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Issue No: 1039     Published: 13 Sep 2021




Let’s wander back in time - a mere 3,500 years - to the days shortly after the children of Israel had entered the Promised Land, having spent 40 long years in the Sinai Desert. No trouble to us! We don’t need a time machine, only an imagination. Much cheaper and less high tech! More likely to work too! 

You are now a God fearing Israelite of average means, living with your family on a small farm. You wish to repent (Say sorry to God and undertake not to do it again) for offending your neighbour last week when talking to him, well – to be honest - gossiping really, about a mutual acquaintance. You didn’t mean to be offensive at the time, but now realise you shouldn’t have said the things you did. Having sinned, you really want to make a Sin Offering before your Lord. For the Pentateuch, traditionally known as ‘the five-fifths of the law’ (1st 5 books of the bible) has been read many times to you by the priests on the Day of Atonement, and during other festivals over the years. So much so that you now know the main points off by heart! 

 Conveniently, the home of the Lord, His Tabernacle that Moses built some 50 years ago, is close by, only 5,000 paces or so (4km)down the road. A nice early morning walk before it gets too hot. That way you can beat the crowd, for it is not very big really and the priest gets very busy at times. 

The next day, rising at the crack of dawn, you go out to your field, and select the choicest female lamb from your flock for the sacrifice. You do this gladly, full of joy to offer the very best to your God, in the very Tabernacle where His holy presence dwells. Taking the lamb in your arms, you set out as the sun peeks over the horizon, down the road leading to God’s presence. The road is quite dusty, as there hasn’t been much rain lately. For it comes mainly during the change of seasons. 

Getting closer, the outside walls gradually materialise from within the early morning haze. With a sigh of relief you see that the majestic cloud of God’s presence is stationary, billowing above the tent itself. You certainly didn’t want to have to pack up and shift, today of all days. From the instructions given to Moses when your father was with him in the desert, you know the exact dimensions - 100x50 cubits. (1 cubit approximately equals ½ metre or yard – 50x25 metres or yards)About a quarter the size of a football field, you automatically estimate. Yes, half the length by half the width seems pretty near. As you get closer, the construction of the walls comes more clearly into focus. No glasses to correct short or long sightedness in those days! You see that they are made of a strong linen material, just too tall to look over at 5 cubits high. (2½ metres or yards) Some kids are nearby who, kids being kids, peak underneath. They are quickly given the message, by one of the Levites on duty inside, to move away before getting into serious trouble. 

 The linen curtains (of salvation today), yellowing slightly now after years of battling the harsh desert elements, are hung 1 cubit above the ground, between posts, pegged back on stays, much like a modern tent. Some things never change! 

However, your eyes are strongly drawn to the curtains forming the doorway, just at this very moment being drawn back, ready for the day’s activities. For they are different to the rest of the wall. While made of the same linen material, they are intricately embroidered in purple, red and blue. You can still clearly remember the air of excitement and anticipation, sitting at your mother’s feet as a youngster, watching these glorious designs taking shape. For she and her friends diligently embroidered all the gateway curtains for the Tabernacle from designs supplied by that divinely inspired craftsman, Bezalel. As God had instructed, His chosen group of men, those who had a real passion for building the Tabernacle, closely supervised the ladies. Bless her heart! Great memories of those desert days. How sad that mum, dad and all the others died before we crossed the river into this fantastic, fertile land. I still miss them. A real lesson not to disobey God though! 

As the curtains are drawn back you see your friend Eliasaph, the Levite on gate duty that day. And naturally, you pass a few words with him. For when has a good Jew ever been short of a few words! Ahead of you, you see the awesome, imposing, sacrificial Brazen Alter, the central feature of the open courtyard. Not as big as you would think though, but it appears so powerful and strong, to make one question its 5x5x3 cubits measurements. (2½ metres or yards square x 1½ high) Amazing how efficiently the sacrifices burn though! And durable too! For it is only made of common acacia wood, covered on both sides with copper. Amazingly, well not really, because God knows, this combination forms the most effective fire resistant material around!

