A Weekly World Wide Word of Encouragement to those in the Ministry
A FREE service, currently connecting with Christian leaders from 3,000 denominations and ministries, in 70 countries.
Issue No: 829 Published: 18 Sep 2017
After a period of spiritual inactivity in the Roman Catholic Church, the 11th century saw genuine spiritual renewal, particularly within the monastic movement. New orders emerged, including the Cistercians, the Franciscans and the Dominicans who, particularly the latter two, left their monasteries and went out into the world. Known as the 'preaching friars', they preached in the common languages and helped the people in many ways.
Characteristically they.....
1. Literally obeyed the commands of Jesus.
2. Took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
3. Went on preaching missions without money or clothing, depending on God and people for their sustenance.
4. Saw miracles in their own lives and the people’s lives.
5. Recovered the purity of faith of an earlier day.
(Isn't amazing what happens when we fully trust in the Lord?)
BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX (1090-1153) Born of noble parentage in Fontaines, Burgundy, now east-central France, by choice he entered the monastery at Citeaux in 1112. Making remarkable progress, he was commissioned by the abbot of Citeaux to establish a new monastery at Clairvaux in 1115.
Becoming widely influential through his travels, he was largely responsible for the Second Crusade (1147-1149), with noblemen, bishops, princes and popes seeking his counsel.
Bernard also gained recognition because of the many miracles that occurred in his ministry. It was reported, "From all quarters sick persons were conveyed to him by the friends who sought from him a cure." Many miracles took place. A deaf-mute boy regained his hearing and spoke. The monk Gottfried reported of a blind boy after having his eyes opened shouting, "I see day, I see everybody, I see people with hair." Clapping his hands in delight, he exclaimed, "My God, now I will no more dash my feet against the stones."
HILDEGARD OF BINGEN (1098-1179) She has been recognised as "the most prominent woman in the Church of her day." The leader of a Benedictine convent near Bingen on the Rhine in Germany, she was widely recognized for her power in prayer, being petitioned by many, including church officials, to intercede on their behalf. Many came to Hildegard seeking healing, even from as far away as Sweden. She applied no formula but relied upon the inner leading of the Holy Spirit for a unique solution in each case. It is reported, "Sometimes the medium used was a prayer, sometimes a simple word of command, sometimes water which, as in one case, healed paralysis of the tongue." Contemporaries reported that "scarcely a sick person came to her without being healed."
Hildegard had visions while wide-awake and perfectly conscious. What she saw, she saw by "using the eyes and ears of the inner person according to the will of God."
Additionally, she spoke and sang in tongues. Her colleagues referred to these spiritual songs as "concerts in the Spirit."
Misunderstood by some, her critics denounced her as being demon possessed. She was defended however, by her friend, Bernard of Clairvaux, who also commended her to Pope Eugenius III. In 1148, Eugenius personally visited her and, after investigating her revelations "recognized the genuineness of her miracles and encouraged her to continue her course."
DOMINIC (1170-1221) A contemporary of Francis of Assisi, Dominic set up the preaching order known as the Dominicans, particularly known for their efforts in missionary work and education. Primarily they were seeking to win back to the Roman Catholic Church, those such as the Cathari and Waldensians, by outstripping them in piety and zeal.
Dominic was well known for visions and miracles. Napoleon, the son of Lord Cardinal Stephen, fell from his horse and instantly died. Dominic arrived on the scene, lifted his hands to the heavens and cried out, "Young man, Napoleon, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I say to thee arise." Before the eyes of all those present, the young man arose and said, "Give me something to eat."
Joining with a group of Germans travelling through Europe, Dominic enjoyed their hospitality but could not talk to them. Dominic told his companion to join him and "kneel down and pray God that He teach us their language for we are not able to announce to them the Lord Jesus." Astonished at Dominic's sudden ability to speak their language, the Germans listened intently over a four-day period as Dominic shared the gospel.
FRANCIS OF ASSISI (1181-1226) (Pictured) The son of a prosperous merchant, as a young man, while praying in a church outside Assisi, he heard a voice say to him, "Go and repair My house, which is fallen down." Interpreting "house" to mean the building in which he was praying, he immediately went to his father's warehouse, took a horse and a load of cloth, sold both and gave the money to the church for repairs.
Later, he realized that 'house' meant the church generally.
Quoting Hyatt again…..
