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Issue No: 530     Published: 19 Dec 2011


Unfortunately our religious ways, where everything is programmed in advance, so often put pressure upon speakers to 'perform'. Realistically, the Holy Spirit does not come and give us revelation and inspiration, as clockwork, for every 10am Sunday Service! So maybe, it is us who needs to change our fixed ways of doing things, to move more in accordance with the Holy Spirit - so taking the huge pressure of expectation off ourselves to perform on cue.

But how can we do this? Our system is so programmed towards performance. Performance to present - and performance to listen.


As a 'travelling ministry' I have had the privilege to speak to many different types and sizes of congregations and groups of people in a huge variety of situations. From churches, both big and small, to conferences big and small, to Bible Schools and Seminaries, to groups in fields, even at a Nunnery. When I travel and speak I am generally blessed with the presence of the Holy Spirit being with me and upon the people. I thank the Lord for that. For it is of Him and not of me.

During my travels I have learned valuable lessons, some of which I would like to share with you.

1. MEETING SIZE AND EFFECTIVENESS ARE NOT THE SAME: In fact, size and effectiveness are usually diametrically opposed. I am human - believe it or not! It feels good to speak to audiences of 100's or 1,000's of people! But how effective is it? Against human understanding, experience has taught me that small meetings are more effective for the participants than large ones. Why is this? Because I, all people present, and the Holy Spirit, can interrelate in a more intimate way. It is in this way that lives are changed - both theirs and mine. We move from speaker and audience in a large group to intimate sharing and life changing experience.

Yes, the Holy Spirit can and does come and change lives in a large group situation. But largely, for most, it will be an experience that is soon shelved, without ongoing effect. For the personal element is missing.

2. LET THE HOLY SPIRIT HAVE HIS WAY: When I speak I have a hope and desire that the Holy Spirit will turn up. He generally does. Sometimes He turns up in a big way. That is easy. For He is a far better minister than me. He literally takes over. I just have to stand and watch, full of wonder at His amazing ways. Precious experiences.

Most times though, He turns up and, as ministers, we have the power to accept or reject Him. My desire is to accept! But sometimes, the one in control of the meeting can decide to remain in control! The Holy Spirit is grieved and simply goes. This is particularly frequent between the end of worship and preaching. We must be so careful to walk in the anointing and not in our plans for the service 'we' have organised!

3. 'DO NOT" OVER-PREPARE YOUR PRESENTATION: This is pretty radical! Reality is, the more of us, the less room for Him! It is completely the opposite of what we understand from a human perspective. Leave some room for the Holy Spirit to have His say.

4. 'DO' OVER-PREPARE YOUR LIFE: When I first travelled, I had all my messages fully prepared so that I wouldn't appear (altogether) stupid. I soon learned that the Holy Spirit had other - much more effective - ideas and methods! Now I understand it is much more important for me to be in the right place with Him and then He will give me the words He wants said in a situation. "Christ in you" is both the hope of glory and the vessel that can be best used for His glory!

5. 'DO NOT' 'OVER-THEOLOGIZE': Even to a Theological College! Christianity is about relationship, with God and with others, not nonsensical nuances of theology that both divide and puff up. I will never forget a meeting in Nigeria (and there have been other instances too) where a Doctor of Theology who taught in a Seminary came up to me and said, "I have studied and taught theology all my life, but it is only today that I have come to a true understanding of what Christianity is all about." From a simple Kiwi who has never been to Bible College! Jesus used testimony and practical examples drawn from life (parables) to illustrate His points.

6. INVOLVEMENT, INVOLVEMENT, INVOLVEMENT: This is hard! It is much easier to give a lecture than to be questioned and perhaps found wanting! Let people share. May be more inspired than me - or you! Look to inter-relationship. For disciples are made by walking together, learning from each other, not from being told what to do from 'on high'. (Raised pulpits, titles special dress, etc., are a particular 'no no') Be prepared to let the people know the real you. As a travelling ministry it is easy to cover up your deficiencies if you want to. But God wants - and uses - you, warts and all.

7. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION: Hearing is but one of our senses. We touch, taste, smell and see too. Involving more than sense makes sense and is much more effective than merely listening. Every speaking time therefore should involve action - both by the speaker and the spoken to. There are many examples of ways of involvement in the letters from others that appear below. (Involvement, you see!)

Once again, I thought we would complete the series this week - but there is still 1 (or more, as the Spirit leads) to come! So much for my planning.......

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Dear David,

My name is Albert Chan, a Singaporean businessman living & working in Thailand. I served God whenever there is an opportunity for more then 10 years and it was real joy to be able to serve such a great might God like ours.

Over theses years of serving, I do teaching, conduct cell group, preaching and giving where I could as God directs like the Prison Ministry Foundation in Thailand, helping Hmongs refugees who fled from Vietnam and Laos.

I wanted to share about preaching, which I felt that all preacher or those who are being entrusted to share at the pulpit especially that is:

1. Most of the time they forget that it is God given time and they should give their very best in using this time because once it is wasted it cannot be replaced therefore time discipline & content is very important.

2. Majority are so used to preaching that they took it for granted and used their past experience or old sermons, story, slides, etc...which is so dry and plain without the Holy Spirit flowing in them.

3. Many preached well but the congregation don't get the entire picture of how to apply. Yes preacher what you say is absolutely true but how? How to do, what are the steps to follow that I too can......

4. Sadly, a big majority preached a good sermon but fall short of catching in. They cast a good net with the words of God, directed by the Holy Spirit but just failed short to draw it in by asking for those to raise their hands or stand up in accepting Christ as our savior, redeemer, and Lord. Sowed well but didn't get the sweet harvest in for Jesus.

Back to your request for options, we can use technology to our advantage without disrupting the sermon or others around us like setting a email, sms, facebook, skype etc having a channel for questions or request for the congregation to send in discreetly about question they have pertaining to the sermon. Have a short Q&A or discuss this during cell group, home care group meet the pastor section.

Setup a online pastor session for those that cannot attend church e.g.. Hospitalized, overseas, help up by children at home, whereby they can communicate with the church via media technology.

High tea sermon session with easy, relax informal gathering to sit and talk about God that friends, relative, loved ones can be invited.

2 cents worth hope it could be useful to your sharing. God bless you for your good work, faith and servant hood Pastor David.

In our church yesterday we were looking at 'desert experiences' The minister asked first what 'desert' conjured up for people. Anyone who wanted to, had their say. Also, later, people were invited to share any desert experience in their life. This doesn't happen every week but it does happen sometimes. Sheila

Hi David

My church hold conventional services Sunday mornings but in the evening they hold a different type of service. We sit at tables and drink coffee and some cake, much like in a coffeehouse ministry. I was saved in a coffeehouse ministry come to think of it.

Well anyway we have a little sermon but it is broken up into parts so we can discuss posed questions in groups. These are prearranged questions designed to reinforce the message. At the end the pastor asks another question to the whole group and answers are said aloud for all to hear. I find it nicely interactive.

Apart from that I'd like to see more personal testimonies from the people and how God is working in our lives now. That could include confessing sin in some cases. All this has to be done without coercion for it to work. People are invited to s share if they feel they'd like to.

Anyway thanks for your ministry. It has been a blessing to me

Greetings in the Lord

David (that is my name)

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The Birth of Jesus Christ

"This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”—which means, “God with us.” When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.

The Visit of the Magi

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written: ”‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.’” Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.” After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.

The Escape to Egypt

When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.” When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: “A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.”

The Return to Nazareth

After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child’s life are dead.” So he got up, took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: “He will be called a Nazarene.” (Matthew 1:18-2:23)

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472. If I had full knowledge of everything, wouldn’t I be God? Fortunately I will never have to answer this question!

473. Knowledge is a golden sceptre, appearing to be so powerful and beautiful to behold, yet it can be quickly disfigured by even the smallest diamond of truth.

