who are able to overcome satan.

'They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.' (Revelation 12:11)

None of us like the third part of the verse - do we? But it contains the secret of how we are to come to maturity in our walk with Jesus. (Hence the name of this ministry.) We love living our dreams and desires. Dying to self, replacing our dreams with those Jesus has for us, becoming servants to Him and others, is not really part of our plan! Yet it is what our Lord has always required of us as individuals, and is what He is calling His church to, in these 'end time' days.

A short time later He gave me these basic principles of servanthood and servant leadership which have been expanded and developed, as always should be the case as we live and grow in Him. So this isn't the final word, but God's ongoing revelation and the experience of one man endeavoring to apply it to his life.


The Call of the Kingdom
The parable's importance is seen in that Jesus explained its meaning in detail to the disciples, and hence to us, through the Bible.

But God continues to reveal, layer by layer, the deeper truths of His word.


A 4 part series 'Revealing The End Time Church'

I have always been interested in the Book of Ruth and have had some understanding of it. However, on the day I started into full time ministry, the Lord sat me down and proceeded to reveal the meaning of this amazing story as an allegory of the relationship of Jews and Gentiles in the End Time Church. This is not so surprising, although it was to me at the time, when you consider that the ministry role He has given me, along with others, is to join with Jesus in 'building His end time church.'

If you are really busy, (aren't we all!) you may wish to split the study into sections, returning as time allows.

But please make sure you read all 4 parts to get the full understanding of today's application of this amazing story.


Resting in the river of God.
A summary of the features of the end time 'Tabernacle' church, as set out in the book 'Eagles Fly High!', followed by a vision the Lord gave me around the time of the Millennium.

29/09/20 GOD AND MAN

The relationship between God and mankind.

A new series on us - men and women! Drawn primarily from the Walking With Jesus discipleship course, the series will cover practical subjects such as who and what is man and how God desires us to live.

Something for everyone!


A change in thinking in the church, particularly relating to leadership.
The church has been based upon theology. Many denominations have been founded because they have had a theological difference to other denominations. Division has been rife in the body of Christ.

Today however, there is a 'new move', away from theology, back to the early New Testament period emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus.

This is importantly reflected in the leadership function, where we are seeing a change developing from a professional, theological based leadership, to one based on God's calling.


Change God desires in His church today.
In these last days, God, more than ever, desires His church to change into the pattern and form that will produce the perfected 'bride of Christ', required to happen before the return of Jesus.


Entering the Holy of Holies.
Before we start, it must be made clear that Jesus was the fulfilment of all the Tabernacle Feasts. When He died on the cross the veil was parted forever.

“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. (Matthew 27:50-51)

Jesus, through His death made it possible for us to enter the very throne room of God. Praise the Lord!

Yet we all know that we have not yet occupied the throne room, at least not for more than short periods of time. Why is that?


A call for change.
This series is a little different to others in that it a compilation of articles written over a period of 3 months as editorials for our weekly email newsletter of encouragement, PGIM! (Praise God it's Monday!) http://www.wwj.org.nz/wwword.php The inspiration however, was received at the beginning. It just took time to write, for like most of us, I am good at putting things off until the last minute!

We live in a church system that has evolved over the past, nearly 2000 years. It is obvious that the church had problems of doctrine and organisation right from its formation. Many people are reluctant to admit to this, but there were difficulties between Jews and gentiles in a theological sense, as well as practical organisational problems in terms of looking after the needy widows. However, over the centuries, church structures developed and became formalised along human lines. While the Reformation saw some changes, both in theology and organisation, the old, unbiblical, structures have tended to replicate themselves within our modern denominations and groupings. The Bible warns of this.

8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive
philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of
this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8)

Today, in these end times, God is calling His church back to basics. To its relational roots rather than formal structural organisation and methods that
restrict, through human intervention, the Holy Spirit from truly working in
the way He would wish.

Yes, God is calling us today to return to the principles set out in the New Testament, not to create the 'perfect church', for it will still have you and I in it, but rather, one capable of absorbing the promised bountiful end-time harvest.


As contained in the 4 Gospels.

As contained in the 4 Gospels. Not clearly numbered and listed, as in the Old Testament outward Law of the 10 Commandments, they are found among the teachings of Jesus for all who have a heart to seek them.


Resting in the river of God.

A summary of the features of the end time kingdom 'Tabernacle' church, as set out in the book 'Eagles Fly High!', followed by a vision the Lord gave me around the time of the Millennium.


The Lord is serious about wanting His church and people to change and
embrace the full potential of all that He has made available. And requires
to be fully embraced before Jesus returns.

Most believers will pay ‘lip service’ to how to grow in spiritual maturity. The challenge for each one of us, me included, is to make them realities in our life. If it were easy, it would be of little value, either to God or us!

But the call of Jesus is not simply to belief, but to maturity, to commitment, to obedience, even unto death. For Jesus provided the example, even to death on the cross, that we are to follow! The kingdom of God is to be found within!

And satan will finally meet his doom!


The 'overcomers' of the 7 churches of Revelation - a spiritual journey.
A look at the spiritual promises of the 7 levels of heavenly reward promised to those 'overcomers' who are prepared to fully sacrifice their lives to become 'sold out' disciples of Jesus.


A picture of the end time church.
As a relatively young Christian, I participated in a course called 'Word of Life', in which we studied both Moses' and David's Tabernacles. I was fascinated by Moses Tabernacle and ‘underwhelmed’ by that of David!

Over the years since the Lord has given me much revelation on the ‘tent in the desert’ and none on the ‘town tent’.

However, I noticed greater interest being shown by others, in more recent years, in the Tabernacle of David, particularly in relation to worship. But still nothing for this David!

This changed however, last night, as I was reading the chapter in Chronicles where David's Tabernacle is mentioned, the Lord started to reveal new meanings for me, showing me that it truly is a picture, a representation of the end time church. I was so excited that I hardly slept! For I now know another 'missing link' in the teaching the Lord has given me! Of course, in God, there is always more revelation to come! And will continue to be until the day Jesus returns.

So, as I write, and you read this teaching, we will be learning together! I trust you will be looking forward to it and as excited about it as I am!

So let's not waste any more time, but get right into it!


God's first church and a pattern for both our personal walk with Jesus and church life today.
The first modern revelation of the importance of Moses Tabernacle as the pattern of a godly walk, and of church development and life, came out of the Latter Rain Movement, after World War 2.

In recent times the teaching has been neglected but it is still applicable today and the Lord is giving new revelation about it as we move even closer to the end of the age.

An understanding of Moses Tabernacle is vital for every Christian who has a heart to know God and His plans more deeply.


The 7 major covenants God made with mankind.
God set out His principles for humans to adhere to in 7 major covenants.

When man broke one covenant, God in His graciousness would give us another chance.

Lets see what develops.


The progressive revelation of God's kingdom through the Ages - and of the one to come.
Very often we get trapped, by taking for granted what we superficially see. So it was for me with the Bible. I saw the Old Testament and the New. "Well, that must be it," I thought. The Old Covenant followed by the New. It's simple, it's obvious, but it doesn't fit in with God's pattern, as I understand it.

For those who have read other of my writings will know that God works in threes. As He manifests Himself in three ways, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, (exactly how depends on whether you are a Oneness, Two-ness or Trinitarian believer!) so He normally operates in patterns of three in His dealings with us, His people. Therefore I have always had a difficulty accepting the two Testaments as reflecting God's pattern as such.

One day however, the Lord showed me that the Old Testament is not really a single entity, but can be split into two at an unexpected but logical place, as we will see shortly.

Today, as I was reading the Word, He started to show me many patterns reflecting the development of His kingdom through these three stages of His Word. It is helping me understand the whole in a way that I have not appreciated previously.

So let's embark on a journey together and see what we can find out about what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do in the future. Each step forms a logical progression in His plan that has been in existence from before time began.