"Francis established the Franciscan order, a monastic order dedicated to studying the Scriptures, preaching the gospel, praying and helping the poor. Interpreting Matthew 10:7-19 literally, they elected to renounce all earthly possessions and to live in poverty. The order was endowed with great spiritual power, and it has been called "perhaps the most thoroughly charismatic [order], in its primitive period, that the church has ever known. Indeed, Francis's preaching was accompanied by great power. Specifically, reports Butler, God gave Francis the gifts of prophecy and miracles. Also, many healings occurred as a result of Francis's prayers. On one occasion, for example, while preaching in the city of Narni, Francis was taken to a man who was completely paralyzed. The man had expressed assurance that if Francis would come to him, he would be completely healed. When Francis entered the man's room, he made the sign of the cross over the man from his head to his feet. Immediately, the man arose fully recovered."
According to Jacob de Voragine, a thirteenth-century writer, Francis had originally been named Giovanni (i.e. John), but adopted the name Francis as the result of a miracle from God that had empowered him to speak French. De Voragine says, "Whenever he was filled with the fervour of the Holy Spirit, he burst forth ardently in the French tongue."
VINCENT OF FERRIER (1350-1419) At a time when he was ill, Vincent, a Dominican preacher, had a vision of Christ instructing him to "go through the world preaching Christ." And he was healed! Immediately, he set out preaching and teaching throughout Europe with amazing results. He was described as one whose words "struck terror in the hearts of sinners." Such conviction accompanied his preaching that, sometimes, he had to curtail his sermons because of overpowering sobs from the congregation. Everywhere he preached, numerous conversions and amazing miracles were reported. Some 'fainted' under the Holy Spirit's power. During ministry in the Netherlands, so many miracles happened, that an hour was set aside daily for the healing of the sick. Vincent is also reported to have spoken in tongues.
OTHER EXAMPLES Many other examples include.....
Jean of the Cross spoke in tongues often, once convincing two Muslims to believe on Christ by speaking in their native Arabic.
St. Stephen (d. 1396) on missions to Georgia, preached to the native peoples in their own language, a tongue he had never learned.
St. Colette (1380-1447) spoke in both Latin and German neither of which she knew.
Francis Xavier (1506-1552) In his missions to the Far East, he is said to have spoken Japanese "as if he had lived in Japan all his life." At his canonization by Urban VIII, it was emphasized that Xavier possessed the gift of tongues and "spoke to the various tribes with ease in their languages."
(Continued next week)
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May we hear what the Lord is saying to us.
The Coming of the Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37)
Answering the Pharisees
“God’s kingdom doesn’t come with visible signs that you can observe. People won’t be saying, ‘Look, it’s here’ or ‘Look, it’s there,’ for God’s kingdom is within you.”
Teaching the disciples.
“The time is coming when you’ll long to see the day when the Son of man comes, but you won’t see it. They’ll be telling you, “Look, there he is,’ or ‘look, here he is,’ but don’t go running off after them. The day when the Son of man comes will be just like lightning that flashes, lighting up the sky from one side to the other. But first he will have to suffer many things, and be rejected by this generation. The time when the Son of man comes will be like it was in Noah’s day. People went on eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day Noah went into the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It will be like it was in Lot’s day. People went on eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But on the day Lot left Sodom, fire and brimstone rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.
“The day the Son of man appears will be just like that. If you’re up on the roof that day don’t go down and get your things; and if you’re out in the fields don’t go back home either. Remember Lot’s wife! If you try
to hold on to your life you’ll lose it; but if you lose your life you’ll save it. I tell you, at that time two will be in
bed at night; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain, one will be taken; and the other left.”
“Where, Lord?” “Where the carcass is, that’s where the vultures gather,”
(Continued next week)
You can download the complete 'Words of Jesus' here.
REPORT FROM AN EYE 4 AFRICA No. 1 – 13 September 2017
Dear Supporters and friends
FINALLY, Greetings from Kathy and David!
We have now been in Kenya for exactly 2 months.
Check out our website here.....
The first 5-6 weeks were largely in limbo (hence why no earlier report), waiting for the Dutch founders of the Compound on which we live to arrive, in order to discuss plans for both parties for the future.
We got on extremely well with Bert and Vincent, the 2 main men and, as a result of our discussions, have agreed to manage the compound on their behalf.
At the same time, it was agreed that we should not build our facility on the compound, but rather, look for land adjacent, so that we can share in using water, electricity, and internet, all sourced from the compound.
So for the past 2 weeks we have been talking, in particular, to one set of neighbours.
Negotiations here proceed slowly, requiring endless supplies of both good humour and patience. Initially the neighbour did not wish to sell, but was eventually persuaded to by prominent members of the community and his family. For the provision of a medical facility is a huge boost to the community.
TODAY, WE ARE PLEASED TO ADVISE THAT WE HAVE PURCHSED (in the name of our Medical Director until we can get an NGO established) ONE ACRE OF LAND FOR OUR FACILITY!!!