474. Faith grows through a conviction of the truth rather than in the understanding of knowledge.

475. Knowledge enhances a faith already secure in the truth.

476. God’s truth is constant, but knowledge is defined by our circumstances.

477. God’s truth is progressively revealed to those with a heart willing to embrace it.

478. Faith is built by embracing God’s truth, enabling further truths to be revealed.

479. Faith and truth are heavenly lovers.

480. Faith and truth is a marriage made in heaven.

481. Genuine faith revels in godly truth, but human faith is dependent upon earthly knowledge.

482. It is so easy to be beguiled by the complexity of knowledge when seeking the simplicity of true faith.

Please feel free to quote these quotes. Acknowledgement of David Tait as the author would be appreciated. There are now over 1300 David sayings for you to view at ...


49 While Jesus was still speaking, someone came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. “Your daughter is dead,” he said. “Don’t bother the teacher any more.”
50 Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.” 51 When he arrived at the house of Jairus, he did not let anyone go in with him except Peter, John and James, and the child’s father and mother. 52 Meanwhile, all the people were wailing and mourning for her. “Stop wailing,” Jesus said. “She is not dead but asleep.” 53 They laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. 54 But he took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up!” 55 Her spirit returned, and at once she stood up. Then Jesus told them to give her something to eat. 56 Her parents were astonished, but he ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened. (Luke 8:49-56)


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God plans everything in advance. The Covenants reveal God's plans to mankind.

Next week we are going to see God's revealed plan, through the ages, for His people.

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As Christians, if we can't laugh at ourselves, others will! A fun way to start your day.

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***Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused***

*** "Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others." ***

Rabbi Ezra, his wife, and their children were really curious as to why Gentiles were so fond of eating pork. They decided to try some, but there was nowhere in town they could go and not be seen.

One weekend, the Rabbi and his family travelled to a distant town, went into a restaurant, and ordered roast pork.

While they were waiting to be served, a member of Rabbi Ezra's Synagogue walks in. He sees the Rabbi and his family. The member asks if he could join them for dinner. The Rabbi has no choice but to agree.

A while later, the waiter returns with the Rabbi's meal. He takes the cover off the large platter, and there is a whole roast pig, with an apple in its mouth. The Synagogue member is more than a little shocked.

"What a fancy place," explains the Rabbi quickly. "Just look at how they serve the apple I ordered."

 On the first day of creation, God created the dog.
 On the second day, God created man to serve the dog.
 On the third day, God created all the animals of the earth (especially the horse) to serve as food for the dog.
 On the fourth day, God created honest toil so that man could labor for the good of the dog.
 On the fifth day, God created the tennis ball so that the dog might or might not retrieve it.
 On the sixth day, God created veterinary science to keep the dog healthy and the man broke.
On the seventh day, God tried to rest, but He had to walk the dog.

What with sermon preparations and anxiety, the new preacher had gotten very little sleep the week before he was to address his flock for the first time.

By Sunday morning, he was both exhausted and extremely nervous. Nevertheless, he managed to make it up the few steps onto the platform and into the pulpit.

The preacher had barely begun his sermon when everything he had planned to say flew right out of his mind. In fact, his mind went totally blank. Then he remembered that in seminary they had taught him what to do if a situation like this ever arose: "Repeat your last point, and let it remind you of what's coming next."

Figuring this advice couldn't hurt, he recalled the very last thing he'd said, and repeated it: "Behold," he quoted, "I come quickly."

Still his mind was blank. He thought he'd better try it again, "Behold, I come quickly." Still nothing.

He tried it one more time. "Behold, I come quickly!" he all but shouted.

In his panic, the preacher pounded the pulpit with such force that he lost his balance, fell forward, knocked the pulpit to one side, tripped over a flower arrangement, and fell into the lap of a little old lady in the front row.

Flustered and embarrassed, the preacher picked himself up, apologized profusely, and started to explain what had just happened.