The progressive revelation of the character and role of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.
You never know where God is going to take you!

Our family is about to be 'taken' to a new place in the natural, (written in 2005) shifting to another, nearby city. It will be a new challenge for us, living in a different socio-economic area and assisting in looking after children who have had severe problems in life.

In the spiritual too, I was wondering what to do next, as I came to the end of correcting and editing my final draft of the preceding work in this series, 'A Revelation of … The 3 Kingdom Ages of God'. As I was finalising the last 5 of 155 pages, the Lord just put into my mind this revelation about the Lamb. So now I have my next task!

Here in New Zealand, we have 40 million sheep but only 4 million people! Or 10 sheep per person! Once upon a time we had 60 million sheep and 3 million people. But the prices, particularly for wool have deteriorated over the years. So now, we have increased numbers of cows and fewer sheep.

This aside, sheep, therefore lambs too, play an important part in our economy. As they do in that of God. For the lovely, innocent, fluffy, white, playful lamb, that naturally attracts us humans to it, is used in the Bible as a picture, or type of Jesus. Before He came, while He was here, and after He departed to be again with His father, the lamb is used as a simile or description of Him.

In our country, as there are so many lambs, they tend to become commonplace and undervalued, through familiarity. I pray that this may never be the case with Jesus, the Lamb of God who died to save the world.


A 9 part series on living a holy life today. Practical and inspirational.
The pursuit of holiness is at the centre of the Christian faith, yet it is also one of its least understood principles.

Over the years I have struggled with its meaning, and more importantly, its life application! Like us all!

The interesting thing is that it can't be laid out simply in points 1 through 10, as many people make the mistake of trying to do. Rather, holiness is a life learning and development process during which the individual grows more into the image of Jesus.

This is not a theological presentation of 'the principles of holiness', for I am not a theologian, and would not attempt it. Nor would it likely do much good! For the real problem is in living it!

Rather, this is a revelation of some of the principles the Lord has shown me and which I am doing my best to apply to my own life. I am not presenting them as the super secret of, "do this and you will be holy!" The purpose is that you will take the principles and apply the lessons they contain, to help you deepen your 'walk with Jesus'.

The Lord has given me a large number of sayings, which I call 'David's Doodlings'. As you can see, I like alliteration! One doodling, in particular, seems to sum up the mystery, the dichotomy, and the experience of our pursuit of this ultimate goal.

"The closer I get to God, the further away I find I really am."

Yes, the pursuit of holiness is a lifetime walk, a journey that our Lord so much desires each pilgrim to take. I trust that this may help us a little as we seek to walk with Jesus.


A 3 part series on THE PATTERN OF GOD.

In walking further with Jesus, I increasingly appreciate that this particular revelation of 'threes in God' has been hugely important in developing my understanding of God and how He works both in the church and in our lives.

It matters not whether you are a 'oneness', 'twoness', or 'trinitarian' believer. The concept still applies.

If you can grasp this simple, yet profound concept, I'm sure it will open up new realms of understanding for you too about God and His plans for His people in these end days.

Today's teaching is an introduction. It will be followed in coming weeks by examples of this principle's application to the church and us as individuals.

Let's start, shall we.

23/05/17 THE FIRST MIRACLE OF JESUS Turning the Water into Wine PLUS THE LORD’S SUPPER

A 4 part series revealing the amazing underlying, spirirual meanings of the miracle itself and its relevance to the Lord's Supper that we celebrate today.

One day when I was reading the Book of John, my favourite gospel as it is written primarily to Christians, I came to the description of the first miracle of Jesus.

“Lord, there just has to be more to it than a great story of Jesus displaying His supernatural power for the first time.”

For in my experience, there is a purpose, a specific reason, behind virtually every recorded action of Jesus. Yet in this case, considering the importance of this, the first display of His supernatural power, the general explanations I have heard, did not satisfy me. Sure, it displays His miraculous abilities to alter nature to His earliest followers, and shows Him helping others too. It shows us that we can do great things in God, although I have yet to learn of anyone who has been able to repeat this particular feat! Likewise it illustrates God’s love to people, although some might wonder whether providing what most likely was an alcoholic beverage, was a particularly good expression of it! And you too, may well have other lessons or examples that can be learned from it.

But for me the very first miracle had to have a greater meaning, a real significance far beyond the ordinary, beyond the extraordinary even. And it has! For through this first miracle Jesus revealed both His person and His ministry.

Now that satisfies me! I hope will inspire you too, for our Lord Jesus came to radically change the world. Amazingly, the way He would do it was revealed here, in this, His first miracle. It showed who He was, who He is, and whom He is to come! Thank you Lord.


A 4 part series 'Revealing The End Time Church'
I have always been interested in the Book of Ruth and have had some understanding of it. However, on the day I started into full time ministry, the Lord sat me down and proceeded to reveal the meaning of this amazing story as an allegory of the relationship of Jews and Gentiles in the End Time Church. This is not so surprising, although it was to me at the time, when you consider that the ministry role He has given me, along with others, is to join with Jesus in 'building His end time church.'

If you are really busy, (aren't we all!) you may wish to split the study into sections, returning as time allows.

But please make sure you read all 4 parts to get the full understanding of today's application of this amazing story.


The Call of the Kingdom
The parable's importance is seen in that Jesus explained its meaning in detail to the disciples, and hence to us, through the Bible.

But God continues to reveal, layer by layer, the deeper truths of His word.


Looking from a scriptural viewpoint, at the deception of rapture teaching in today's church.
The Pentecostal and Charismatic streams of the church have 'invaded' by teachings on the rapture. This has led not only to division within, but also to a lack of true discipleship, as believers are looking for an 'easy way out', of being 'taken away' before tribulation arises.

We will see what the Bible says about this.


Looking at the Bible from the viewpoint of Jesus.
One of the major causes of the church not truly walking in the ways of Jesus is that we don't truly understand what the ways of Jesus were, and are!

How can you say that, David? Surely we have learned theologians to research and teach, pastors who diligently study and preach the Word, day after day, week after week, year after year. We can have knowledge coming out of our ears from spending time hearing, reading or watching the gospel being expounded in so many different ways.

Yet we continue to miss the point, to misinterpret, to misunderstand, what the walk with Jesus is truly all about. How terrible. How sad. For me, and for you.

We need to learn to understand and think in an Eastern (Hebrew), rather than in our traditional and typical Greek (Western), way. The Gospels, being about the life of Jesus, are written from an Eastern, Jewish perspective while the writings, particularly of Paul, have much more of a Western perspective, as he was writing to a primarily European audience of Gentiles.


A look at the 3 priesthoods of the Bible and what their progressive development means for us today.
To truly know where we stand in our relationship with God now, on a personal basis, it is extremely helpful if we understand the development of the 3 priesthoods of the Bible.

It will open your eyes to the amazing priesthood of the believer we share in today.


Jesus' recorded sermon/s.
The Sermon on the Mount' is a comprehensive description of how we are to live the kingdom lifestyle.


A change in thinking in the church, particularly relating to leadership.
The church has been based upon theology. Many denominations have been founded because they have had a theological difference to other denominations. Division has been rife in the body of Christ.

Today however, there is a 'new move', away from theology, back to the early New Testament period emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus.

This is importantly reflected in the leadership function, where we are seeing a change developing from a professional, theological based leadership, to one based on God's calling.


Change God desires in His church today.
In these last days, God, more than ever, desires His church to change into the pattern and form that will produce the perfected 'bride of Christ', required to happen before the return of Jesus.


Entering the Holy of Holies.
Before we start, it must be made clear that Jesus was the fulfilment of all the Tabernacle Feasts. When He died on the cross the veil was parted forever.

“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. (Matthew 27:50-51)

Jesus, through His death made it possible for us to enter the very throne room of God. Praise the Lord!

Yet we all know that we have not yet occupied the throne room, at least not for more than short periods of time. Why is that?