(To be continued)


May we hear what the Lord is saying to us.....

Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16) 

“You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt becomes tasteless, how can you make it salty again? It’s good for nothing, so it’s thrown out and trodden on. You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill can’t be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a bucket. No, it’s placed on a lamp-stand and it provides light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way you should let your light shine before everyone so they can see the good things you do and praise your heavenly Father.


Fulfillment of the Law (Matthew 5:17-20)

“Don’t think I came to abolish the law or the writings of the prophets. I didn’t come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. I assure you, until heaven and earth come to an end, not a single letter, not a single dot of the law will come to an end before everything is fulfilled. So whoever disregards the least important commandment, and teaches people to do so, will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices and teaches the commandments will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. I tell you, unless your righteousness is more than that of the religious teachers and the Pharisees, you can never enter the kingdom of heaven.


Murder (Matthew 5:21-6, Luke 12:58-9) 

“You’ve heard that the law said to the people of long ago: ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who commits murder will be condemned as guilty.’ But I tell you, anyone who is angry with his brother will be condemned as guilty. Whoever calls his brother an idiot has to answer to the council, and whoever insults people is liable to the fire of judgment.”

“If you’re at the altar making an offering, and remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering on the altar and go and make peace with him first, and afterwards come back and make your offering. While you’re on the way to court with your opponent, make sure you settle things quickly. Otherwise your opponent might hand you over to the judge, and the judge will hand you over to the court official, and you will be thrown into jail. I tell you the truth: you won’t get out of there until you’ve paid every last penny.

(Continues next week)


Download the complete 'Words of Jesus' here.



AN EYE 4 Africa -




This week I have been so busy, both with business and sickness, that I have no photos to share!

However, this is then a good time to share with you a little of our story since we have been in Kenya, in the hope it may inspire you to reach your full potential in Him. 

Kathy and I came here in July 2017 as God had shown me to do. Kathy came as a good wife but it has been far more of a challenge for her than me. However, she is now adjusting to life here, enjoying many things but of course, missing family and friends in New Zealand and Britain, where 2 of our 4 boys live. 

Earlier on, we were, particularly Kathy, able to make trips but since January last year, with Covid, have not been able to do. 

The hospital was supposed initially to have been an eye clinic, something for Kathy to do, as she is a skilled Eye Theatre Nurse, while I ministered. But the Lord has His own ideas! So we started, through circumstances, a general hospital, only in more recent times being able to add an eye clinic, as one of our growing number of services. We are now the Referral Hospital for our Bungoma County, with our clients extending through much of Western Kenya, a region with 5 million or more people. The population of New Zealand+!

We opened Kingdom Faith Based Hospital (..Your  will may be done on earth as well as in heaven), to add the practical to the kingdom spiritual teachings the Lord had given me over 30+ years. As in New Zealand, we have tried to live as well as share, the words I had been given.

In March 2018 we opened the first Out Patients Clinic and have extended since then, into not quite a full service hospital, but getting towards it. K & S and J were our major sponsors, along with many others whose contributions all helped.

After we had been opened for nearly a year, the Christion Blind Mission, New Zealand (CBMNZ) have come on board and helped us greatly. 

The key necessity for a hospital to thrive here in Kenya is being accredited to as a service provider for the government supported health insurance scheme NHIF. We have only received the provider status in June, having applied 3 years ago. But that's another story!

This has quadrupled our numbers of patients and they pay 3 times the amount an average cash patient can afford, so you can see what a huge difference it makes. We are meant to receive our first payment this week, which will help us greatly.

However it has been a really hard road to get this far, as we have had to rely on the generosity of donors to survive. Kathy I get an 'oldies' pension from the New Zealand Government, so most of that comes into the hospital as well. 

God has put us through the wringer over this time, but we have survived! And learned a lot of things! Wow, how God works! There is a cost of living a life of faith, but in the end you survive and thrive! Ask for today's bread! And develop a deeper relationship with Him to trust Him more.

