A Weekly World Wide Word of Encouragement to those in the Ministry
A FREE service, currently connecting with Christian leaders from 3,000 denominations and ministries, in 70 countries.
Issue No: 876 Published: 06 Aug 2018
Unfortunately our internet has been down for 6 days, from last Thursday.
It is hard to send out ezines without the internet! I haven't got enough pigeons for 'pigeon post'!
But we are back online now - and it's relatively fast too!
“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard. 3 “About the third hour he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. 4 He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ 5 So they went. “He went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did the same thing. 6 About the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’ 7 ”‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered. “He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’ 8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’ 9 “The workers who were hired about the eleventh hour came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These men who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’ 13 “But he answered one of them, ‘Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ 16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” (Matthew 20:1-14)
The primary meaning of this parable is an explanation to the Jews that the kingdom of God, while first offered to them, is not only theirs. In fact, many who come in later, that is the gentiles, will be their equals, indeed, may well surpass them. “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
There are of course, many sub meanings that have been preached about numerous times over the years. These will not be gone into here. What I would like to consider though, is the men who, in the first instance, were not hired. They stood round and did nothing. The usual explanation of this is that they were ones living in the world and under satan's dominion or control. The parable of the lost son returning after a life of debauchery is considered to be a parallel example of this principle.
But, at the risk of being declared a heretic, I would like to put forward a more positive view of these unhired men. In normal circumstances the vineyard owner would hire all the workers he required at the beginning of the day. The chances of getting work would be unlikely if were not in that first intake, becoming almost impossible the further the day went on. All through the day they waited. They could have given up and gone home, seeing they had missed out on a job. The longer they stayed, the more desperate for a job they showed themselves to be. Their desperation for the job was recognised in the wages they were finally given. So it is with the kingdom.
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8)
We must actively seek the kingdom. It is not given to us on a platter. Ask and keep asking. Knock and keep knocking. The kingdom is given to those who are prepared to sacrifice their own wants and desires in order to conform to the image of Jesus.
2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)
14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:14-16)
We need determination and perseverance, as illustrated by the late employed vineyard workers, in order to enter the kingdom.
12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence and violent people have been raiding it.
My friend, do not give up! (I am talking to myself here too.) When times are tough, when we think God has given up on us - or we want to give up on God - let us remember the workers who had the patience and determination to wait through the hot noonday sun in order to get into the kingdom vineyard. Their wait was rewarded. Their wages were paid in full. Yes, the last, you and me, can become the first in the kingdom of God. The choice is ours.
Are we prepared to pay the price?
(Continued next week)
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May we hear what the Lord is saying to us.....
The Sign of Jonah (Matthew 12:38-45)
As Jesus returned to Nazarath.
“Evil people who don’t trust in God are the ones who look for a miraculous sign. The only sign they will be given is the sign of the prophet Jonah,” “In the same way Jonah was in the belly of a huge fish for three days and three nights, the Son of man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.
The people of Nineveh will rise in the judgment together with this generation and they will condemn it because they repented in response to Jonah’s message—and as you see, there’s someone greater than Jonah here! The Queen of the South will be raised in the judgment together with this generation and will condemn it because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon—and as you see, there’s someone greater than Solomon here! When an evil spirit leaves someone, it wanders through deserted places looking for rest, and finds nowhere to stay. So it says, ‘I’ll go back to the place I left,’ and when it returns it finds the place empty, all clean and tidy. Then it goes and brings back seven other spirits even more evil than it is, and it enters and lives there. So the person ends up worse than they were at the beginning. That’s the way it will be with this evil generation.”
The Family of Jesus Come to Visit Him(Matthew 12:46-50, Mark 3:31-35, Luke 8:19-21)
When told of their presence, Jesus replies.
“Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?”
“Here is my mother! Here are my brothers! Whoever does what God wants, they are my brother, and sister, and mother.”
(Continued next week)
You can download the complete 'Words of Jesus' here.
AN EYE 4 Africa - https://www.facebook.com/aneye4africa/
.....before Kathy went on holiday to Britain. This was at a large primary school where the kids were treated for jiggers and adults and others having blood pressures and malaria tests done. All were fascinated by the bathroom scales and wanted to see their weight. Sadly, we need more funding before these very worthwhile outreaches can resume.
Kathy has learned how to dig into the foot to remove the insect, or rather, pupae.
The kids were happy to see us.
Our friend from our house church in Napier, NZ, Suzanne, paid us a visit, during her time in Uganda. She previously has lived in Uganda and would love to go back there longer term. Great to see and talk to a 'kiwi' friend! Thanks for coming Suzanne!
Our Gazebo and the kids watching on.
9 BOOKS are now available on Amazon (Kindle)!
All are available worldwide for electronic download on Amazon (Kindle) for $US0.99c . Unfortunately there has to be a charge in order to list.
Your support would be appreciated and they could well change your life!
They are all found at this link.....
Receive one of David's sayings in your mailbox each day to inspire, challenge or maybe, amuse. To register today, go down to the bottom of the page link below, click on the subscribe link dd-on@wwj.org.nz (or paste the address in an email yourself and send) Then it's done! If you have an Irish heritage, you will love the background coloring!
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Join the many who have downloaded the 'The Words of Jesus'. I am sure you will be blessed by it, as I have been.