A call for change.
This series is a little different to others in that it a compilation of articles written over a period of 3 months as editorials for our weekly email newsletter of encouragement, PGIM! (Praise God it's Monday!) http://www.wwj.org.nz/wwword.php The inspiration however, was received at the beginning. It just took time to write, for like most of us, I am good at putting things off until the last minute!

We live in a church system that has evolved over the past, nearly 2000 years. It is obvious that the church had problems of doctrine and organisation right from its formation. Many people are reluctant to admit to this, but there were difficulties between Jews and gentiles in a theological sense, as well as practical organisational problems in terms of looking after the needy widows. However, over the centuries, church structures developed and became formalised along human lines. While the Reformation saw some changes, both in theology and organisation, the old, unbiblical, structures have tended to replicate themselves within our modern denominations and groupings. The Bible warns of this.

8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive
philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of
this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8)

Today, in these end times, God is calling His church back to basics. To its relational roots rather than formal structural organisation and methods that
restrict, through human intervention, the Holy Spirit from truly working in
the way He would wish.

Yes, God is calling us today to return to the principles set out in the New Testament, not to create the 'perfect church', for it will still have you and I in it, but rather, one capable of absorbing the promised bountiful end-time harvest.


Resting in the river of God.
A summary of the features of the end time 'Tabernacle' church, as set out in the book 'Eagles Fly High!', followed by a vision the Lord gave me around the time of the Millennium.


The Lord is serious about wanting His church and people to change and
embrace the full potential of all that He has made available. And requires
to be fully embraced before Jesus returns.

Most believers will pay ‘lip service’ to how to grow in spiritual maturity. The challenge for each one of us, me included, is to make them realities in our life. If it were easy, it would be of little value, either to God or us!

But the call of Jesus is not simply to belief, but to maturity, to commitment, to obedience, even unto death. For Jesus provided the example, even to death on the cross, that we are to follow! The kingdom of God is to be found within!

And satan will finally meet his doom!


The 'overcomers' of the 7 churches of Revelation - a spiritual journey.
A look at the spiritual promises of the 7 levels of heavenly reward promised to those 'overcomers' who are prepared to fully sacrifice their lives to become 'sold out' disciples of Jesus.


God created gardens and used them as a setting for key events in His interaction with mankind.
Having spent much of my life involved in the gardening industry, as a grower, wholesaler of flowers, bulbs and plants and finally as a mail order seller of the same, this revelation has reached into my 'gardeners' heart!

Gardens and nature have a special place in God's heart too. This is not
surprising, for He was their creator! Nor is it surprising then, that He
should choose garden settings for key events in His interaction with man to
take place.

When given this revelation, I was busy (our eternal excuse!), so I put it to
one side until now. But as I start to meditate upon it again, my initial
excitement is returning.

I trust you will share my enthusiasm as together, we explore the ramifications of the crucial events that took place in these beautiful garden settings.


The progressive revelation of God's kingdom through the Ages - and of the one to come.
Very often we get trapped, by taking for granted what we superficially see. So it was for me with the Bible. I saw the Old Testament and the New. "Well, that must be it," I thought. The Old Covenant followed by the New. It's simple, it's obvious, but it doesn't fit in with God's pattern, as I understand it.

For those who have read other of my writings will know that God works in threes. As He manifests Himself in three ways, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, (exactly how depends on whether you are a Oneness, Two-ness or Trinitarian believer!) so He normally operates in patterns of three in His dealings with us, His people. Therefore I have always had a difficulty accepting the two Testaments as reflecting God's pattern as such.

One day however, the Lord showed me that the Old Testament is not really a single entity, but can be split into two at an unexpected but logical place, as we will see shortly.

Today, as I was reading the Word, He started to show me many patterns reflecting the development of His kingdom through these three stages of His Word. It is helping me understand the whole in a way that I have not appreciated previously.

So let's embark on a journey together and see what we can find out about what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do in the future. Each step forms a logical progression in His plan that has been in existence from before time began.


The progressive revelation of the character and role of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.
You never know where God is going to take you!

Our family is about to be 'taken' to a new place in the natural, (written in 2005) shifting to another, nearby city. It will be a new challenge for us, living in a different socio-economic area and assisting in looking after children who have had severe problems in life.

In the spiritual too, I was wondering what to do next, as I came to the end of correcting and editing my final draft of the preceding work in this series, 'A Revelation of … The 3 Kingdom Ages of God'. As I was finalising the last 5 of 155 pages, the Lord just put into my mind this revelation about the Lamb. So now I have my next task!

Here in New Zealand, we have 40 million sheep but only 4 million people! Or 10 sheep per person! Once upon a time we had 60 million sheep and 3 million people. But the prices, particularly for wool have deteriorated over the years. So now, we have increased numbers of cows and fewer sheep.

This aside, sheep, therefore lambs too, play an important part in our economy. As they do in that of God. For the lovely, innocent, fluffy, white, playful lamb, that naturally attracts us humans to it, is used in the Bible as a picture, or type of Jesus. Before He came, while He was here, and after He departed to be again with His father, the lamb is used as a simile or description of Him.

In our country, as there are so many lambs, they tend to become commonplace and undervalued, through familiarity. I pray that this may never be the case with Jesus, the Lamb of God who died to save the world.


A picture of the end time church.
As a relatively young Christian, I participated in a course called 'Word of Life', in which we studied both Moses' and David's Tabernacles. I was fascinated by Moses Tabernacle and ‘underwhelmed’ by that of David!

Over the years since the Lord has given me much revelation on the ‘tent in the desert’ and none on the ‘town tent’.

However, I noticed greater interest being shown by others, in more recent years, in the Tabernacle of David, particularly in relation to worship. But still nothing for this David!

This changed however, last night, as I was reading the chapter in Chronicles where David's Tabernacle is mentioned, the Lord started to reveal new meanings for me, showing me that it truly is a picture, a representation of the end time church. I was so excited that I hardly slept! For I now know another 'missing link' in the teaching the Lord has given me! Of course, in God, there is always more revelation to come! And will continue to be until the day Jesus returns.

So, as I write, and you read this teaching, we will be learning together! I trust you will be looking forward to it and as excited about it as I am!

So let's not waste any more time, but get right into it!


God's first church and a pattern for both our personal walk with Jesus and church life today.
The first modern revelation of the importance of Moses Tabernacle as the pattern of a godly walk, and of church development and life, came out of the Latter Rain Movement, after World War 2.

In recent times the teaching has been neglected but it is still applicable today and the Lord is giving new revelation about it as we move even closer to the end of the age.

An understanding of Moses Tabernacle is vital for every Christian who has a heart to know God and His plans more deeply.


The 7 major covenants God made with mankind.
God set out His principles for humans to adhere to in 7 major covenants.

When man broke one covenant, God in His graciousness would give us another chance.

Lets see what develops.

02/10/12 VICTORY!

A poetic journey through life.
The inspiration for the first two parts of this poem came from a cross-island trek Kathy and I went on when we were staying on the beautiful Island of Rarotonga, in the Cook Islands. For those who don’t know, The Cooks are situated around the Tropic of Capricorn in the Pacific Ocean. A great place to visit! The last part is based loosely on the book of Revelation, Chapters 21 and 22, the biblical promise of what is to come. Hope it is both enjoyable and challenging to you. Of course it is just verse, so is not all strictly theologically accurate! Called poetic licence!


Living our life today while preparing for His return.
This study considers the basic principles of discipleship - of our walk through life with Jesus.

Too much emphasis in the church is placed upon conversion while not enough resources are allocated into the vital area of training and mentoring people in the ways of the Lord.

May we get our priorities right, remembering that the Great Commisssion was not simply to convert people but to make disciples of them.


Entering the Holy of Holies.
Before we start, it must be made clear that Jesus was the fulfilment of all the Tabernacle Feasts. When He died on the cross the veil was parted forever.