While we have requirements to provide better services in the general hospital, eg. an Operating Theatre, X Ray and more, our first love is EYES. 

We, or rather I, have the vision to open up Eye Clinics throughout Kenya and into the countries around. A fully equipped Eye, Diabetes and Hypertension Clinic (For the 3 are associated) in rented premises costs USD40,000 or NZD50,000. This is only a fraction of the cost in the West, but things are cheaper here. 

There is a great need amongst the 20% of the population who need eye services, from allergies to glasses, to glaucoma, to cataract surgery. A sub clinic feeding into a larger one, is a quarter of that price. 

More optometrists and eye surgeons are being trained here, but the major issue now, is becoming one of facilities for them to work from. 

This is not a fund raising message, (although any offered would be gratefully received. LOL!), but just a little of our story of how the Lord works through obedient people, which to the best of our ability, we try to be. 

I am sure that there are many people reading this, in the West particularly, whom the Lord has given visions, but are too afraid to take the first step to fulfil them. 

If it is the Lord's vision He will help you and strengthen you to make it. No it wont necessarily be easy, as we and many others have experienced, but it is highly rewarding in the Lord. 

Not everyone is called to leave their home town or country, although there are many more asked than are going, but ask the Lord (not your pastor) directly, what He would desire of you. And go out and do it! He will not let you down if you do. Pastors and leaders, seek His direction for yourselves too, and don't just be locked into what you are doing. He may have something more, maybe something different, for you too. 

Age is no barrier. We came here to Kenya at 70. Poor health is not a barrier, for the Lord will give you something within your ability, and just may heal and strengthen you in the process. 

Above all, seek a deeper relationship with our Lord. Obey His instructions. Don't be a 30 or 60 fold Christian, although the Lord is happy with that. But seek to produce a 100 fold crop. For these are His kingdom people, for whom He is returning.

And don't forget, even if you have living a good Christian life, as so many do, the Lord wants more of you! To give yourself fully and completely to Him! It is never too late to start!



Without love we have and are nothing
 Let us begin…..


9 BOOKS are now available on Amazon (Kindle)!

All are available worldwide for electronic download on Amazon (Kindle) for $US0.99c . Unfortunately there has to be a charge in order to list.

Your support would be appreciated and they could well change your life!

They are all found at this link.....


Receive one of David's sayings in your mailbox each day to inspire, challenge or maybe, amuse. To register today, go down to the bottom of the page link below, click on the subscribe  link (or paste the address in an email yourself and send) Then it's done! If you have an Irish heritage, you will love the background coloring! 

Subscription and back issue link is.....


Join the many who have downloaded the 'The Words of Jesus'. I am sure you will be blessed by it, as I have been.

One key element here is the setting out in chronological order (as far as it is possible to do so) our Lord's words drawn from all the Gospels, and the elimination of repetition between Gospels.

You may be surprised by the different perspective this presentation gives you both in understanding of His life and ministry, and in achieving a closer relationship with Him.

Download the free PDF here.....


571. A 'servant leader' is beyond the world's comprehension. And many Christians too!

572. To serve is a privilege, to abuse the server, a sacrilege.

573. Show me a true servant and I will show you one whom God truly loves.

574. To abuse God's servant is to abuse God himself.

575. Maturity in God is learning that service is a privilege, not a burden.

576. The firepower of God's Army is 'service'.

577. Service is the invincible secret weapon of God's Army.

578. 'Service with a smile' means to 'go the extra mile.'

579. The world works by taking away, God by giving away.

580. To go down to go up is logical. Ask a bouncy ball!

581. To serve is a blessing, to lead a challenge. To be a servant leader, a challenging blessing!

582. A theologian thinks, a worshiper feels, a servant acts.
Please feel free to quote these quotes. Acknowledgment of David Tait as the author would be appreciated. There are now over 1300 David sayings for you to view at ...


Visit the Toon Fever website for more cartoon fun.....


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Occasionally God impresses something important on you that you never forget.

