A Weekly World Wide Word of Encouragement to those in the Ministry
A FREE service, currently connecting with Christian leaders from 3,000 denominations and ministries, in 70 countries.
Issue No: 835 Published: 24 Oct 2017


DAVID & KATHY TAIT P O Box 2,Webuye, Kenya 50205
Emails david@wwj.org.nz - kathy@wwj.org.nz
PHONES: (Viber and Watsap) (D)+254737777252 - (K)+254788664981
NZ Bank Account: Westpac, Greerton: 03-1549-0018667-001
(Please email david@wwj.org.nz for $US bank details in Kenya)

Dear Supporters and Friends
We are thrilled to advise that after considerable negotiations we signed the contract for the building on 11 October with KEB Contactors, an experienced firm that can guarantee to do a quality job.

From the LHS. Our host and mentor, David Walukhu, Jonah and Nathaniel from KEB, and Kathy.
We considered the option of building ‘labour only’ using local materials, which may have been a little cheaper but the quality would not have been the same. And, as we have found out over the past few days, we have already been saved from numerous challenges, some African, others applying to construction anywhere. For example, everyone wants a job! Most people too, know of the perfect contractor that could do the job! For a commission, of course!

The first challenge has been to get the materials for the foundations on site. Shingle and sand has turned up in a huge 35 tonne truck. Ummmm! No way of getting that down the driveway to the building site! So we arranged with the neighbour to put them at his place, as he had a wider entry. Challenge No. 1 solved but then came the rain and a ‘stuck truck’!

Two hours and 30 metres later, the truck was freed and the load tipped off.

Kenya is a land of such contrast. Some time ago we had stones and sand delivered to the compound, for a small job, on a bullock cart.

Then, the most modern technology above, followed by an intermediate delivery the next day of rocks, on a 15 tonne truck that had to be loaded and unloaded by hand!

DAY 1: TUESDAY 17 October
Work started on the foundations after the ground was blessed by a group of Pastors and workers. Kathy then ‘broke the ground’

Then to work!

It is amazing what people power can achieve. Put 25 boys with ‘jembes’ on the job with Kathy admiring their work.....

.....and all is finished, dug to the correct levels (the land slopes down from left to right) in 5 hours. A great job done! Internal dimensions 32x10 metres. Plus a porch at the front entrance.

African style latrines to 7ft! Target 30ft!

DAY 2: WEDNESDAY 18 October
Lady Kathy again, helping mix the concrete by hand. No concrete trucks here! People power the key. (David is working hard too! See his finger on the lens! OOPS!)

Placed in the trench to a depth of 15cm (6”) Completed!

Not so glorious mud!

While David enjoys a tractor ride!

Latrines to 14ft! See foot holds on the side!

Storage shed & Night Watchmen hut on the way.

DAY 3: THURSDAY 19 October
Job, the site Foreman laying the Cornerstone. The correct construction of this and other buildings, is determined by accuracy of the laying of the cornerstone.

Full gender balance and equality here ladies! These ladies are carrying water. It is heavy!

And mixing sand & cement to make mortor for between the stones.

The foundations are raised to the height of 3 stones.

This was to be the final height. However, Jonah the contractor is determined to do the best job, so tomorrow the height will be raised one more stone!

Meanwhile, David gets to be in ‘tractor heaven’, driving the tractor, bringing back memories of the old horticulture days! Could have been more of a smile though! Inside I was!

Latrines down to 19ft!

Our storage shed & office/night watchman’s hut gets covered. But how about doors and windows?

Passing the coffee trees on the path to the site. The beans are about ready to harvest.

A big helping of Ugali keeps a man both happy and strong!

DAY 4: FRIDAY 20 October

KATHY LEADING THE WAY! (For 1 minute!)

We now have doors! Windows are yet to come. Inside now has a concrete floor too!

Climbing out of the latrine pit using the footholds on the side while being steadied by a rope. To 23ft today. 7ft to go!

Kathy trying out the tractor for size. She will be the next to drive when it dries out a little. Memories for her also!

The porch or veranda at the front of the building where the main entrance will be.

The day’s work Is done. Now the promise of things to come can be clearly seen. The Eye Cinic/Hospital will initially operate from the the front of the building, back to the second of the two foundation strengthing walls in the middle. The foundation floor will be raised to level of the top of the stone wall, to avoid any chance of flooding. You will walk in the front door in the foreground to enter the reception area. After reception, to the right will be the Pharmacy,with an outside window for those who simply require pharmacuticals. There will be a 2 metre corridor down the middle, with Doctors rooms, laboratory and a temporary operating theatre, running off it. Toilet facilities will be between the 2 centre stone walls. The rear will be developed to include 2 Operating Theatres, recovery room, etc. as funds become available. Down the track, Inpatient Wards would be housed in another building. Eight buildings of this size could be erected on the property.

Kathy and I thank you so much for being interested in,and ongoing funding’ of this project for the needy people here where we live. You play a vital role, for wiithout your support, the project would not have got off the ground! Obviously, money is an ongoing requirement. Perticularly, as we unexpectedly, had to buy land (NZ$20,,00 $US14,000). Now, of course, we have to purchase plant and equipment of a similar amount. We looked at building only the first half of the building, but the economics were not there, sSo we have arranged briding finance in the meantime to complete. Long term, we are looking to self sufficiency.
We do trust that you can now more easily envision what we are doing on your behalf. It has taken a long time to get underway, but now we expect the building to be completed in 6 weeks time, with a provisional opening date in early January.
May God bless you all
Kathy and David
Contact Email: david@wwj.org.nz