“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. (Matthew 27:50-51)

Jesus, through His death made it possible for us to enter the very throne room of God. Praise the Lord!

Yet we all know that we have not yet occupied the throne room, at least not for more than short periods of time. Why is that?


A call for change.
This series is a little different to others in that it a compilation of articles written over a period of 3 months as editorials for our weekly email newsletter of encouragement, PGIM! (Praise God it's Monday!) http://www.wwj.org.nz/wwword.php The inspiration however, was received at the beginning. It just took time to write, for like most of us, I am good at putting things off until the last minute!

We live in a church system that has evolved over the past, nearly 2000 years. It is obvious that the church had problems of doctrine and organisation right from its formation. Many people are reluctant to admit to this, but there were difficulties between Jews and gentiles in a theological sense, as well as practical organisational problems in terms of looking after the needy widows. However, over the centuries, church structures developed and became formalised along human lines. While the Reformation saw some changes, both in theology and organisation, the old, unbiblical, structures have tended to replicate themselves within our modern denominations and groupings. The Bible warns of this.

8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive
philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of
this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8)

Today, in these end times, God is calling His church back to basics. To its relational roots rather than formal structural organisation and methods that
restrict, through human intervention, the Holy Spirit from truly working in
the way He would wish.

Yes, God is calling us today to return to the principles set out in the New Testament, not to create the 'perfect church', for it will still have you and I in it, but rather, one capable of absorbing the promised bountiful end-time harvest.


As contained in the 4 Gospels.
As contained in the 4 Gospels. Not clearly numbered and listed, as in the Old Testament outward Law of the 10 Commandments, they are found among the teachings of Jesus for all who have a heart to seek them.


A 3 part allegory of 2 men and a marathon. The decision to race. The training. And finally, the race itself.
In 1992, when I was but a 3 year old Christian, the Lord stopped me as I was nearing the end of reading the Bible right through – at Revelation 12:11 to be precise.

“They overcame him (meaning satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

As clear as you are reading this, He explained basically what the verse meant, and told me to base my life’s work for Him upon it.

Now, for a relatively new Christian, this came as a bit of a surprise! However, I was prepared to give it a go. So the next day, I can still clearly remember sitting on the couch in our lounge, wondering what to do and where to start.

While sitting there, the Lord gave me this allegory of ‘The Two Marathoners.’ I hurriedly wrote it down, not wanting to forget, fully understanding my notoriously poor memory. The following day He gave me the interpretation. Of course, it took a couple of weeks to flesh out the outline and make the grammar acceptable to you, the reader.

The allegory was given in three parts, relating both to the three parts of the key verse and of our walk with Jesus. Over the next 18 months the three-part ‘Walking With Jesus’ course evolved. One part of the allegory was included with each part of the course. However, it wasn’t until I had just about completed writing the course, or more correctly, holding the pen while the Holy Spirit wrote it, that I realised that the allegory lined up with the course perfectly. It had to be God, for I had no idea of what was to come when I was first given it.

The 30-hour ‘Walking With Jesus’ course, consisting of 3 booklets and 18 hours of tapes, has been used by over 10,000 people over the past 10 years or so. Many people have found it helpful to a better understanding their walk with Jesus while others have found the Lord for the first time through it.

I trust this story will inspire you too, to find or deepen your walk with Jesus.


A 3 part series on the Call of the Kingdom
Many times the words of Jesus seem difficult to understand. We look at things from a limited, earthly perspective while He comes from the heavens. Intellectually and spiritually, His knowledge and understanding of the natural world and the heavenly realms, was, is, and forever will be, perfect, while ours remains only partial.

At times too, He explained things seemingly in superficial, general terms, to the level of understanding of His listeners. Often though, deeper levels of meaning are included, waiting to be revealed by the Holy Spirit to those who earnestly seek the greater truth. So we have layers of revelation and understanding of ‘The Word.’ Jesus, both the living word and the Bible!

The real beauty of the Bible as ‘His Word’ is that every time – if we are open –we read it, we learn something new about Jesus and His spiritual kingdom. How boring it would be if it was set out in the simplistic way of that great series of simplified of computer manuals - ‘XXXX For Dummies’, perhaps as ‘Salvation for Dummies’! For me, they need an even simpler computer series for ‘dumb dummies’ – but we wont go there!

I have heard and read the Parable of the Sower many times, absorbed the explanation Jesus gave His Disciples, and listened to many sermons explaining the explanation. But one day, as I was again reading this parable, the Holy Spirit gave me a further revelation. It changed the emphasis of, and transformed my understanding about, what was, and is for these days, the underlying and key meaning of this ‘story’. My wife tells me that I had been taught it a long time ago, but I had forgotten! So it was brought back to mind! Of course, being a male, my memory is far shorter than hers!

It’s now my pleasure to share it with you. I trust you will find it as inspiring and motivating in living your life, as it has been in mine.


A 7 Part series on 'Walking With Jesus', through 'servanthood'. Orientated particularly towards those in leadership.

Approximately 4 years after becoming a Christian, one memorable day the Lord stopped me as I was reading the Bible, at Revelation 12:11. It was a day that changed my life! For the Lord told me to base my life and build a ministry, upon this verse. He proceeded to explain to me the full meaning and implications of these amazing 29 words hidden away in the Bible's last book, the final book to be opened to mans understanding.

The verse is quite well known in Spirit filled churches - well at least the first two parts are. But the third, and most vital section, is so often ignored. You will now see why! It talks about a people who are able to overcome satan.

'They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.' (Revelation 12:11)

None of us like the third part of the verse - do we? But it contains the secret of how we are to come to maturity in our walk with Jesus. (Hence the name of this ministry.) We love living our dreams and desires. Dying to self, replacing our dreams with those Jesus has for us, becoming servants to Him and others, is not really part of our plan! Yet it is what our Lord has always required of us as individuals, and is what He is calling His church to, in these 'end time' days.

A short time later He gave me these basic principles of servanthood and servant leadership which have been expanded and developed, as always should be the case as we live and grow in Him. So this isn't the final word, but God's ongoing revelation and the experience of one man endeavoring to apply it to his life.


The progressive revelation of God's kingdom through the Ages - and of the one to come.
Very often we get trapped, by taking for granted what we superficially see. So it was for me with the Bible. I saw the Old Testament and the New. "Well, that must be it," I thought. The Old Covenant followed by the New. It's simple, it's obvious, but it doesn't fit in with God's pattern, as I understand it.

For those who have read other of my writings will know that God works in threes. As He manifests Himself in three ways, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, (exactly how depends on whether you are a Oneness, Two-ness or Trinitarian believer!) so He normally operates in patterns of three in His dealings with us, His people. Therefore I have always had a difficulty accepting the two Testaments as reflecting God's pattern as such.

One day however, the Lord showed me that the Old Testament is not really a single entity, but can be split into two at an unexpected but logical place, as we will see shortly.

Today, as I was reading the Word, He started to show me many patterns reflecting the development of His kingdom through these three stages of His Word. It is helping me understand the whole in a way that I have not appreciated previously.

So let's embark on a journey together and see what we can find out about what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do in the future. Each step forms a logical progression in His plan that has been in existence from before time began.


The progressive revelation of the character and role of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.
You never know where God is going to take you!

Our family is about to be 'taken' to a new place in the natural, (written in 2005) shifting to another, nearby city. It will be a new challenge for us, living in a different socio-economic area and assisting in looking after children who have had severe problems in life.

In the spiritual too, I was wondering what to do next, as I came to the end of correcting and editing my final draft of the preceding work in this series, 'A Revelation of … The 3 Kingdom Ages of God'. As I was finalising the last 5 of 155 pages, the Lord just put into my mind this revelation about the Lamb. So now I have my next task!