One of these occasions for me was a vivid dream. And I don't normally remember dreams! Or many other things, for that matter!

Not only did He give me the dream, but on a trip to Africa a short while later, God precisely confirmed my dream in the natural. A bit upside down - like servanthood really! 'First in the spiritual, then in the natural!'

And finally, as we conclude our seven weeks study of servanthood, we must look to the ultimate srevant of all - our Savior and role model, Jesus.


As Christians, if we can't laugh at ourselves, others will! A fun way to start your day. To register today, go down to the bottom of the page link below, click on the subscribe  link  (or paste the address in an email yourself and send) Then it's done!


    ***Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused*** 
                     *** Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others. ***    

101. Smiles From The Bible

Q. What kind of man was Boaz before he married?

A. Ruthless. 

Q. What do they call pastors in Germany?

A. German Shepherds. 

Q. Who was the greatest financier in the Bible?

A. Noah. He was floating his stock while everyone else was in liquidation. 

Q. What was the greatest female financier in the Bible?

A. Pharaoh's daughter. She went down to the bank of the Nile and drew out a little prophet. 

Q. What kind of motor vehicles are in the Bible?

A. Jehovah drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a Fury. David's Triumph was heard throughout the land. Honda, because the apostles were all in one Accord. 

Q. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?

A. Samson. He brought the house down. 

Q. What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden?

A. Your mother ate us out of house and home. 

Q. Which servant of God was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible?

A. Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once. 

Q. Which area of Palestine was especially wealthy?

A. The area around Jordan. The banks were always overflowing. 

Q. Who is the greatest baby sitter mentioned in the Bible?

A. David. He rocked Goliath to a very deep sleep. 

Q. Which Bible character had no parents?

A. Joshua, son of Nun. 


QWIK QWIP: “Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited until you try to get into their pews or their favourite church parking spot. 


102. I Baptise you?!

The young son of a Baptist minister was in church one morning when he saw for the first time baptism by immersion. He was greatly interested in it, and the next morning proceeded to baptise... you guessed it... his three cats in the bathtub. 

The youngest kitten bore it very well, and so did the younger cat, but the old family tomcat rebelled. 

The old feline struggled with the boy, clawed and tore his skin, and finally got away. With considerable effort the boy caught the old tom again and proceeded with the "ceremony." 

But the cat acted worse than ever, clawing and spitting, and scratching the boy's face. 

Finally, after barely getting the cat splattered with water, he dropped him on the floor in disgust and said: 

"Fine, be a Methodist if you want to!"


Download the book 'Laughing At Ourselves' in PDF format at LAUGHING AT OURSELVES One of the most comprehensive sources of Christian Humour on the Net with 800 sermon fillers for your entertainment and use at .....

Or read even more online at.....


Please read, and reread, the article and testimony NO PHOTOS THIS WEEK....BUT above. It may change your life.

His servant and yours

David Tait

Visit us here..... 


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WALKING WITH JESUS MINISTRIES is a non-profit, non-denominational, Bible based ministry located in Hastings, New Zealand. A ministry dedicated to developing discipleship, fostering unity amongst God's people to achieve the Great Commission, and in doing so, preparing for Christ's return. It is securely based upon the foundational principles of the Apostles Creed while recognising the wide and rich diversity of beliefs amongst Christians in other areas. In accordance with the Lord's direction, materials produced by the ministry are available, free of charge, to genuine enquirers upon request. The ministry is solely funded by donations, as the Lord provides. A list of materials available (plus some fun!) is obtainable and freely downloadable from our website or by contacting us as follows.

Walking With Jesus Ministries

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Our role is to bless and encourage those in ministry while promoting co-operation and unity of direction amongst the body of Christ, as emphasised 3 times by Jesus in His longest prayer, immediately prior to His arrest and crucifixion. "... so that they may be one as we are one." (John 17:12, 21, 23-4) Our website is currently being developed to encourage your participation one with another, to share resources, and to enable you to promote events and items of interest to the body as a whole - and have a smile while doing it!

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