"That's all right, young man," said the little old lady kindly. "It was my fault, really. You told me three times you were on your way down here. I should have just gotten out of your way!"

FREE DOWNLOAD: You can now download the book 'Laughing At Ourselves' in PDF format at LAUGHING AT OURSELVES

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LAST WEEKS QUESTION: Is it possible for twins to have different fathers?

ANSWER: Yes. There have been several documented cases of women giving birth to twins who had different fathers, including cases where the children were of different races. To do so, the mother had to have conceived both children in close proximity. There has also been one recent case where a mother gave birth to unrelated ‘twins’. In that instance, the mother underwent in vitro fertilisation and had her own child and the embryo of another couple accidentally implanted in her. (Possible, but not the way God planned it.)

THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: How do black and white stripes camouflage zebras?

Answer Next Week.


Rene Descartes came up with the theory of co-ordinate geometry by looking at a fly walk across a tiled ceiling. (No wonder I couldn’t understand it – for the fly has now flown away!)

The term ‘the 3 R’s’ (for reading, writing and arithmetic) was coined by Sir William Curtis, who was illiterate. (Naturally, he couldn’t spell either!)

Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, John Hancock and Charles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on August 2, but the last signature wasn't added until 5 years later. (An independent spirit dies hard – look at America today!)


Make another word from this word using all the letters.


Answer at the end of A David Musing

FREE DOWNLOAD: You can download the full version of our Trivia Book at TRULY TRIFFLING TRIVIA

Or view all 1232 online at...


NOTE FROM DAVID: Over the next while we will be including questions from this excellent, thought provoking, self - analysis questionnaire prepared by my friend Rodney. I recommend this highly to all who are involved in pastoring.


Pastoring is a very challenging calling, and one that often has many demands placed upon it by people battling through problems and circumstances in life that they would prefer not to have. It is therefore very important that the office of a Pastor is filled by those who have the call of God to be Pastors. We have observed that people with the gifting of an Evangelist often finish up Pastoring. Yet Evangelists do not make good Pastors ~ it is a very different gifting.

This paper is an honest attempt to help those who are Pastoring to be more sure of their calling in God. When we know the will of God ~ and are walking in that will ~ then our lives and ministries will be much more fruitful. Pastoring is a calling, a gifting, not an occupation. I Pastored churches for 25 years, as well as pioneered several others, before God clearly called me into a full-time faith ministry at the beginning of the year 2000, so I do have an understanding of the things a Pastor goes through. My heart is to see Pastors fulfill their calling and destiny ~ that of nurturing and shepherding the people God entrusts to them ~ and to bring them to a place where they can be released to fulfill their calling and destiny as well (Ephesians 4:11-16).

May the following questions help you to clarify more of the call of God on your life, so you will be more effective than ever in the days ahead. There is no greater privilege in this life than to be called of God to a specific task, and to be fulfilling it. It also carries a huge responsibility, because Pastors are answerable to God for the way they treat and lead their people.


Do you have a missions vision? That is, do you go on overseas missions to see how God works in other places ~ and take some of your people with you as a training exercise? (Numbers of people I have taken out on overseas missions are now in full-time Christian Ministry. Travelling and ministering together gives great opportunities to be able to impart into our people the things of God).

Is there anything that God is asking you to lay down (to place it on His altar)? (Often we cannot progress on to the next stage in God’s calling for us, until first we lay down what He is asking us to. It is a fact that we are secure in what we know, more than stepping out in faith into that which we do not yet know. But it is God’s way of stretching our faith so we can fulfil His calling, as well as answer the desires of our heart to be more effective and fruitful.)

Is there something that God has asked you to do, and you have not done it yet?

What is your attitude toward money?

Does God supply your needs for that which He has called you to do?

Your fellow-labourer in the harvest field of Jesus,

Rodney W. Francis.

Founder/Director: The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry
(Commenced April 1964)

(To be continued next week.)

Please note that you will find a number of good articles on our Website. Feel free to download and use as you want to.