Here in New Zealand, we have 40 million sheep but only 4 million people! Or 10 sheep per person! Once upon a time we had 60 million sheep and 3 million people. But the prices, particularly for wool have deteriorated over the years. So now, we have increased numbers of cows and fewer sheep.

This aside, sheep, therefore lambs too, play an important part in our economy. As they do in that of God. For the lovely, innocent, fluffy, white, playful lamb, that naturally attracts us humans to it, is used in the Bible as a picture, or type of Jesus. Before He came, while He was here, and after He departed to be again with His father, the lamb is used as a simile or description of Him.

In our country, as there are so many lambs, they tend to become commonplace and undervalued, through familiarity. I pray that this may never be the case with Jesus, the Lamb of God who died to save the world.


A 9 part series on living a holy life today. Practical and inspirational.
The pursuit of holiness is at the centre of the Christian faith, yet it is also one of its least understood principles.

Over the years I have struggled with its meaning, and more importantly, its life application! Like us all!

The interesting thing is that it can't be laid out simply in points 1 through 10, as many people make the mistake of trying to do. Rather, holiness is a life learning and development process during which the individual grows more into the image of Jesus.

This is not a theological presentation of 'the principles of holiness', for I am not a theologian, and would not attempt it. Nor would it likely do much good! For the real problem is in living it!

Rather, this is a revelation of some of the principles the Lord has shown me and which I am doing my best to apply to my own life. I am not presenting them as the super secret of, "do this and you will be holy!" The purpose is that you will take the principles and apply the lessons they contain, to help you deepen your 'walk with Jesus'.

The Lord has given me a large number of sayings, which I call 'David's Doodlings'. As you can see, I like alliteration! One doodling, in particular, seems to sum up the mystery, the dichotomy, and the experience of our pursuit of this ultimate goal.

"The closer I get to God, the further away I find I really am."

Yes, the pursuit of holiness is a lifetime walk, a journey that our Lord so much desires each pilgrim to take. I trust that this may help us a little as we seek to walk with Jesus.


A 3 part series on THE PATTERN OF GOD.
In walking further with Jesus, I increasingly appreciate that this particular revelation of 'threes in God' has been hugely important in developing my understanding of God and how He works both in the church and in our lives.

It matters not whether you are a 'oneness', 'twoness', or 'trinitarian' believer. The concept still applies.

If you can grasp this simple, yet profound concept, I'm sure it will open up new realms of understanding for you too about God and His plans for His people in these end days.

Today's teaching is an introduction. It will be followed in coming weeks by examples of this principle's application to the church and us as individuals.

Let's start, shall we.


The principle of the 'river' in scripture and how it applies to our lives and the church today.
It’s amazing how God works! A number of years ago now, as I was reading the last chapter of the Bible, He showed me that the river flowing from the throne of God was symbolic of the End Time Church – the ‘River Church’. But that is another story.

But it is only now, these many years later, that He is revealing the principles of the river. Revealing its source way back at the beginning of time in the Garden of Eden, flowing through Ezekiel’s Temple and culminating with the final promise of God’s Kingdom on earth contained in the last chapter of Revelation.

Once again, my faith is built up as I see yet another aspect of God’s logical plan; a plan put in place from the very foundation of the world. And likely well before! Being a (usually logical) male, logic and reason, together with experiential love, work hand in hand as faith builders in my life.

The river I initially saw supernaturally flowed up towards the Throne of God as we fully entered His rest and were taken up to Him, rather than the more natural, gravity obedient one mentioned in Revelation 22:1. I still don’t have the full revelation of that, but God hasn’t finished with me yet. And wont, until I go to join Him.

So let’s take a journey through time and see what surprises our God has in store for us.

04/04/11 THE FIRST MIRACLE OF JESUS Turning the Water into Wine PLUS THE LORD’S SUPPER

A 4 part series revealing the amazing underlying, spirirual meanings of the miracle itself and its relevance to the Lord's Supper that we celebrate today.
One day when I was reading the Book of John, my favourite gospel as it is written primarily to Christians, I came to the description of the first miracle of Jesus.

“Lord, there just has to be more to it than a great story of Jesus displaying His supernatural power for the first time.”

For in my experience, there is a purpose, a specific reason, behind virtually every recorded action of Jesus. Yet in this case, considering the importance of this, the first display of His supernatural power, the general explanations I have heard, did not satisfy me. Sure, it displays His miraculous abilities to alter nature to His earliest followers, and shows Him helping others too. It shows us that we can do great things in God, although I have yet to learn of anyone who has been able to repeat this particular feat! Likewise it illustrates God’s love to people, although some might wonder whether providing what most likely was an alcoholic beverage, was a particularly good expression of it! And you too, may well have other lessons or examples that can be learned from it.

But for me the very first miracle had to have a greater meaning, a real significance far beyond the ordinary, beyond the extraordinary even. And it has! For through this first miracle Jesus revealed both His person and His ministry.

Now that satisfies me! I hope will inspire you too, for our Lord Jesus came to radically change the world. Amazingly, the way He would do it was revealed here, in this, His first miracle. It showed who He was, who He is, and whom He is to come! Thank you Lord.


A 1 part revelation helping us to understand God's character.
How could one be so egotistical as to pretend to understand God's character? Not me! For that is what we Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, brought back into a relationship with God the Father and taught through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, spend a lifetime learning!


A 4 part series 'Revealing The End Time Church'
I have always been interested in the Book of Ruth and have had some understanding of it. However, on the day I started into full time ministry, the Lord sat me down and proceeded to reveal the meaning of this amazing story as an allegory of the relationship of Jews and Gentiles in the End Time Church. This is not so surprising, although it was to me at the time, when you consider that the ministry role He has given me, along with others, is to join with Jesus in 'building His end time church.'

If you are really busy, (aren't we all!) you may wish to split the study into sections, returning as time allows.

But please make sure you read all 4 parts to get the full understanding of today's application of this amazing story.


How are we to live? Jesus tells us in a very practical way.
Many of us good at the talk, but our lives are far from what we preach. God is calling us to live a kingdom lifestyle in these end days.

But how?

Jesus showed as the way with some very practical examples.


The kingdom - past, present and future.
Our concept of kingdom is generally limited to being a future event. Yet God's kingdom has always been, is now and will be always.

A study that will both challenge and revolutionise your thinking and your life.

31/08/10 THE ROCK

A prophetic picture of the future church.
A prophetic picture of the future church.


The call to ministry.
What is your call to ministry?


A look at the 3 priesthoods of the Bible and what their progressive development means for us today.
To truly know where we stand in our relationship with God now, on a personal basis, it is extremely helpful if we understand the development of the 3 priesthoods of the Bible.

It will open your eyes to the amazing priesthood of the believer we share in today.


Jesus' recorded sermon/s.
The Sermon on the Mount' is a comprehensive description of how we are to live the kingdom lifestyle.


A change in thinking in the church, particularly relating to leadership.
The church has been based upon theology. Many denominations have been founded because they have had a theological difference to other denominations. Division has been rife in the body of Christ.

Today however, there is a 'new move', away from theology, back to the early New Testament period emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus.

This is importantly reflected in the leadership function, where we are seeing a change developing from a professional, theological based leadership, to one based on God's calling.


Change God desires in His church today.
In these last days, God, more than ever, desires His church to change into the pattern and form that will produce the perfected 'bride of Christ', required to happen before the return of Jesus.

01/07/08 GOD AND MAN

The relationship between God and mankind.

A new series on us - men and women! Drawn primarily from the Walking With Jesus discipleship course, the series will cover practical subjects such as who and what is man and how God desires us to live.

Something for everyone!


The 7 major covenants God made with mankind.
God set out His principles for humans to adhere to in 7 major covenants.

When man broke one covenant, God in His graciousness would give us another chance.

Lets see what develops.


The promise of 'double portion' rain in Joel.
A prophecy, through Joel, about a tremendous downpour of rain at the end of the age.

26/02/08 VICTORY!