Of course, this has cost us money ($NZ17,000, $US12,000) out of our building fund but it has the advantage of giving us control over our land with more room for expansion.
After much consideration, we have decided to move to a mixed Eye Clinic/Hospital model, for long term sustainability reasons. The unfortunate part of an eye clinic only model, is the need for continual funding in order for it to work.
An Eye Clinic/Hospital model will generate funding by charging some fees, and carrying out profitable operations for clients with medical insurance, in order to fund cataract surgeries and treatment for the poor in the community and wider area.
Our main concern is to see that it remains operational and effective, once we depart, for whatever reason.
With the remaining money, and any more that comes in, we will build our initial building, including an Outpatients Clinic as well as facilities for eyes.
As funding allows, we will build 2 operating theatres and supporting infrastructure.
Obviously the culture is very different to that we, in the West, are used to.
The people here are very generous, hospitable and kind. We have been made very welcome. Our Hosts, David and Selina and family have embraced us as part of their family, which is a huge blessing to us.
Ways of thinking and working are completely different to the West though, which creates many challenges in getting things done. Tomorrow is the most popular day! It does take some getting used to!
The people in our area generally have sufficient food to eat, but no cash. Over the generations, the properties have been split up in passing down from fathers to sons, to such an extent, that a 1 acre lot, is now very common here. It is not enough to make more than a subsistence living off, and obviously, the traditional inheritance methods cannot continue in the future. Some better off people are buying land elsewhere for their children, while others are leaving the family farms to go live in the city.
Education is highly prized and families make huge sacrifices to send their offspring to university. A Masters’ Degree is the minimum qualification to get a good job. Competition is intense, as unemployment rates are high.
However, with all their struggles in life, the people are generally happier here than in the materialistic West. Generally children are obedient to their parents and satisfied with a piece of stich or an old bike tyre to make their entertainment.
As we have had so much ‘waiting time’ prior to the Dutch team’s arrival, our hands and own money have been put into, in Kathy’s case, looking after and loving an outdoor tomato patch, while I have resurrected a disused, damaged greenhouse, now planted in tomatoes. (Has been a dream of mine for years, but not possible in New Zealand.)
Walking with Jesus Ministries primarily operates on the internet. Being several kilometres outside Webuye in Malaha Village, reception has been patchy, at best, Currently, we are operating off a tethered hotspot, using data from the phone.
Thanks to a donation from one of our Dutch tem friends, plus a sizable contribution personally, we are about to build a 24metre high mast, (nearly 80ft) to obtain radio Wifi from the transmission mast in Webuye. This will be used by ourselves, the Bible School (Which the Dutch are committed to funding) and the hospital, in due course. This will make life and communication much easier. You don’t realize how dependant we are today on the Net, until you have to do without it, on a longer term basis! Communication currently, is best through Watsap or Viber, or of course, email.
You can keep up with (almost) daily snippets of life here in Kenya if you see and LIKE our Facebook page, AN EYE 4 Africa. Our website aneye4africa.org will start to be updated again once we have better internet connection.
Love from Her – Cheers from Him
Kathy and David
9 BOOKS are now available on Amazon (Kindle)!
All are available worldwide for electronic download on Amazon (Kindle) for $US0.99c . Unfortunately there has to be a charge in order to list.
Your support would be appreciated and they could well change your life!
They are all found at this link.....
Receive one of David's sayings in your mailbox each day to inspire, challenge or maybe, amuse. To register today, go down to the bottom of the page link below, click on the subscribe link dd-on@wwj.org.nz (or paste the address in an email yourself and send) Then it's done! If you have an Irish heritage, you will love the background coloring!
Subscription and back issue link is.....
Join the many who have downloaded the 'The Words of Jesus'. I am sure you will be blessed by it, as I have been.
One key element here is the setting out in chronological order (as far as it is possible to do so) our Lord's words drawn from all the Gospels, and the elimination of repetition between Gospels.
You may be surprised by the different perspective this presentation gives you both in understanding of His life and ministry, and in achieving a closer relationship with Him.
Download the free PDF here.....
1205. To be a minister we don't have to be trained in Jesus, but simply reflect the Jesus in us.
1206. If we were all prepared to minister, fulfilling the Great Commission would be a breeze!
1207. Many ministers make light work!
1208. To the Christian, ministry is a requirement, not a calling.
1209. Professional ministry is a great excuse to leave God's work to someone else!
1210. Ministry is service, not position.
1211. Priests instruct, ministers serve.
1212. The 'priesthood of believers' is the latent power of the church. When released, it transforms the world.
1213. The ministry of example is the most powerful ministry of all.
1214. The true hallmark of ministry is not professionalism, but service.
Visit the Toon Fever website for more cartoon fun..... http://www.toonfever.com
Check it out at...