18: What did the disciples say to Jesus before the ascension?

a. Lord will you at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
b. Lord will you take us to your kingdom?
c. Lord why are you leaving us without setting up your kingdom?
d. Lord your kingdom will remain in our hearts forever.


Heaps more fun and serious 'God Facts' are found at...



!!!!!!! Co-operate! Remember the banana ~ every time it leaves the bunch it gets skinned.

!!!!!! Success comes in cans: Failure comes in can'ts.

!!!!! To be the picture of health, be in a good frame of mind.

!!!! We have two ears and only one tongue, in order that we may hear more and speak less.

!!! Give yourself to God ~ He can do more with you than you can.

!! Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.

! You have to be pretty low for a molehill to look like a mountain.



Our local humane society had an overabundance of cats, and to deal with the surplus they posted a notice: "Laptops Available. Mouse not included."

Three tortoises, Mick, Andy and Roy, decide to go on a picnic.

So Mick packs the picnic basket with beer and sandwiches. The trouble is the picnic site is ten miles away so it takes them ten days to get there. When they get there Mick unpacks the food and beer. "Ok Roy give me the bottle opener."

"I didn"t bring it" says Roy. "I thought you packed it".

Mick gets worried, He turns to Andy, "Did you bring the bottle opener?"

Naturally Andy didn"t bring it. So they"re stuck ten miles from home without a bottle opener. Mick and Andy beg Roy to go back for it. But he refuses as he says they will eat all the sandwiches while he's gone.

After two hours, and after they have sworn on their tortoise lives that they will not eat the sandwiches, he finally agrees. So Roy sets off down the road at a steady pace.

Twenty days pass and he still isn"t back and Mick and Andy are starving, but a promise is a promise.

Another five days and he still isn't back, but a promise is a promise.

Finally they can't take it any longer so they take out a sandwich each, and just as they are about to eat it, Roy pops up from behind a rock and shouts, "SEE! I KNEW IT! I'M NOT GOING!"

During the midst of rush hour traffic, a bus driver pulled over to the next stop just in time to pick up a boy carrying a strange looking box.

Curious, the bus driver looked into the box and saw four tiny little kittens - so young that their eyes hadn't yet opened.

"I haven't seen kittens that young for a long time," the bus driver said, "What are you going to do with them?"

The boy, looking a bit puzzled, replied, "They're not kittens, they're athiests and I am taking them to church". The bus driver decided to leave that one alone and continued on his rounds.

A few days later the boy got on the same bus with the same bus driver. The bus driver recognized the boy carrying the curious box and said, "I see that you brought your athiests with you again, are you going back to church?"

The boy replied with a grin, "They're not athiests any longer, they're Christians - their eyes have been opened!"

In an upscale pet-supply store, a customer wanted to buy a red sweater for her dog. The clerk suggested that she bring her dog in for a proper fit.

"Oh, no, I can't do that!" the lady said. "See, the sweater is going to be a surprise!"

Relax and laugh at 'pet'ty humour here.....

BIBLE TRIVIA (Strange and Amazing Facts)


There are 929 in the Old Testament and 260 in the New making 1189 in all.(Read 3.25 a day to read the Bible in a year.)

Adapted from: '1001 Surprising Things You Should Know About The Bible' MacGregor & Prys

Research Reveals Strong Public Engagement Among Christians

Posted: Friday, December 9, 2011, 16:17 (GMT)

Christians remain committed to engagement in the public square and are increasingly harnessing the internet to do so, new research from the Evangelical Alliance has shown.

Out of more than 1,000 Christians surveyed, 76% said internet provides an excellent way for churches to share the gospel with the wider public.

Just over 53% said they had donated online and and 81% said they had signed an online petition, compared to just 36% of the general public who said they had signed a petition over the internet.

Fifty-two per cent of respondents said they had made the effort to contact their local MPs or councillors by email, compared to only 18% of the general public, while 19% took part in lobbying or a demonstration.