A poetic journey through life.
The inspiration for the first two parts of this poem came from a cross-island trek Kathy and I went on when we were staying on the beautiful Island of Rarotonga, in the Cook Islands. For those who don’t know, The Cooks are situated around the Tropic of Capricorn in the Pacific Ocean. A great place to visit! The last part is based loosely on the book of Revelation, Chapters 21 and 22, the biblical promise of what is to come. Hope it is both enjoyable and challenging to you. Of course it is just verse, so is not all strictly theologically accurate! Called poetic licence!


Living our life today while preparing for His return.
This study considers the basic principles of discipleship - of our walk through life with Jesus.

Too much emphasis in the church is placed upon conversion while not enough resources are allocated into the vital area of training and mentoring people in the ways of the Lord.

May we get our priorities right, remembering that the Great Commisssion was not simply to convert people but to make disciples of them.


Entering the Holy of Holies.
Before we start, it must be made clear that Jesus was the fulfilment of all the Tabernacle Feasts. When He died on the cross the veil was parted forever.

“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. (Matthew 27:50-51)

Jesus, through His death made it possible for us to enter the very throne room of God. Praise the Lord!

Yet we all know that we have not yet occupied the throne room, at least not for more than short periods of time. Why is that?


A call for change.
This series is a little different to others in that it a compilation of articles written over a period of 3 months as editorials for our weekly email newsletter of encouragement, PGIM! (Praise God it's Monday!) http://www.wwj.org.nz/wwword.php The inspiration however, was received at the beginning. It just took time to write, for like most of us, I am good at putting things off until the last minute!

We live in a church system that has evolved over the past, nearly 2000 years. It is obvious that the church had problems of doctrine and organisation right from its formation. Many people are reluctant to admit to this, but there were difficulties between Jews and gentiles in a theological sense, as well as practical organisational problems in terms of looking after the needy widows. However, over the centuries, church structures developed and became formalised along human lines. While the Reformation saw some changes, both in theology and organisation, the old, unbiblical, structures have tended to replicate themselves within our modern denominations and groupings. The Bible warns of this.

8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive
philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of
this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8)

Today, in these end times, God is calling His church back to basics. To its relational roots rather than formal structural organisation and methods that
restrict, through human intervention, the Holy Spirit from truly working in
the way He would wish.

Yes, God is calling us today to return to the principles set out in the New Testament, not to create the 'perfect church', for it will still have you and I in it, but rather, one capable of absorbing the promised bountiful end-time harvest.


As contained in the 4 Gospels.

As contained in the 4 Gospels. Not clearly numbered and listed, as in the Old Testament outward Law of the 10 Commandments, they are found among the teachings of Jesus for all who have a heart to seek them.


Resting in the river of God.
A summary of the features of the end time 'Tabernacle' church, as set out in the book 'Eagles Fly High!', followed by a vision the Lord gave me around the time of the Millennium.


A short, 2 part study on THE POWER OF INTERCESSION.

Relationship and intimacy is built through communication, one with another. This relationship building with God is called 'intercession'.

Let's see how it works.


The Lord is serious about wanting His church and people to change and
embrace the full potential of all that He has made available. And requires
to be fully embraced before Jesus returns.

Most believers will pay ‘lip service’ to how to grow in spiritual maturity. The challenge for each one of us, me included, is to make them realities in our life. If it were easy, it would be of little value, either to God or us!

But the call of Jesus is not simply to belief, but to maturity, to commitment, to obedience, even unto death. For Jesus provided the example, even to death on the cross, that we are to follow! The kingdom of God is to be found within!

And satan will finally meet his doom!


The 'overcomers' of the 7 churches of Revelation - a spiritual journey.
A look at the spiritual promises of the 7 levels of heavenly reward promised to those 'overcomers' who are prepared to fully sacrifice their lives to become 'sold out' disciples of Jesus.


God created gardens and used them as a setting for key events in His interaction with mankind.
Having spent much of my life involved in the gardening industry, as a grower, wholesaler of flowers, bulbs and plants and finally as a mail order seller of the same, this revelation has reached into my 'gardeners' heart!

Gardens and nature have a special place in God's heart too. This is not
surprising, for He was their creator! Nor is it surprising then, that He
should choose garden settings for key events in His interaction with man to
take place.

When given this revelation, I was busy (our eternal excuse!), so I put it to
one side until now. But as I start to meditate upon it again, my initial
excitement is returning.

I trust you will share my enthusiasm as together, we explore the ramifications of the crucial events that took place in these beautiful garden settings.


The progressive revelation of God's kingdom through the Ages - and of the one to come.
Very often we get trapped, by taking for granted what we superficially see. So it was for me with the Bible. I saw the Old Testament and the New. "Well, that must be it," I thought. The Old Covenant followed by the New. It's simple, it's obvious, but it doesn't fit in with God's pattern, as I understand it.

For those who have read other of my writings will know that God works in threes. As He manifests Himself in three ways, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, (exactly how depends on whether you are a Oneness, Two-ness or Trinitarian believer!) so He normally operates in patterns of three in His dealings with us, His people. Therefore I have always had a difficulty accepting the two Testaments as reflecting God's pattern as such.

One day however, the Lord showed me that the Old Testament is not really a single entity, but can be split into two at an unexpected but logical place, as we will see shortly.

Today, as I was reading the Word, He started to show me many patterns reflecting the development of His kingdom through these three stages of His Word. It is helping me understand the whole in a way that I have not appreciated previously.

So let's embark on a journey together and see what we can find out about what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do in the future. Each step forms a logical progression in His plan that has been in existence from before time began.


The progressive revelation of the character and role of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.

You never know where God is going to take you!

Our family is about to be 'taken' to a new place in the natural, (written in 2005) shifting to another, nearby city. It will be a new challenge for us, living in a different socio-economic area and assisting in looking after children who have had severe problems in life.

In the spiritual too, I was wondering what to do next, as I came to the end of correcting and editing my final draft of the preceding work in this series, 'A Revelation of … The 3 Kingdom Ages of God'. As I was finalising the last 5 of 155 pages, the Lord just put into my mind this revelation about the Lamb. So now I have my next task!

Here in New Zealand, we have 40 million sheep but only 4 million people! Or 10 sheep per person! Once upon a time we had 60 million sheep and 3 million people. But the prices, particularly for wool have deteriorated over the years. So now, we have increased numbers of cows and fewer sheep.

This aside, sheep, therefore lambs too, play an important part in our economy. As they do in that of God. For the lovely, innocent, fluffy, white, playful lamb, that naturally attracts us humans to it, is used in the Bible as a picture, or type of Jesus. Before He came, while He was here, and after He departed to be again with His father, the lamb is used as a simile or description of Him.

In our country, as there are so many lambs, they tend to become commonplace and undervalued, through familiarity. I pray that this may never be the case with Jesus, the Lamb of God who died to save the world.


A continuation and development of the pattern revealed in Moses Tabernacle. A picture of the future church.
As a relatively young Christian, I participated in a course called 'Word of Life', in which we studied both Moses' and David's Tabernacles. I was fascinated by Moses Tabernacle and ‘underwhelmed’ by that of David!

Over the years since the Lord has given me much revelation on the ‘tent in the desert’ and none on the ‘town tent’.

However, I noticed greater interest being shown by others, in more recent years, in the Tabernacle of David, particularly in relation to worship. But still nothing for this David!

This changed however, last night, as I was reading the chapter in Chronicles where David's Tabernacle is mentioned, the Lord started to reveal new meanings for me, showing me that it truly is a picture, a representation of the end time church. I was so excited that I hardly slept! For I now know another 'missing link' in the teaching the Lord has given me! Of course, in God, there is always more revelation to come! And will continue to be until the day Jesus returns.


God's first church and a pattern for both our personal walk with Jesus and church life today.
The first modern revelation of the importance of Moses Tabernacle as the pattern of a godly walk, and of church development and life, came out of the Latter Rain Movement, after World War 2.