So fruit can be good or bad for us. All depending upon the choices we make.
Next week's study is brief, but of no less worth because of its brevity. Just like fruit. Its not size but taste that is the most important!
Let's munch!
As Christians, if we can't laugh at ourselves, others will! A fun way to start your day. To register today, go down to the bottom of the page link below, click on the subscribe link lao--on@wwj.org.nz (or paste the address in an email yourself and send) Then it's done!
***Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused***
*** Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others. ***
QWIK QWIP: “A coincidence is when God performs a miracle, and decides to remain anonymous.”
47. True Faith!
Three nuns were returning to the convent after a day of volunteer nursing at a local medical care centre. They were travelling along a back road when their car stopped.
After a quick memory search, they remembered they had forgotten to get gas the last time out.
As they were deciding which one would walk for to a gas station, a pickup truck drove up. The driver had plenty of gas and offered some, but he didn't have anything to put it in.
The nuns realised they had the ideal container for the donated gas, they thanked the driver and he went on his way.
A few minutes later an eighteen wheeler came down the road and saw the nuns pouring the contents of a bed pan into their gas tank.
The driver nudged his partner and said, "That's what I call true faith."
48. How Many Christians Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?
CHARISMATIC: Only one. Hands already in the air.
PENTECOSTALS: Ten. One to change the bulb, and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.
PRESBYTERIANS: None. Lights will go on and off at predestined times.
ROMAN CATHOLIC: None. Candles only.
BAPTISTS: At least 15. One to change the light bulb, and three committees to approve the change and decide who brings the potato salad.
EPISCOPALIANS: Eight. One to call the electrician, and seven to say how much they liked the old one better.
METHODISTS: Undetermined. Whether your light is bright, dull, or completely out, you are loved - you can be a light bulb, turnip bulb, or tulip bulb. Church wide lighting service is planned for Sunday, October 14. Bring bulb of your choice and a covered dish.
NAZARENE: Six. One woman to replace the bulb while five men review church lighting policy.
LUTHERANS: None. Lutherans don't believe in change.
AMISH: What's a light bulb?
Kathy and I have just returned from our first time away from the compound in the 2 months we have been here. We too time out for a long weekend to visit the Floricultural Show in Naivasha, a 9 hour drive away on the way, but only 7 on the way back!
As former floriculturalists, we were interested to see what Kenya had to offer, and were most impressed. The show had a large number of exhibitors and the technology and quality of the plants on display, was superb. Well worth the long van and bus rides. (How much easier and quicker it will be when we get a vehicle of our own - about 4+ hours!)
More about the Show next week.
Arriving home at 7pm on Sunday evening gave me 5 comfortable hours to write PGIM before publishing at midnight our time, or 9am Monday Morning New Zealand time.
Until, again, the WIFI gremlins hit! Nearly 5 hours of waiting and frustration as the Net came in and out, just before midnight I am completing this! PHEW ! Thank you Lord.
And just for fun, when writing this final article, the power has gone off as the generator has run out of petrol!
Welcome to Africa! A weekend mix of the amazing and the well.......
Until next week.......
His servant and yours
David Tait
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WALKING WITH JESUS MINISTRIES is a non-profit, non-denominational, Bible based ministry located in Hastings, New Zealand. A ministry dedicated to developing discipleship, fostering unity amongst God's people to achieve the Great Commission, and in doing so, preparing for Christ's return. It is securely based upon the foundational principles of the Apostles Creed while recognising the wide and rich diversity of beliefs amongst Christians in other areas. In accordance with the Lord's direction, materials produced by the ministry are available, free of charge, to genuine enquirers upon request. The ministry is solely funded by donations, as the Lord provides. A list of materials available (plus some fun!) is obtainable and freely downloadable from our websitewwj.org.nz or by contacting us as follows.
Walking With Jesus Ministries
7 Bull Street
New Zealand
Phone: (06) 835 0567 International (+64) 6 835 0567
Email: enquiries@wwj.org.nz
Web: wwj.org.nz
Our role is to bless and encourage those in ministry while promoting co-operation and unity of direction amongst the body of Christ, as emphasised 3 times by Jesus in His longest prayer, immediately prior to His arrest and crucifixion. "... so that they may be one as we are one." (John 17:12, 21, 23-4) Our website is currently being developed to encourage your participation one with another, to share resources, and to enable you to promote events and items of interest to the body as a whole - and have a smile while doing it!
For comments upon and contributions to this service, please contact