Some forms of social media have proved more popular than others among Christians. While over half the panel had used Facebook or other social network sites in the last month, less than 20% had uploaded a video clip to Youtube, and three quarters had never used Twitter.

There were also signs of caution however. Eighty per cent of those surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that ‘There is a high proportion of dangerous rubbish on the internet’.
A quarter agreed or strongly agreed that they spend too much time online.

Despite more channels of communication being available to the church than ever, more than 85% of respondents said they believed the church has little or no influence on society.

The findings are detailed in the latest report from the Evangelical Alliance, Are We Communicating?

The report found that evangelical Christians continue to be concerned by abortion, euthanasia, gay rights, pornography, religious education, persecution and alcohol abuse.

Other areas of concern include poverty, public sector cuts, and big news issues like NHS reform, Rupert Murdoch’s bid for Sky TV, and Sunday parking charges.

Steve Clifford, general director of the Evangelical Alliance says: “Once again our research has produced a fascinating picture of evangelical habits and beliefs.

"Evangelicals are web-savvy and not slow in communicating our issues to those in power, but there are still concerns about where the internet is taking us - is its volume and intensity preventing us from listening to each other and the voice of God?

"We now have a wider range of media than ever before so let’s use it to share the most important message of all.”




Quoting 1 John 2:1-6, six of the most thought provoking and important verses in scripture for walking with Jesus today. A4 size.

Check it out and download your free PDF File here.....


What does Christmas mean to you?


Christmas time comes but once a year,
To be happy, you drink lots of beer!
Putting your gifts on the credit card,
Then come the repayments, oh so hard!

But Jesus came on Christmas Day,
Forever more to show the way,
How to enter into God's glorious presence.
In the ultimate of all Christmas presents!

So this Christmas, for some cheer,
Party less, put aside the beer,
And enter into the Holy Place,
To meet with God, face to face.

More of David's offerings at...


By the time next Monday comes, Christmas will be over! My, how time goes so fast!

This year has been a challenging one for us, to say the least. From my Mum's death in January, Kathy's Mum not being as well as she was, plus Kathy having to find extra work, through shutting down 5 of our 10 shops during the year in order to keep Seekers afloat, to our recent home invasion.

On the positive side, we have now completed 10 years of PGIM without missing an issue. I thank the Lord for good health to enable that to happen.

However, what has pleased Kathy and I has been the Lord's working in us to help cope with the setbacks we have had. We now better understand the wisdom of the teachings of Jesus, the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us through troubled waters, as we try our best to do understand and apply the Fathers will in our lives. Without Him, life would have much more difficult. In Him, we have found both comfort and the strength to deal with life's twists and turns.

May your faith be strengthened too, as we celebrate Christmas together, in spirit if not in location, as one big family of God.

Until next week.......


His servant and yours

David Tait

Today's 'Word Puzzle' Answer: NIGHT

TODAY'S 'BIBLE QUESTION' ANSWER: 18a. Lord will you at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? (Acts 1:6)


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WALKING WITH JESUS MINISTRIES is a non-profit, non-denominational, Bible based ministry located in Hastings, New Zealand. A ministry dedicated to developing discipleship, fostering unity amongst God’s people to achieve the Great Commission, and in doing so, preparing for Christ’s return. It is securely based upon the foundational principles of the Apostles Creed while recognising the wide and rich diversity of beliefs amongst Christians in other areas. In accordance with the Lord’s direction, materials produced by the ministry are available, free of charge, to genuine enquirers upon request. The ministry is solely funded by donations, as the Lord provides. A list of materials available (plus some fun!) is obtainable and freely downloadable from our website or by contacting us as follows.

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Our role is to bless and encourage those in ministry while promoting co-operation and unity of direction amongst the body of Christ, as emphasised 3 times by Jesus in His longest prayer, immediately prior to His arrest and crucifixion. "… so that they may be one as we are one." (John 17:12, 21, 23-4) Our website is currently being developed to encourage your participation one with another, to share resources, and to enable you to promote events and items of interest to the body as a whole – and have a smile while doing it!

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