In recent times the teaching has been neglected but it is still applicable today and the Lord is giving new revelation about it as we move even closer to the end of the age.

An understanding of Moses Tabernacle is vital for every Christian who has a heart to know God and His plans more deeply.

17/01/06 GIVING TO GOD

Expressing our appreciation for what God has done for us.

Like all things in God, giving back to Him develops progressively, as our relationship deepens.


A 4 part, Modern Day Fairy Tale! If you are too grown up for fairy stories, consider it an allegory relating to spiritual choice!

This allegory was given to me one ordinary day as I was sitting at my computer, wondering what to write next for the book, ‘Eagles Fly High!’ The full story was revealed and recorded over the period of a fortnight. Most unusually for me, the inspiration was given while working at home. I hope you will be as excited and challenged by it as I have been.


A 1 part prophecy about the end time church.

Not the normal teaching today! For I want to take the opportunity to share a prophecy with you.

Some prophecies are for the moment, others, timeless. Some prophecies received in words, others illustrated in vivid pictures.

This particular one came to me as I was writing my book on the end time church, "Eagles Fly High!" I was sitting at my computer, wondering what to write next, when the Lord, out of the blue, placed these pictures so firmly in my mind, then explained what they were about.

This spiritual experience is one that has remained with me over the years, one I am now sharing with you.

It be easier to understand if you had read the book, but I hope that the explanations given at the end will assist you with the interpretation. I trust you will find this both interesting and meaningful.



Today was a day for getting back to 'normal', after two special weeks during which the Lord had blessed me in amazing ways. Firstly through the visit of my friend, and our Ministry Representative in India, Asher Peri. Then, the Lord speaking to me through His prophets in a 'presbytery' at a conference Asher and I attended together. Confirming previous words He had spoken to me directly (Always a relief that one is hearing correctly!) and encouraging me along the path I have been taking, amidst certain scepticism and opposition.

Of course, the Lord is full of surprises! Today's 'normal' day became another memorable one as He gave me the outline of this revelation during my daily quiet time, reading the Word and talking with my Lord.

This means more work, as inspiration and perspiration are 'soul mates' if we are to fulfil the Lord's purposes! While the Lord doesn't need us to build His kingdom, He chooses to use His followers to do the work on His behalf. Not so He can have 'time off', but rather, to train us in His ways. To serve Him and others, as Jesus did.

My faith is increasingly strengthened as He shows me more and more 'previews' of the coming of Jesus through types and patterns in Scripture. In events that took place, often thousands of years before Jesus came, lived, died, and overcame death, on our behalf. For this was always to be the culmination of God's plan for His people.

I trust that you too, will be inspired and encouraged by the perfect plan of God to bring us both back into close and intimate relationship, through the ultimate sacrifice of 'a life for a life', yes, His only son, Jesus.


A 9 part series on living a holy life today. Practical and inspirational.

The pursuit of holiness is at the centre of the Christian faith, yet it is also one of its least understood principles.

Over the years I have struggled with its meaning, and more importantly, its life application! Like us all!

The interesting thing is that it can't be laid out simply in points 1 through 10, as many people make the mistake of trying to do. Rather, holiness is a life learning and development process during which the individual grows more into the image of Jesus.

This is not a theological presentation of 'the principles of holiness', for I am not a theologian, and would not attempt it. Nor would it likely do much good! For the real problem is in living it!

Rather, this is a revelation of some of the principles the Lord has shown me and which I am doing my best to apply to my own life. I am not presenting them as the super secret of, "do this and you will be holy!" The purpose is that you will take the principles and apply the lessons they contain, to help you deepen your 'walk with Jesus'.

The Lord has given me a large number of sayings, which I call 'David's Doodlings'. As you can see, I like alliteration! One doodling, in particular, seems to sum up the mystery, the dichotomy, and the experience of our pursuit of this ultimate goal.

"The closer I get to God, the further away I find I really am."

Yes, the pursuit of holiness is a lifetime walk, a journey that our Lord so much desires each pilgrim to take. I trust that this may help us a little as we seek to walk with Jesus.


A 7 part series on the amazing single verse that so succinctly sums up our walk with Jesus.

What to write about this amazing verse! Where do I start? When the Lord first gave me the verse to start this ministry, I had only the 29 words it contains. A very limited ministry in prospect!

But I am happy, or sorry, to say, depending upon your perspective, that the problem I now have is what to leave out! For the Holy Spirit, over a period of 18 months, gave me a 12 tape, 3 booklet, 30-hour course all based on this one verse. You may well think that I am verbose. Believe me, I am generally a man of few words, so no one was more surprised than I was, with the end result. Fortunately, it can’t have all been bad, as many thousands of people have had their understanding grow and life change through this course.

For our purposes here, I promise you I will try and confine myself to a brief summary. This verse is so exciting though, it is really hard to! Discipline yourself David! But by grasping the basic principles of this amazing verse we will better understand what the Bible is all about. For its purpose is effectively summed up in these brief, 29 words!

Let's find out how!


A 10 part series on THE PATTERN OF THINGS TO COME “The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: These are my appointed feasts, the appointed feasts of the Lord, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.” (Leviticus 23:1-2)

Following on from our first series on the Spring Feasts, the pattern of things past, we now come to look at the more exciting Autumn Feasts, the culmination of the Jewish Religious Year and the pattern of things to come.

Of course, our study is slightly more speculative, as we are dealing with the future rather than the past. For God always has the habit of coming up with some twists and turns that we don't predict or fully understand until after they have happened.

Notwithstanding this, the principles of God's plan for his end time church are set out in broad principle in the Autumn Feasts, as was the role of Jesus in Passover and the Holy Spirit in Pentecost.

It is the responsibility of us all to understand and apply the lessons of the Autumn Feasts to our lives and the church today.


A 2 part, non-theological, common mans perspective, of life leading up to and during the times of the Feasts.

All to often we tend to separate scriptural principles from the times in which they took place. While, in one sense this is valid, as they are eternal, it causes us to lose sight of the richness of experience encountered by the real people involved in these history making times of God's new revelation of Himself, through His chosen race, the Jews.

Putting events into their historical perspective also extends our understanding of the rich spiritual inheritance we have.

I wonder how we would have reacted, had we been the Jewish people of the time?

So, let's have a little fun together, shall we?


A 3 part series on THE PATTERN OF GOD.

In walking further with Jesus, I increasingly appreciate that this particular revelation of 'threes in God' has been hugely important in developing my understanding of God and how He works both in the church and in our lives.

It matters not whether you are a 'oneness', 'twoness', or 'trinitarian' believer. The concept still applies.

If you can grasp this simple, yet profound concept, I'm sure it will open up new realms of understanding for you too about God and His plans for His people in these end days.

Today's teaching is an introduction. It will be followed in coming weeks by examples of this principle's application to the church and us as individuals.

Let's start, shall we.


A 7 part series on THE PATTERN OF THINGS PAST “The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: These are my appointed feasts, the appointed feasts of the Lord, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.” (Leviticus 23:1-2)

When I was introduced to the Feasts, my eyes were opened and my faith strengthened as I once again saw the pattern of God's eternal plan being revealed.

It's simply incredible how God works! Time and time again, in different ways, He sets out His plans for the past, present and future. The seven Feasts of the Lord are a classic example of this.

We are going to split the series into two parts, as a single series, with all the accompanying revelation for us today, would extend over some considerable time.

Without further ado, let's see what God wants to show us through these amazing festivals that the Jews continue to celebrate today.

Those who like their food - and who doesn't - will be doubly blessed!


A 4 part series on the principle of the 'river' in scripture and how it applies to our lives and the church today.

It’s amazing how God works! Six years ago now, as I was reading the last chapter of the Bible, He showed me that the river flowing from the throne of God was symbolic of the End Time Church – the ‘River Church’. But that is another story.