One key element here is the setting out in chronological order (as far as it is possible to do so) our Lord's words drawn from all the Gospels, and the elimination of repetition between Gospels.
You may be surprised by the different perspective this presentation gives you both in understanding of His life and ministry, and in achieving a closer relationship with Him.
Download the free PDF here.....
249. Enthusiasm wins the sprint, perseverance the marathon, while enthusiastic perseverance maximises performance in the race of life.
250. Life experience has taught me that 'much fuss' hinders results while 'little fuss' reaps great rewards.
251. People find it much easier to find solutions to the problems of others than to face up to their own.
252. Strength is not a matter of opinions, but of purpose.
253. Many mean to 'find the way', but few seek 'The Way' to find life's answers.
274. An Olympic Gold Medal will soon tarnish, but God's reward is eternal.
286. An inspiration lasts for but a moment. An inspiration written down can bless others for generations.
287. If all those godly inspirations lost to memory had been recorded, we would now be much greater in wisdom. Also in filing cabinets!
Visit the Toon Fever website for more cartoon fun..... http://www.toonfever.com
Check it out at...
A short, introductory study on the application of the principles found in the pattern of Moses Tabernacle apply to the development of the church down through the ages, and beautifully describe the final church yet to come.
This is amazing stuff, explaining why the church is as it is today and how God desires it be in the future!
Not to be missed!
As Christians, if we can't laugh at ourselves, others will! A fun way to start your day. To register today, go down to the bottom of the page link below, click on the subscribe link lao--on@wwj.org.nz (or paste the address in an email yourself and send) Then it's done!
***Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused***
*** Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others. ***
169. A Valuable Animal
A farmer named Muldoon lived alone in the Irish countryside except for a pet dog he doted on. The dog finally died and Muldoon went to the parish priest, saying "Father, my dog is dead. Could you possibly be saying a mass for the poor creature?"
Father Patrick told the farmer "No, we can't have services for an animal in the church, but I'll tell you what, there's a new Protestant church down the road apiece, and they'll take in just about anybody. Maybe they'll do something for the animal."
Muldoon said, "I'll go right now. By the way, do you think $50,000 is enough to donate for the service?" Father Patrick replied "Why, didn't you tell me the dog was Catholic."
QWIK QWIP: “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit extra.”
170. Vested Interest
A rather well dressed man called on the minister and told him a distressing story of poverty and misery in the neighbourhood.
"This poor widow," he said, "with four starving children to feed, is sick in bed with no money for the doctor, and besides that, she owes $350 rent for three months and is about to be evicted. I'm out trying to help raise the rent money. I wondered if you can help?"
"I certainly can," said the minister. "If you can give your time to this cause, so can I. By the way, who are you?"
"I'm the landlord," said the man.
FREE DOWNLOAD: You can now download the book 'Laughing At Ourselves' in PDF format at LAUGHING AT OURSELVES One of the most comprehensive sources of Christian Humour on the Net with 800 sermon fillers for your entertainment and use at ..... https://www.wwj.org.nz/content/wwj18p47.pdf
Or read them all online at.....
"Everything comes to him who waits" is a well known saying.
In Africa, of course, it is modified to "Everything comes to him who waits and waits and waits and......................"!
For here waiting is an expectation, rather than a frustrating experience, as it is in the West.
For a Westerner coming to Africa, it is amonst the most frustrating of all cultural adjustments.
Of course, when it comes to God, we often need to wait for His timing in our lives. God must be an African for, like Africans, for Him 'a day is as a thousand years'!
I have had to wait for the internet to come back on in order to send this ezine to you. It was frustrating, for time promises were made and broken every day, but that is simply the way here and people accept it philosophically.
People here are relaxed about life and, in spite of their poverty, live happier lives than those in the West.
Patience is a virtue necessary in Africa, in God, and in the West too, where it would lead to happier lives.
Worth thinking about?
Until next week.......
His servant and yours
David Tait
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WALKING WITH JESUS MINISTRIES is a non-profit, non-denominational, Bible based ministry located in Hastings, New Zealand. A ministry dedicated to developing discipleship, fostering unity amongst God's people to achieve the Great Commission, and in doing so, preparing for Christ's return. It is securely based upon the foundational principles of the Apostles Creed while recognising the wide and rich diversity of beliefs amongst Christians in other areas. In accordance with the Lord's direction, materials produced by the ministry are available, free of charge, to genuine enquirers upon request. The ministry is solely funded by donations, as the Lord provides. A list of materials available (plus some fun!) is obtainable and freely downloadable from our websitewwj.org.nz or by contacting us as follows.
Walking With Jesus Ministries
7 Bull Street
New Zealand
Phone: (06) 835 0567 International (+64) 6 835 0567
Email: enquiries@wwj.org.nz
Web: wwj.org.nz
Our role is to bless and encourage those in ministry while promoting co-operation and unity of direction amongst the body of Christ, as emphasised 3 times by Jesus in His longest prayer, immediately prior to His arrest and crucifixion. "... so that they may be one as we are one." (John 17:12, 21, 23-4) Our website is currently being developed to encourage your participation one with another, to share resources, and to enable you to promote events and items of interest to the body as a whole - and have a smile while doing it!
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