But it is only now, these many years later, that He is revealing the principles of the river. Revealing its source way back at the beginning of time in the Garden of Eden, flowing through Ezekiel’s Temple and culminating with the final promise of God’s Kingdom on earth contained in the last chapter of Revelation.

Once again, my faith is built up as I see yet another aspect of God’s logical plan; a plan put in place from the very foundation of the world. And likely well before! Being a (usually logical) male, logic and reason, together with experiential love, work hand in hand as faith builders in my life.

The river I initially saw supernaturally flowed up towards the Throne of God as we fully entered His rest and were taken up to Him, rather than the more natural, gravity obedient one mentioned in Revelation 22:1. I still don’t have the full revelation of that, but God hasn’t finished with me yet. And wont, until I go to join Him.

So let’s take a journey through time and see what surprises our God has in store for us.


A 3 part allegory of 2 men and a marathon. The decision to race. The training. And finally, the race itself.

In 1992, when I was but a 3 year old Christian, the Lord stopped me as I was nearing the end of reading the Bible right through – at Revelation 12:11 to be precise.

“They overcame him (meaning satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

As clear as you are reading this, He explained basically what the verse meant, and told me to base my life’s work for Him upon it.

Now, for a relatively new Christian, this came as a bit of a surprise! However, I was prepared to give it a go. So the next day, I can still clearly remember sitting on the couch in our lounge, wondering what to do and where to start.

While sitting there, the Lord gave me this allegory of ‘The Two Marathoners.’ I hurriedly wrote it down, not wanting to forget, fully understanding my notoriously poor memory. The following day He gave me the interpretation. Of course, it took a couple of weeks to flesh out the outline and make the grammar acceptable to you, the reader.

The allegory was given in three parts, relating both to the three parts of the key verse and of our walk with Jesus. Over the next 18 months the three-part ‘Walking With Jesus’ course evolved. One part of the allegory was included with each part of the course. However, it wasn’t until I had just about completed writing the course, or more correctly, holding the pen while the Holy Spirit wrote it, that I realised that the allegory lined up with the course perfectly. It had to be God, for I had no idea of what was to come when I was first given it.

The 30-hour ‘Walking With Jesus’ course, consisting of 3 booklets and 18 hours of tapes, has been used by over 10,000 people over the past 10 years or so. Many people have found it helpful to a better understanding their walk with Jesus while others have found the Lord for the first time through it.

I trust this story will inspire you too, to find or deepen your walk with Jesus.


A 3 part series on the Call of the Kingdom

Many times the words of Jesus seem difficult to understand. We look at things from a limited, earthly perspective while He comes from the heavens. Intellectually and spiritually, His knowledge and understanding of the natural world and the heavenly realms, was, is, and forever will be, perfect, while ours remains only partial.

At times too, He explained things seemingly in superficial, general terms, to the level of understanding of His listeners. Often though, deeper levels of meaning are included, waiting to be revealed by the Holy Spirit to those who earnestly seek the greater truth. So we have layers of revelation and understanding of ‘The Word.’ Jesus, both the living word and the Bible!

The real beauty of the Bible as ‘His Word’ is that every time – if we are open –we read it, we learn something new about Jesus and His spiritual kingdom. How boring it would be if it was set out in the simplistic way of that great series of simplified of computer manuals - ‘XXXX For Dummies’, perhaps as ‘Salvation for Dummies’! For me, they need an even simpler computer series for ‘dumb dummies’ – but we wont go there!

I have heard and read the Parable of the Sower many times, absorbed the explanation Jesus gave His Disciples, and listened to many sermons explaining the explanation. But one day, as I was again reading this parable, the Holy Spirit gave me a further revelation. It changed the emphasis of, and transformed my understanding about, what was, and is for these days, the underlying and key meaning of this ‘story’. My wife tells me that I had been taught it a long time ago, but I had forgotten! So it was brought back to mind! Of course, being a male, my memory is far shorter than hers!

It’s now my pleasure to share it with you. I trust you will find it as inspiring and motivating in living your life, as it has been in mine.


A 7 Part series on 'Walking With Jesus', through 'servanthood'. Orientated particularly towards those in leadership.

Approximately 4 years after becoming a Christian, one memorable day the Lord stopped me as I was reading the Bible, at Revelation 12:11. It was a day that changed my life! For the Lord told me to base my life and build a ministry, upon this verse. He proceeded to explain to me the full meaning and implications of these amazing 29 words hidden away in the Bible's last book, the final book to be opened to mans understanding.

The verse is quite well known in Spirit filled churches - well at least the first two parts are. But the third, and most vital section, is so often ignored. You will now see why! It talks about a people who are able to overcome satan.

'They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.' (Revelation 12:11)

None of us like the third part of the verse - do we? But it contains the secret of how we are to come to maturity in our walk with Jesus. (Hence the name of this ministry.) We love living our dreams and desires. Dying to self, replacing our dreams with those Jesus has for us, becoming servants to Him and others, is not really part of our plan! Yet it is what our Lord has always required of us as individuals, and is what He is calling His church to, in these 'end time' days.

A short time later He gave me these basic principles of servanthood and servant leadership which have been expanded and developed, as always should be the case as we live and grow in Him. So this isn't the final word, but God's ongoing revelation and the experience of one man endeavoring to apply it to his life.

28/09/04 THE FIRST MIRACLE OF JESUS Turning the Water into Wine PLUS THE LORD’S SUPPER

A 4 part series revealing the amazing underlying, spirirual meanings of the miracle itself and its relevance to the Lord's Supper that we celebrate today.

One day when I was reading the Book of John, my favourite gospel as it is written primarily to Christians, I came to the description of the first miracle of Jesus.

“Lord, there just has to be more to it than a great story of Jesus displaying His supernatural power for the first time.”

For in my experience, there is a purpose, a specific reason, behind virtually every recorded action of Jesus. Yet in this case, considering the importance of this, the first display of His supernatural power, the general explanations I have heard, did not satisfy me. Sure, it displays His miraculous abilities to alter nature to His earliest followers, and shows Him helping others too. It shows us that we can do great things in God, although I have yet to learn of anyone who has been able to repeat this particular feat! Likewise it illustrates God’s love to people, although some might wonder whether providing what most likely was an alcoholic beverage, was a particularly good expression of it! And you too, may well have other lessons or examples that can be learned from it.

But for me the very first miracle had to have a greater meaning, a real significance far beyond the ordinary, beyond the extraordinary even. And it has! For through this first miracle Jesus revealed both His person and His ministry.

Now that satisfies me! I hope will inspire you too, for our Lord Jesus came to radically change the world. Amazingly, the way He would do it was revealed here, in this, His first miracle. It showed who He was, who He is, and whom He is to come! Thank you Lord.


A 1 part revelation helping us to understand God's character.

How could one be so egotistical as to pretend to understand God's character? Not me! For that is what we Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, brought back into a relationship with God the Father and taught through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, spend a lifetime learning!

I spent years reading the Bible, praying, and listening to those far more knowledgeable and spiritual than me, talk about God. My knowledge has grown gradually, a little like my understanding of my wife Kathy, over all the years I have lived with her. But as with Kathy, my understanding remains incomplete! And about God - at the very best, partial.

One day, in India with my friend Tony, praying about a Women's meeting I was to speak in, the Lord took me to the 'Love Chapter' in Corinthians. This is a difficult subject to talk to women about, for they have a considerably greater understanding of it than most of us men!

However, while reading the chapter to familiarize myself again, I was given the inspiration that I now share with you.

The meeting was powerful, the Holy Spirit anointing there in a truly special manner, and demons were released - not into the meeting, but audibly, from at least one of the ladies attending. An amazing time!

On that day I gained more practical understanding of God's character than I had ever had previously. It is my pleasure to share this with you.

I pray that it might have the same effect on you as it did upon me.

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